Your go4WorldBusiness Trust Score.
The go4WorldBusiness Trust Score is a number that represents how trustworthy you are to your potential counter-parties. The higher your trust score, the higher your chances of gaining business on go4WorldBusiness. Best of all, you have the ability to increase your trust score by following simple things such as verifying your account, setting up a descriptive and complete profile and product catalog, having other users with whom you have done business rate you among other things.
Your Trust Score is the combination of the direct feedback (and ratings) you receive from your buyers and the points that you gain as your profile ages with us. Very few profiles have perfect 5.0 scores. So don't despair if your Trust Score is still low, as it will surely go up if you have a complete, detailed profile with us with zero complaints from other users. Learn more about the factors that impact your Trust Score below.
Your Trust Score provides other users the strongest signal about your trustworthiness as a business. Your score could make or break your chances of receiving inquiries from buyers on go4WorldBusiness. Your score also ranks you relative to your peers and users with high Trust Score rank higher in search results and have a higher chance of gaining business.