VFix Epoxy is a solvent-free, thixotropic 2-component adhesive and repair mortar based on combination of epoxy resins and specially selected high strength fillers. Its pasty consistency allows an easy and versatile application.
Product name: VFix Epoxy
Ultimate pull-out load: 90 kN (ASTM C 900 - 01
Bonding strength: 4,9 Mpa (ASTM D 4541 - 02)
Compressive strength: 70,1 Mpa (ASTM C 109 - 02)
Mixing ratio: A : B = 2 : 1 parts by weight
- Anchoring Bolts In Concrete
- Fill cracks and joints
- Bonding cracks on bricks and tiles
- Can be used on concrete, steel, ceramics, iron, aluminum, wood, glass, polyester & epoxy
VFix Epoxy is an extremely practical product that offers many advantages to the user:
- Easy to apply
- Suitable application for both dry and damp surface
- Non sag product ,even at high temperature
- Shrinkage free hardening
- Excellent adhesion to concrete and many other materials
- High early strength
- Components of different colours (mixing control)
- High abrasion resistance
Surface preparation:
All surfaces must be clean, free from standing water and all loosely
adhering particles. Cement laitance should be removed, by mechanical means
Mix both components together for at least 3 minutes until a smooth consistency and an even grey colour of the mixture is obtained.
Cleaning: Clean all tools and equipment immediately after use
Colour: Grey (A: white, B: black)
Plastic jars. Combo 300g (A:200g B: 100g)
Storage conditions: Avoid the sun.
Shelf life: 12 months
C2K is a durable, water-based, clear, acrylic sealer designed to seal interior or exterior brick & masonry walls, giving them a slight satin sheen. This masonry sealer is formulated with a durable acrylic resin that reduces water penetration on exterior walls, and minimizes brick dust on interior walls making brick walls easier to clean and giving them an attractive satin sheen. It can be used on most types of above-grade, vertical, interior or exterior masonry surfaces including: brick, stone, stucco, adobe, and moderately dense substrates.
Do not add water into product
Step 1: Clean
If exterior surfaces are dirty, use pressure washer to clean. Allow the surface to completely dry before proceeding.
Step 2: Spray
- With a large surface area : Use low pressure sprayer
- With a small surface area: Use a brush and roller
Spray onto the wall or brick surface. Spray 2 coats. Each spray is 12-24 hours apart. Apply a second coat only when the first coat is dry
Step 3: Let Dry
Allow the surface to dry for 12 - 24 hours depending on ventilation of the wall
Product must be stored in original, unopened and undamaged sealed packaging in dry conditions
Clear Liquid
12 months from date of production
- 0,106Gal (400ML) Liquid: approximately application 2 m2 / layer
- 0,463Gal (1,75L) Liquid: approximately application 10,5 m2 / layer
- 1,27Gal (4,8L) Liquid: approximately application 28,8 m2 / layer
Cable Grout
Industry standard high performance grout for the grouting of cables in post-tensioned concrete, void and fissure grouting, etc.
A specially formulated Portland Cement shrinkage-compensated powder mix designed for the grouting of cables in post-tensioned concrete. The material readily mixes with water to produce a particularly fluid flowing grout which will penetrate and fill fine voids within and around the cables then harden without shrinking to give a high strength product.
Uses include grouting of cable ducts, voids and fine fissures, support of cable anchor plates and ground anchors. Also to provide bearing or contact between structural elements, for grouting behind shafts and tunnel linings, and for underpinning, loose floor and road slabs.
Once hardened and cured, high compressive strengths are achieved giving resistance to static and dynamic stresses. Cable Grout has a total chloride, sulphate and sulphide-ion content below that specified
Does not contain aluminum powder nor any components which generate hydrogen gas, cardon dioxide or oxygen.
Silica fume enhanced for low permeability.
Non-metallic; will not stain or rust. Non-corrosive; does not contain chlorides.
Zero bleed, even at high flow
Excellent for pumping: Does not segregate, even at high flow. No build-up on equipment hopper.
Superior freeze/thaw resistance.
