Tempered coconut oil for high heat cooking ( 230 Deg C). Suitable for cooking and baking. Extracted from organic dried coconut kernel
Low-GI, coconut sap that is slowly heated and thickened into a naturally sweet, healthy sweetener. Great for beverages, cooking and toppings.
Low-GI, coconut sap that is slowly heated and thickened into a naturally sweet, healthy sweetener. Great for beverages, cooking and toppings.
Low-GI, Caryota urens sap ( Fish-tail Palm) that is slowly heated and thickened into a unique flavoured naturally sweet, healthy sweetener. Great for beverages, cooking and toppings. Seasonal product . Harvested only from wild fish-tail palms growing naturally in the rainforests of Sri Lanka. NOT from commercial plantations.
Low-GI, Caryota urens sap ( Fish-tail Palm) that is slowly heated and thickened into a unique flavoured naturally sweet, healthy sweetener. Great for beverages, cooking and toppings. Seasonal product . Harvested only from wild fish-tail palms growing naturally in the rainforests of Sri Lanka. NOT from commercial plantations.
Cold-pressed, Raw, extracted from certified organic pure Ceylon coconuts. 51% Lauric acid
Creamy coconut butter ground from freshly dried coconut .Raw, single ingredients, no hydrogenation or chemicals High in dietary fiber
2 Organic ingredients, caramelized ground coconut lightly laced with coconut nectar to make a vegan, Kaaya-like spread.
2 Organic ingredients, caramelized ground coconut lightly laced with coconut nectar to make a vegan, Kaaya-like spread.
Spray-dried organic coconut milk powder.
Spray-dried organic coconut milk powder.
Spray-dried Organic virgin coconut oil powder, suitable for smoothies and hot drinks
Spray-dried Organic virgin coconut oil powder, suitable for smoothies and hot drinks
Toasted and ground organic coconut meat. A great nut-free alternative to peanut butter.
Steam deodorised coconut oil from certified organic coconuts. Subtle, neutral flavor great way to use coconut oil where coconut aroma is not needed. No hydrogenation, No transfats or No chemicals .
2 Organic ingredients, woodapple and coconut nectar. Ground together to make a spread that can be used for sweet or savoury applications. Rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber.
Fresh coconut milk/ cream extracted from freshly grated organic coconuts. Aromatic and fresh.
Gluten-free coconut flour, finely ground from defatted coconut meal. Rich in dietary fiber.
Low-GI naturally harvested coconut sap is dried into a mineral and vitamin-rich natural sugar.
Steam-dried organic grated coconut meat. Intact with coconut milk. Fresh and crunchy.