Purple rice is when black rice (otherwise known as prohibited rice) is cooked with white rice, which then brings about a purple variety generally and is consequently called purple rice by quite a few people. It is really not an immediate interpretation but rather something that has just gotten on with individuals.
Black rice was so uncommon in old societies yet pursued its medical advantages that it was really called illegal rice since it was just accessible for the head to guarantee his wellbeing and life span and was prohibited for every other person.
Purple rice is some of the time used to allude to black rice; however, generally, it explicitly alludes to white black rice.
Purple rice is good for you and is absolutely better compared to simply having white rice. The black rice that you see might appear to be dark; however, as a matter of fact, it's an exceptionally most unfathomable purple.
What's more, this purple variety comes from the exceptionally strong cancer prevention agent anthocyanin, which is similar to cell reinforcement answerable for the shade of blueberries, acai berries, eggplant, purple potatoes, harmony grapes, etc.
Black or purple rice has a low GI (Glycemic Index) of 42.3, contains 3 fold the amount of fiber as white rice and is loaded with 8 fundamental nutrients and supplements like zinc and riboflavin. (Michelin guide). FYI, white rice has a GI of 73, and
earthy-colored rice has 68
Black rice, also known as purple rice, is a range of rice types of the species , some of which are glutinous rice. High in antioxidants and full of nutrition ans can be used for multiple purposes medicinal , health , lifestyle & industrial or commercial.
Black rice is also known as the emperors rice. The presence of anthocyanin pigment on the outermost layer of the rice kernel gives its attractive black color. Due to this anthocyanin Black rice is a natural antioxidant also rich with iron and vitamin E, Black rice has promising health benefits. The black grains fluff to an eye catching shiny, dark indigo when cooked. It has a sweet flavor and slightly sticky cooked texture.
Jaya rice is one of the popularly used rice varieties in Kerala. Largely cultivated in Karnataka, Andhra & Kerala, its unique flavour, color, size and crispness makes it an ideal companion for all traditional Kerala dishes.
Product Description :
This rice is healthy and nutritious.
Key Specifications/Special Features :
Sona Masuri Steam Rice
Variety: Medium Grain Rice
Cultivation Type Common
Broken Ratio (%)
Max. Moisture (%)
Admixture (%)
Certifications: ISO 22000:2005, NPPO, US APHIS & AQSIA CHINA
Place of Origin: South India
Port Of Loading Mangalore Port
Payment Term T/T
Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details :
Packaging as per buyers requirement
Product Description :
Capitalizing on our sophisticated rice mill and a team of experts, we are able to keep up with the ever-growing demands of Sona Masuri Parboiled Rice all year round. We are rice mill owners located in Karnataka state near tungabhadra river in southern part of India, where Sona masuri is exclusively grown. We make available a fine quality and pure variety of Sona Masuri Parboiled Rice which is widely acclaimed for their great taste, pleasant aroma, and finely textured grains. It has an excellent source of protein and high in nutrients. It is finely processed using state of art, Satake rice milling machinery with sortex. It is free of all artificial colors and harmful adulterants. Our rice is 100% healthy, delicious taste & fine texture.
Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) :
On Request
Product origin :
Key Specifications/Special Features :
Sona Masuri Par Boiled Rice
Variety: Medium Grain Rice
Cultivation Type Common
Broken Ratio (%)
Max. Moisture (%)
Admixture (%)
Certifications: ISO 22000:2005, NPPO, US APHIS & AQSIA CHINA
Place of Origin: South India
Port Of Loading Mangalore Port
Payment Term T/T
Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details :
MOQ - Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit
Product Description :
The Sona Masuri Idli Rawa made from Sona Masuri which is a variety of Indian white rice. It Is a Medium-Grain; Sweet-Smelling Rice which is minor and low in starch. We are a unique name in the industry to provide our prestigious clients an exclusive range of Sona Masuri Idli Rawa.
Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) :
On Request
Key Specifications/Special Features :
Sona Masuri Idli Rawa Rice
Variety: Medium Grain Rice
Cultivation Type Common
Broken Ratio (%)
Max. Moisture (%)
Admixture (%)
Certifications: ISO 22000:2005, NPPO, US APHIS & AQSIA CHINA
Place of Origin: South India
Port Of Loading Mangalore Port
Payment Term T/T
Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details :
MOQ - Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit
Product Description :
Our Company has gained name and fame in presenting Rice Husk Ash. Backed by our adroit team of professionals, we are proficient to provide our clients with best quality of Rice Husk Ash.
Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) :
On Request
Product origin :
Key Specifications/Special Features :
Certifications: ISO 22000:2005, NPPO
Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details :
MOQ - Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit
Super Kernel Rice Pakistan Kernel Basmati Rice Pakistan (Steamed Super Kernel Basmati Rice Exporters Pakistan)
Our Steamed rice quality is unparalleled. The moisture of the rice is reduced to make it aged through most advanced steaming procedure. LRM reduces the wait which its customers had to do for the rice to get aged. Our steamed Rice gives you the taste and aroma equivalent to the naturally aged rice ( 1-2 years). We are the best suppliers of Super Kernel Rice in Pakistan . Contact us for Kernel Basmati Rice in Pakistan
Specification Of Steamed Super Kernel Basmati Rice.
Quality Of Steamed Super Kernel Basmati Rice
Polish Double Polished (Silky)
Milling Grade Color Sortexed
Broken Max 2.0 %
Other Varieties Max 7.0 %
Damaged, Shriveled & Yellow Max 0.75% â?? 1.5 %
Chalky Grains 3.0 %
Foreign Grains Max 0.2 %
Paddy Grains Max 0.2 %
Under Milled & Red Striped Max 2.0 %
Moisture Content Max 13.0 %
Average Grain Length Max 7.20 mm
Foreign Matter Max 0.1 %
Storage: Store in a cool dry place protected from light
Shelf Life: 3 years when it opened from its original sealed packing.
Packing: 1Kg - 50Kgs Cotton/Jute/PP Bags
Kullakkar rice is a traditional rice variety, grown primarily in India. It is one of the red rice varieties grown in India. Its growing duration is short, and can therefore be grown throughout the year in all 3 seasons. It possesses antioxidant properties and has higher zinc and iron content than regular white rice. Kullakkar rice contains carbohydrates and antioxidation properties that has several health benefits.
Packaging Size: 1- 25 kg
Packaging Type: Plastic Bag, Stand-up Pouches, Jute bags
Variety Available: Long-Grain rice
Brand: Yureka Foods and Private labels as per customer requirement
Delivery Time: Within India, 4-7 Days from the date of order, for other countries10-20 days depending on the location.
Mappillai samba rice is one of the most popular rice varieties in Tamilnadu, India. The rice is red in color which is rich in iron and zinc content and can help for the production of hemoglobin and myoglobin. It is also called bridegroom rice, where a bridegroom (mappillai in Tamil) is asked to lift a heavy round rock just to express his physical power.
It has high in fiber which can helps for easy
It can help to increase hemoglobin content in our body
This rice can strengthen our kidneys
It can help to lowering cholesterol level in our body
Mappillai samba contains 49 grams of carbohydrates and 10% proteins
Packaging Size: �½ kg, 1kg, 5kg, 10kg, 25kg
Packaging Type: Plastic Bag, Stand-up Pouches, Jute bags
Cuisine: Indian
Specialty: Organic
Variety Available: Long-Grain rice
Brand: Yureka Foods and Private labels as per customer requirement
Country of Origin: India