Even with his great fluidity, it can disperse water (thixotropic)
- Genetic tubes must be cleaned with a high-pressure air compressor
- Check the vents and pressure test for gen tubes
- Repair leaks before grouting pumb
- Water : mortar powder = 1 : 3.4 parts by weight. (6.8 litres of water per barrel)
- With volume 15 liters: Use a colloidal solution mixer (to get the best results)
Add water and continuously mix for 5 minutes to achieve a uniform
Continue to maintain slowly mixing during grout pump
Important Note
Non mixing by hand
As a guide 1 barrel yields approximately 14 litres of mortar
Shelf Life: 9 months
Packaging: 25kg/barrel
Storage Conditions
- Store properly in dry conditions in undamaged and unopened original sealed packaging
Cleaning of tools
- Clean all tools and application equipment with water immediately after use. Hardened/cured material can only be mechanically removed
VCOLD is a rapid-setting structural repair mortar. It is designed primarily for the durable repair of concrete. Utilising all the latest technology this Portland cement-based and fibre-reinforced product is extremely strong and hard wearing. This makes it ideal for roads, runways, bridges, decks, floors and footpaths. Requiring only the addition of water, this single component mortar is rapid curing.
VCOLD quick set mortar is physically and chemically compatible with the host concrete. This means it is quick to exhibit a high adhesive and compressive strength.
Product name: VCOLD
Compressive strength
- 35 Mpa, in 6 hours
- 50 Mpa, in 1 day
- 80 Mpa, in 1 week
Application temperature
- In cold temperatures, tepid water may be used to adjust working life
- In 20-40 temperatures, cold water should be used to adjust working life
Mixing ratio:
- 25kgs powder: 3,7L water
- 5kgs powder: 0.7L water
Uses of VCOLD
VCOLD is used on floors that are subjected to heavy wear such as:
- Roads
- Runways
- Bridges
- Decks
- Floors
- Footpaths
The repair mortar can be used as supplied up to 100mm deep. It can also be bulked out with clean, washed, sharp sand to form a high performance screed or for floor or deck repairs up to maximum depth of 300mm.
One barrel 25kgs of VCOLD produces 13 litres
Applying VCOLD Rapid Set Repair Mortar:
VCOLD should only be installed by those experienced in structural waterproofing. Please follow manufacturerâ??s instructions for full details across the range of applications.
Preparation â?? Start by mechanically removing all damaged concrete back to a sound core. Ideally you want to expose the steel reinforcement to at least 25mm behind the bars and 50mm beyond the point at which corrosion is visible.
The perimeter of the repair area should be stepped to a depth of 10m using a saw, disc cutting or preferably a power chisel.
Make sure that all areas to be repaired are free from dust, oil, grease, corrosion by-products and all organic growth. Any smooth surfaces should be roughened with any surface laitance removed.
You should now thoroughly soak the prepared surface with clean water until uniformly saturated. Ensure there is no standing water.
Mechanically mix VCOLD using a forced action pan mixer or in barrel using a drill and paddle.
Normal applications = typically use 3,7 litres of clean water per 25kgs barrel
Normal applications = typically use 0.7 litres of clean water per 5kgs barrel
- In cold temperatures, tepid water may be used to adjust working life
- In 25-40 temperatures, cold water should be used to adjust working life
Important Note:
The product cannot be mixed using a normal concrete mixer. Pot life is about 10 minutes, depending on the temperature and humidity. For screeding applications or deep repairs consult technical sheets.
Hardener Liquid: is Dustproof, shiny, sodiium silicate-based water repellent liquid surface hardener designed for application to concrete and cement based floors. It penetrates deeply into the surface zone of the concrete and provides permanent hardness.
- Airplane hangars
- Electronic assembly plants
- Manufacturing plants
- Warehouses and distribution centers
- Shipping and receiving areas
- Maintenance facilities
- Commercial and industrial floors
- Where light-reflective flooring is desired
- Floors subject to heavy or frequent traffic
- Multi-purpose sporting facilities
Application steps
Preparation: Grinding of concrete floors by sandpaper grinder and take away all debris, cement powder on the floor surface and then clean it
Spray onto the concrete surface. Spray 2 coats. Each spray is 24-48 hours apart
Important Note
- If the paint becomes stagnant can appear white chalk phenomenon
- If the layer is too thick it will can not dry out
Storage Conditions
Product must be stored in original, unopened and undamaged sealed packaging in dry conditions
Shelf Life
12 months from date of production
- 3kg Liquid: approximately application 15 m2
- 7,8kg Liquid: approximately application 40 m2
- 30kg Liquid: approximately application 150 m2
Crack PU is a 2-component, 100% solids, moisture-tolerant, epoxy adhesive. It is a low-viscosity, high-strength adhesive formulated specifically for grouting both dry and damp cracks.
