Sans Pareil Saffron, "Just as nature intended", is 100% Pure, All Red Afghani Saffron - Quality is an attribute that we take serious and value as a company, therefore our saffron is sourced directly from out partners on the ground in Herat, Afghanistan. With their favorable growing conditions and traditional farming methods, Afghani Saffron has been certified by the ITQI (International Taste & Quality Institute) as one of the world's best saffron.
ISO Certification - Sans Pareil Saffron carries with it an ISO Certification that certifies its Grade A quality.
Afghan Saffron is one of the most prized spices in the world. It comes from the interior of the amethyst-colored saffron crocus and must be hand-harvested due to its fragility. The flowers are taken from the fields in the early morning, as soon as they open and then transported to a facility where the three stigmas (attached to the crocus by yellow filaments called styles) are hand-separated from the blossoms. Once the Saffron has been harvested, it is then carefully packaged with the highest of international quality standards and shipped to our facility located in Richmond, Virginia, United States.