Where To Use
Use neat for gravity feed or pressure injection of cracks in structural concrete, masonry, wood, etc.
Seal interior slabs and exterior above grade slabs from water, chlorides and mild chemical attack and to improve wearability
- Tenacious crack-sealing grout.
- Convenient easy mix ratio A:B = 2:1 by volume.
- Advanced low-viscosity structural resin.
- Unique, high-strength adhesive for (canâ??t dry) cracks.
Crack PU is used to fill and seal cavities and cracks in structural components such as columns, beams, foundations, decks and waterretaining structures. It not only forms an effective barrier against water infiltration, but also bonds the concrete sections, together, thereby restoring original structural strengths.
Shelf life
Expiry date 18 months from the production date
Storage conditions
Dry, cool, shaded place
1) Combo A: 2kgs - B: 1kg
Component A is clear liquid: 2kgs/ plastic can
Component B is clear liquid: 1kg/plastic can
2) Combo A: 5kgs - B: 2,5kgs
Component A is clear liquid: 5kgs/ plastic can
Component B is clear liquid: 2,5kgs/plastic can
3) Combo A: 10kgs - B: 5kgs
Component A is clear liquid: 10kgs/ plastic can
Component B is clear liquid: 5kgs/plastic can
4) Combo A: 20kgs - B: 10kgs
Component A is clear liquid: 20kgs/ plastic can
Component B is clear liquid: 10kgs/plastic can
5) Combo A: 30kgs - B: 15kgs
Component A is clear liquid: 30kgs/ plastic can
Component B is clear liquid: 15kgs/plastic can
Repair 1 : is a one component cement based polymer modified high build repair and reprofiling mortar
- For repairing all types of structures
- Overhead and vertical repairs
- Hand applied repairs
- For exterior and interior use
- Just add water
- Can be used on horizontal and vertical surfaces
Surface Preparation:
- The surface must be clean, dry, smooth and solid.
- Particles hampering adhesion like dirt, oil and paint must be removed from the surface.
- Highly absorbent surfaces must be saturated with water before application. No water accumulation should be left on the surfaces.
Colour: Grey
Shelf Life:18 months from date of production if stored properly in original, unopened and undamaged sealed pack.
Storage Conditions: Store in dry conditions. Protect from moisture and direct sunlight.
Packaging: 25kg/barrel and 5kg/ barrel
VFLOOR2 are two component waterproof Self Leveling Mortar. Once cured, it provides a smooth, level surface on which to install a variety of floor coverings. Suitable for prepairing interior floors prior to laying parquet, vinyl sheet and tile, soft floor covering, natural stone, ceramic tiles, etcâ?¦
It can be used on a wide range of absorbent and non-absorbent floor surfaces including concrete, cement and sand screeds, terrazzo, asphalt, ceramic & quarry tiles.
Layer-thickness 2-10mm
Can be pumped
Product name: Self leveling concrete without primer VFLOOR2
Compressive strength: >35 Mpa, 28 days later
Flexural strength: >7 Mpa, 28 days later
Temperature: 5-30 degree
Mixing ratio: 20kgs powder + 5kgs Liquid
Feature & Benefits:
- Two component, just mix A+B
- Waterproofing
- Good adhesion to primed substrates
- Good flow, self smoothing
- Rapid setting and early strength
- Easy and quick to lay
Convenient easy mix ratio A:B = 4:1 by mass. Mix slowly and continuously to form a homogeneous mixture.
The mixed materials is immediately ready to use and should be used within 30-40 minutes after mixing.
Ready for foot traffic after approx. 24 hours.
Drying time:
Prevent draughts across the floor to avoid localized premature drying
At ambient temperature, VFLOOR2 will appear to be dry after approximately 24 hours, ready for foot traffic after approx. 24 hours.
Floor laying may commence after 48 hours.
At an application thickness of 2mm the coverage will be approx. 5kgs per 1m2
Shelf Life: 9 months.
Stop Leak is a liquid admixture when mixed with portland cement becomes an extremely rapid setting plastic material used to stop pressure leaks in concrete and masonry structures.
Stop Leak can be used to stop water leaks in dams, foundation walls, manholes, pipelines, underground structures, swimming pools, foundtains, tunnels, basement walls and floors.
Will stop water under pressure.
Sets within 60 to 90 seconds, generates minimal heat when setting
Becomes extremely plastic when combined with portland cement
Stop Leak liquid must be stored at temperatures above freezing.
1Kg Stop Leak : 2,8 kgs cement (2,2 pounds Stop Leak : 6,17 pounds cement)
Judgment must be used to mix Stop Leak in small quantities due tu the extremely rapid set. After the portland cement is added to the liquid Stop Leak, the mixed compound will set in approximately 60 seconds. This action allows the material to bond mechanically and chemically to saturated surfaces. A delay in setting, if required, can be attained by adding fine sand to the neat cement mixture or by reducing the amount of cement added to the liquid.
- Odorless, non-toxic, does not affect the health of users and the environment
- Should wear gloves and necessary protective equipment when using
- If splashed into eyes, use clean water or eye drops to wash several times
Storage conditions
Product must be stored in original unopened and undamaged sealed packging in dry conditions.
Colour: Clear liquid
Shelf life
12 months from the production date
- Stop Leak 0,5Kg (1,1Pounds)
- Stop Leak 2,5Kg (5,51Pounds)
- Stop Leak 6,5Kg (14,3Pounds)
Sprayed concrete is a fast hardening material for stabilization and support of structures and for concrete applications without using any moulds. Sprayed concrete is an interaction of man, machine and concrete. Man, personified in the work of the nozzleman, requires technical skills and dedication to the job. The operator must be able to rely fully on the machine and the sprayed concrete material. It is the interaction and quality of these components that finally determines the success of the sprayed concrete application Sprayed Concrete has many advantages
Application to any elevations because sprayed concrete adheres immediately and bears its own weight
Can be applied on uneven substrates
Good adhesion to the substrate
Totally flexible configuration of the layer thickness on site
Concreting without formwork
Reinforced sprayed concrete is also possible (mesh/fiber reinforcement)
Rapid load-bearing skin can be achieved without forms or long waiting times.
Sprayed Concrete Applications:
- Excavation stabilization in tunnneling and mining construction
- Slope and trenching stabilization
- Protective lining
- Concrete repair (concrete replacement and strengthening)
- Special lightweight load-bearing structures
- Restoration of historic buildings (stone structures)
- Sealing works
- Construction of swimming pools
User Notes:
The technical details and recommendations contained in this data sheet are given in good faith and represent the best of our knowledge and experience at time of priting. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the products are used in accordance with Sprayed Concrete Products instruction.
6 kgs Additives /100 kgs cement
Shelf Life:
Storage in dry conditions, raised above floor level and temperature range of between 5�ºC and 30�ºC. The usable shelf life shall be approximately 9 months.
Safety Data:
As with all chemical products, care should be taken during use and storage to avoid contact with eyes, mouth, skin and foodstuff
Packaging: 25kg/barrel
VFLOOR1 is a single component Cementitious Self Leveling Mortar. Once cured, it provides a smooth, level surface on which to install a variety of floor coverings.
Suitable for prepairing interior floors prior to laying parquet, vinyl sheet and tile, soft floor covering, natural stone, ceramic tiles, etcâ?¦
It can be used on a wide range of absorbent and non-absorbent floor surfaces including concrete, cement and sand screeds, terrazzo, asphalt, ceramic & quarry tiles.
Layer-thickness 2-10mm
Can be pumped
Standard primers give excellent bonding to the VFLOOR1 products
Product name VFLOOR1
Compressive strength >40 Mpa, 28 days later
Flexural strength >8 Mpa, 28 days later
Application temperature 5-30 degree
Mixing ratio 20kgs powder + 5.2kgs Liquid
Product name PRIMER
Mixing ratio 2kgs Primer + 2L water + 4kgs cement
Feature & Benefits:
- Single component, just mix with water
- Good adhesion to primed substrates
- Good flow, self smoothing
- Rapid setting and early strength
- Easy and quick to lay
Add clean water to suitable mixing bucket. Mix slowly and continuously to form a homogeneous mixture.
- VFLOOR1 20kgs barrel required approximately 5.2 litres of clean water
The mixed materials is immediately ready to use and should be used within 30-40 minutes after mixing.
Ready for foot traffic after approx. 3 hours.
Drying time:
Prevent draughts across the floor to avoid localized premature drying
At ambient temperature, VFLOOR1 will appear to be dry after approximately 24 hours.
Floor laying may commence after 48 hours.
- At an application thickness of 2mm the coverage will be approx. 5kgs per 1m2
Shelf Life: 9 months.
Fairing Coat Mortar: is one component, polymer modified, cementitous mortar based containing silica fume.
Product name: Fairing Coat Mortar
Compressive Strength: â?¥ 20 Mpa (1 day)
â?¥ 50 Mpa (28 days)
Mixing ratio:
- Approx. 5.5 L of clean water per 25 kgs barrel
- Approx. 1.1 L of clean water per 5 kgs barrel
Layer Thickness: Max. 5mm
Pot Life ~ 30 min. (at 27�ºC / 65% r.h)
Fairing Coat Motar: is used as repair mortar for minor surface defects on:
- Concrete
- Mortar
- Stone
Fairing Coat Mortar: is a cosmetic mortar designed to eliminate surface defects due to demoulding, pores or honeycombs, and is suitable forsmall repairs on:
- Precast concrete elements
- Fair-face concrete
- Columns and beams
- As levelling mortar and fairing coat or finishing skim coat to concrete, mortar patches and screeds.
- Ready to use requiring only the addition of water
- Excellent workability
- Rapid strength development
- Good mechanical strength
- Good adhesion to substrate
- No corrosive effect on reinforcement steel
- Non-toxic
Packaging: Barrel 5kgs and Barrel 25kgs
Colour: Powder / Grey
Shelf life: 9 months if stored properly in unopened, original packaging.
Storage conditions: Dry, cool, shaded place
Mixing ratio:
Water : (Fairing Coat Mortar) powder = 1:4.0 (parts by weight)
Approx. 5.5 L of clean water per 25kgs barrel.
Approx. 1.1 L of clean water per 5kgs barrel.
Layer Thickness:
Max. 5mm
Pot Life:
~ 30 min. (at 27�ºC / 65% r.h)
Fairing Coat Mortar: should be mechaically mixed in a clean container using a low-speed electric mixer (max. 500 rpm). A minimum mixing time of 3 minutes is recommended to throughly blends the components.
Fairing Coat Mortar: can be applied by spatula or trowel. Work the mixed mortar well into the substrate. Force material against the edge of the repair, working towards the center.
Curing treatment:
To achieve the full potential of any cement based material, curing is essential. In warm or windy weather, the use of standard curing methods are necessary (use of polyethylene sheets or damp hessian) to prevent premature drying out of mortar.
Cleaning of tools:
Remove non-hardened Products from tools and requipment with water. Hardened material can only be remove mechanically.
VGROUT6 is a non-shrink, pourable cementitious grouting mortar with extended working time to suit local ambient temperatures.
- Excellent flowability
- Good dimensional stability
- High strengths, adjustable consistency
Product name: VGROUT6
Compressive strength: M60 (N/mm2) / 60 Mpa / 8700 psi
Mixing ratio:
- 25kgs powder: 4,0L water
- 5kgs powder: 0,8L water
- Easy to mix and apply
- Flowable consistency (according to mix)
- Rapid strength development
- Non-corrosive
- Non-toxic
- Iron and chloride free
- Shrinkage-compensated
- Good pumping properties
- Where exceptional one day and ultimate compressive strengths are required.
- Applications requiring a pumpable grout.
- Non-shrink grouting of machinery and equipment, base plates sole plates, precast panels, beams, columns and curtain walls.
- Grouting of railing posts, foundations, windmills, compressors, etc.
- For grouting rebar, bolts, dowels and pins, etc
- Applications where a non-shrink grout is needed for maximum effective bearing area to transfer optimum load.
Color: Gray powder
Add clean water to suitable mixing bucket. Mix slowly and continuously to form a homogeneous mixture
- VGROUT6 25kg barrel required approximately 4.0 litres of clean water
- VGROUT6 5kg barrel required approximately 0.8 litres of clean water
The mixed materials is immediately ready to use and should be used within 30-60 minutes after mixing.
CPROTECT is a premixed metal silicat solution and is a ready to use surface curing compound. CPROTEC will create a microcrystalline film to fill the hole, prevents quick loss of water from the concrete, thereby helping the hydration of concrete to take place completely
Use for newly poured concrete construction such as:
- Foundation, Floors, workshop floor
- Concrete roads and bridges
- Airport and field concrete
- Concrete applications where there is plenty of air flow and evaporation and where there is less moisture
Technical information
- More effective than exhausting curing methods such as sack or canvas laying or water wetting
- Prevents shrinkage crack resulting from fast drying while concrete surface is cured
- Water base, safely used in closed environments
Application steps
- Spray onto the concrete surface to be treated. Spray 2 coats. Each spray is 20-30 minutes apart
Important note:
- For optimum system performance, CPROTEC spraying must be carried out as soon as the concrete begin to face
Storage conditions
Product must be stored in original, unopened and undamaged sealed packaging in dry conditions
Colour: Clear
Shelflife: 12 months from days of production
- 2kg Liquid approximately 4 m2 / for 2 layer
- 6kg Liquid approximately 12 m2 / for 2 layer
- 30kg Liquid approximately 60 m2 / for 2 layer
BOT is a one part, pre-blended, (coloured) mineral dry shake hardener for concrete comprising of cement, specially selected quartz mineral aggregates and admixtures
BOT is one of the most effective ways to protect the surface and extend the life of the floor
BOT may only be used by experienced professionals. BOT provides a hard wearing, mineral dry shake topping for monolithic floors. When sprinkled and trowelled into fresh wet concrete floors, it forms a wear resistant smooth surface. Typical uses are in warehouses, factories, shopping malls, public areas, where wear durable and wear resistant floor is the key requirement.
- Airplane hangars
- Electronic assembly plants
- Manufacturing plants
- Warehouses and distribution centers
- Shipping and receiving areas
- Maintenance facilities
- Commercial and industrial floors subject to deicing salts
- Where light-reflective flooring is desired
- Floors subject to heavy or frequent traffic
- Salt-storage facilities
- Multi-purpose sporting facilities
- Recreational facilities
- Moderate duty 7-9 kg/m2
- Heavy duty 9-12 kg/m2
- Concentrated traffic 12-15 kg/m2
- Extra heavy duty +15 kg/m2
- Prevents concrete damage due to abrasion, impact, punching, and scraping
- Decline cost of maintenance during the life span of the floor.
- Enhances the appearance of floor surface.
- It adds texture and slip resistance
- It is able to increase the value of an industrial building and improve building sale-ability
- Dry shake is an economical way to add color which is not fade with time
- It can help the floor to reflect more light, reducing lighting and energy requirements. Extended floor life
Packaging: 25kgs barrel
Colour: Grey and Green
Shelf Life: 9 months
VOG is one component, premixed, modified polymer cement based tile adhesive
used for bonding ceramic tile on the surfaces of wall, ground and floor. It is easily applied and can achieve an excellent adhesion.
Where to use:
- For wall surface: To bond ceramic tile (maximum is 60X60cm) on the concrete or cement sand rendering.
- For floor and ground: To bond ceramic tile or building stone.
- Stable performance, use directly after mix it with water;
- Good flexibility
- Nontoxic, non-radiant, no irritative odor;
Surface Preparation:
- The surface should be vertical, flat, smooth and free of dust, grease and other contaminants.
Add clean water to suitable mixing bucket. Mix slowly and continuously to form a homogeneous mixture
- VOG 25kg barrel required approximately 5 - 6,0 litres of clean water
- VOG 5kg barrel required approximately 1 - 1,2 litres of clean water
The mixed materials is immediately ready to use and should be used within 25-30 minutes after mixing.
Storage Conditions: Keep in cool and dry places
Packaging: 25kg/barrel and 5kg/ barrel
SHELF LIFE: 09 months
Rust Converter: is a supreme product that converts rust. Halts existing rust and prevents future corrosion with a durable protective barrier
- Structures
- Automobiles
- Machinery
- Tools
- Use it on a multitude of applications
Technical Information
- Non corrosion
- Does not affect the adhesion force between reinforcement and concrete
- Steel storage time after treatment with Rust Coverter:
+ 6 months for normal environment
+ 1 month for marine and industrial environment
- Drying time is 1-2 hours and completely dry after 24 hours
Application steps
- Steel surface before being treated should blow away dirt, dry and free from grease
- Spray onto the steel surface to be treated. Spray 2 coats. Each spray is 20-30 minutes apart
- Work in dry conditions. Avoid direct contact with water or rain when the product is not completely dry (Completely dry product after 24 hours)
Important Note
If the product is in direct contact with water or rain when the product is not completely dry then will create white salt on the surface of the steel bar. This salt does not affect the properties of steel, concrete. Conducting water spray to wash white stains on the surface of the steel bar and let it dry and then apply the next steps
Storage Conditions
Product must be stored in original, unopened and undamaged sealed packaging in dry conditions
Dark Green
Shelf Life
18 months from date of production
- Steel has not been rusty: 1 litre Liquid approximately 10-12m2
- Steel has been rusted: 1 litre Liquid approximately 6-10m2
- Rust Converter - 0,45kg(0,375L)0,099Gal
- Rust Converter - 3kg(1,875L)0,496Gal
- Rust Converter - 6kg(1,323Gal)5L
NUMBER 1 : is a unique chemical treatment for the waterproofing, protection and repair of concrete.
The barrel 5kgs is ideal for small projects.
NUMBER 1 : is the most chemically active product within the Crystalline Waterproofing System. When mixed with water, this light grey powder is applied as a cementitious slurry coat to above ground or below ground concrete, either as a single coat or as the first of a two-coat application. It is also mixed in Dry-Pac form for sealing strips at construction joints, or for the repairing of cracks, faulty construction joints, and honeycombs.
NUMBER 1 : prevents the penetration of water and other liquids from any direction by causing a catalytic reaction that produces a non-soluble crystalline formation within the pores and capillary tracts of the concrete and cement-based materials.
- Less costly to apply than most other methods
- Can be used on damp substrates
- Resists extreme hydrostatic pressure
- Becomes an integral part of the substrate
- Can seal hairline cracks up to 0.4mm
- Allows concrete to breathe
- Chloride-free
- Highly resistant to aggressive chemicals
- Non-toxic
- Does not require a dry surface
- Cannot puncture, tear or come apart at the seams
- No costly surface priming or leveling prior to application
- Does not require protection during backfilling or during placement of steel, wire mesh or other materials
- Not subject to deterioration
- Permanent
- Reservoirs
- Sewage and Water Treatment Plants
- Underground Vaults
- Secondary Containment Structures
- Foundations
- Tunnels and Subway Systems
- Swimming Pools
- Parking Structures and Roof Decks
Colour: Grey
Shelf Life: 09 months
Packaging: 25kg/barrel and 5kg/ barrel
VNSEAL 104 is a two component, flexible cementitious waterproofing membrane consisting of a synthetic resin mixed with a blend of selected cement and well-graded fillers.
When mixed, VNSEAL 104 becomes a smoooth slurry and is easily applied by brush, roller or suitable spraying equipment.
VNSEAL 104 can be applied onto damp substrates. The cured membrane is flexible, durable and weather resistant and has excellent adhesion to most building substrates. Its unique chemical structure provides a breathable membrane that is permeable to water vapour and yet impermeable to water. VNSEAL 104 is capable of bridging hairline cracks.
Typical Uses:
Waterproofing of Basement walls and lift pits Waterproofing of potable water tanks, waterproofing of reservoirs, culverts, storm drains, canal, water retaining and water excluding structures.
Waterproofing of kitchens and toilets
Waterproofing of balconies and planter boxes
Waterproofing of swimming pools and water features
Waterproofing to precast gable end walls
Waterproofing to RC flat roof (re-roofing-exposed and concealed applications) and gutters.
Waterproofing to external wall prior to installation of claddings.
Pre-packed Easy to mix and apply
Excellent waterproofing qualities able to withstand high hydrostatic pressure
Excellent adhesion to concrete, masonry, ceramics, natural and artificial
Flexible able to bridge hairline cracks up to 2mm Does not contain chloride or other corrosive salts which cause efflorescence Non toxic- suitable for use in waterproofing of potable water tanks
Able to withstand light foot tracfficking
â?¢ Can be applied onto damp substrates
â?¢ Weathering resistant
Mixing Instructions:
Pour Part A (liquid) into Part B (powder)container and mix with a slow speed mechanical mixer until homogenous and lump free. Allow the mix to stand for 5 minutes and re-stir manually before use.
For horizontal and vertical surfaces, a roller, brush or spray gun, may be used to apply the slurry. Care must be taken to ensure that air is not entrapped in the membrane
Apply the first coat of VNSEAL 104 and allow it to dry. At the same time, ensure that all joints and corners are properly coated, preferable with a brush. Allow membrane to dry for approximately 2 hours before application of the second coat
VNSEAL 104 the professionals choice of quality products and system for building construction
Shelf life
Expiry date 12 months from the production date
Storage conditions
Dry, cool, shaded place
1) Combo A: 4kg - B: 3kg
Component A is Grey powder: 4kg/barrel
component B is milky white liquid: 3kg/plastic can
2) Combo A: 10kg - B: 7,5kg
Component A is Grey powder: 10kg/barrel
component B is milky white liquid: 7,5kg/plastic can
3) Combo A: 20kg - B: 15kg
Component A is Grey powder: 20kg/barrel
component B is milky white liquid: 15kg/plastic can
VNSEAL 104W is a two component, white colour, flexible cementitious waterproofing membrane consisting of a synthetic resin mixed with a blend of selected cement and well-graded fillers.
When mixed, VNSEAL 104W becomes a smoooth slurry and is easily applied by brush, roller or suitable spraying equipment.
VNSEAL 104W can be applied onto damp substrates. The cured membrane is flexible, durable and weather resistant and has excellent adhesion to most building substrates. Its unique chemical structure provides a breathable membrane that is permeable to water vapour and yet impermeable to water. VNSEAL 104W is capable of bridging hairline cracks.
Typical Uses:
Waterproofing of Basement walls and lift pits
Waterproofing of potable water tanks, waterproofing of reservoirs, culverts, storm drains, canal, water retaining and water excluding structures.
Waterproofing of kitchens and toilets
Waterproofing of balconies and planter boxes
Waterproofing of swimming pools and water features
Waterproofing to precast gable end walls
Waterproofing to RC flat roof (re-roofing-exposed and concealed applications) and gutters.
Waterproofing to external wall prior to installation of claddings.
Pre-packed Easy to mix and apply
Excellent waterproofing qualities â?? able to withstand high hydrostatic pressure
Excellent adhesion to concrete, masonry, ceramics, natural and artificial
Flexible able to bridge hairline cracks up to 2mm
Does not contain chloride or other corrosive salts which cause efflorescence
Non toxic- suitable for use in waterproofing of potable water tanks
Able to withstand light foot tracfficking
Can be applied onto damp substrates
Weathering resistant
Mixing Instructions:
Pour Part A (liquid) into Part B (White powder)container and mix with a slow speed mechanical mixer until homogenous and lump free. Allow the mix to stand for 5 minutes and re-stir manually before use.
For horizontal and vertical surfaces, a roller, brush or spray gun, may be used to apply the slurry. Care must be taken to ensure that air is not entrapped in the membrane
Apply the first coat of VNSEAL 104W and allow it to dry. At the same time, ensure that all joints and corners are properly coated, preferable with a brush. Allow membrane to dry for approximately 2 hours before application of the second coat
VNSEAL 104W the professionals choice of quality products and system for building construction
Shelf life
Expiry date 12 months from the production date
Storage conditions
Dry, cool, shaded place
1) Combo A: 4kg - B: 2kg
Component A is White powder: 4kg/barrel
Component B is milky white liquid: 2kg/plastic can
2) Combo A: 10kg - B: 5kg
Component A is White powder: 10kg/barrel
Component B is milky white liquid: 5kg/plastic can
3) Combo A: 20kg - B: 10kg
Component A is White powder: 20kg/barrel
Component B is milky white liquid: 10kg/plastic can
VN SEAL 109 is a liquid applied, crack bridging 2 pack acrylic polymer modified cementitious waterproofing coating system with moderate to high degree of elasticity depending on system buildup
- Crack-bridging & Elastic
- Good Impermeability against water ingress
- Highly water resistant, arrest salt petre and prevent carbonation
- Extremely good bonding with high abrasion resistance
- Simple application and fast curing
- It has excellent adhesion to concrete, brickwork and corrugated asbestos cement sheets
- Used as a seamless, impervious coating on flat roof for both exposed and concealed waterproof coating system
- Basements
- Water retaining structures
- Underground concrete structures, pits, basins, sumps etc.
- Used as waterproofing coating on concrete, screed, mortar, brick tiles, cement tiles, plaster or porous stone substrates
1) Part (A+B) : 28 kg ready to mix units x 2 sets
Part A is grey power: 20kg/Barrel
Part B is white milky liquid: 8kg/Barrel
2) Part (A+B) : 14 kg ready to mix units x 2 sets
Part A is grey power: 10kg/Barrel
Part B is white milky liquid: 4kg/Barrel
Shelf life
12 months from the production date
Storage conditions
Keep in cool and dry places