Supplier: Agrochemicals like herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, plant growth regulators, fertilizers like NPK-TE
Services: Manufacture and exporter
Common Name: Metalaxyl-M CAS No.: 70630-17-0 Molecular Formula: C15H21NO4 Activity: Fungicide Ingredient: 92% TC Formulation: 35% FS, 25% WP Application: Metalaxyl-M is a systemic apoplastically transported fungicide, which is highly active against fungi of the order Peronosporales. Issues of developing resistance of Phytophthora erythrosceptica in potatoes in the US have been reported (BCPC, 2000). Areas include the NE and Idaho. The product performed well as an in-furrow treatment to control seedling diseases in cotton in the US. Crop Uses: Alfalfa, beans, beets, carrots, citrus, cotton, grapes, grass, lucerne, maize, ornamentals, peas, peppers, potatoes, sorghum, soybeans, strawberries, sunflower, sweetcorn, tobacco, tomatoes, turf, vegetables.
Common Name: Thiophanate-methyl CAS No.: 23564-05-8 Molecular Formula: C12H14N4O4S2 Activity: Fungicide Ingredient: 95% TC Formulation: 70% WP/WDG, Application: Systemic fungicide with protective and curative action. Absorbed by the leaves and roots. Used at 30-50 g/ha and effective against a wide range of fungal pathogens including: eyespot and other diseases of cereals; scab on apples and pears; Monilia disease and bitter rot on apples; Monilia spp. on stone fruit; canker on fruit trees; powdery mildews on pome fruit, stone fruit, vegetables, cucurbits, strawberries, vines, roses, etc.; Botrytis and Sclerotinia spp. on various crops; leaf spot diseases on beet, oilseed rape, celery, celeriac, etc.; club root on brassicas; dollar spot, Corticium, and Fusarium spp. on turf; grey mould in vines; blast in rice; sigatoka disease in bananas; and many diseases in floriculture. Also used on almonds, pecans, tea, coffee, peanuts, soya beans, chestnuts, sugar cane, citrus fruit, figs, hops, mulberries, and many other crops.
Common Name: Azoxystrobin CAS No.: 131860-33-8 Molecular Formula: C22H17N3O5 Activity: Fungicide Ingredient: 96% TC Formulation: 25% SC, 50% WDG, Application: Fungicide with protectant, curative, eradicant, translaminar and systemic properties. Inhibits spore germination and mycelial growth, and also shows antisporulant activity. Controls the following pathogens at application rates between 100 to 375 g/ha: Erysiphe graminis, Puccinia spp., Leptosphaeria nodorum, Septoria tritici and Pyrenophora teres on temperate cereals; Pyricularia oryzaeand Rhizoctonia solani on rice; Plasmopara viticola and Uncinula necator on vines; Sphaerotheca fuliginea and Pseudoperonospora cubensis on cucurbitaceae; Phytophthora infestans and Alternaria solani on potato and tomato; Mycosphaerella arachidis, Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotium rolfsii on peanut; Monilinia spp. andCladosporium carpophilum on peach; Pythium spp. and Rhizoctonia solani on turf; Mycosphaerella spp. on banana; Cladosporium caryigenum on pecan; Elsino fawcettii, Colletotrichum spp. and Guignardia citricarpa on citrus; Colletotrichum spp. and Hemileia vastatrix on coffee.
Common Name: Carbendazim CAS No.: 10605-21-7 Molecular Formula: C9H9N3O2 Activity: Fungicide Ingredient: 98% TC Formulation: 50% SC/WP, Application: Systemic fungicide with protective and curative action. Absorbed through the roots and green tissues, with translocation acropetally. Acts by inhibiting development of the germ tubes, the formation of appressoria, and the growth of mycelia. Control of Septoria, Fusarium, Erysiphe and Pseudocercosporella in cereals; Sclerotinia, Alternaria and Cylindrosporium in oilseed rape; Cercosporaand Erysiphe in sugar beet; Uncinula and Botrytis in grapes; Cladosporium and Botrytis in tomatoes; Venturia and Podosphaera in pome fruit and Monilia and Sclerotinia in stone fruit. Application rates vary from 120-600 g/ha, depending on crop. A seed treatment (0.6-0.8 g/kg) will control Tilletia, Ustilago, Fusarium and Septoria in cereals, and Rhizoctonia in cotton. Also shows activity against storage diseases of fruit as a dip (0.3-0.5 g/l)
Common Name: Copper Oxychloride CAS No.: 1332-40-7 Molecular Formula: C15H21NO4 Activity: Fungicide Ingredient: 98% TC Formulation: 30% SC, 50%, 70%, 77% WP Application: Foliar fungicide with preventative action. Deposits must be on the crop before fungal spores begin to germinate. Control of late blight of potatoes, tomatoes and other vegetables; leaf spot diseases of beet, celery, celeriac, parsley, olives, currants, and gooseberries; downy mildews of vines, hops, spinach, and ornamentals; canker and scab of pome fruit and stone fruit; scab, canker, and melanose of citrus fruit; asparagus rust; peach leaf curl; shot-hole of stone fruit; cane diseases of raspberries and blackberries; leaf spot and leaf scorch of strawberries; anthracnose and blister blight of tea; leaf spot and downy mildew of cucumbers and melons; bacterial diseases of lettuce; etc.
Common Name: Difenoconazole CAS No.: 119446-68-3 Molecular Formula: C19H17CL2N3O3 Activity: Fungicide Ingredient: 95% Formulation: 25% EC, 25% SC Application: Systemic fungicide with a novel broad-range activity protecting the yield and crop quality by foliar applicationor seed treatment. Provides long-lasting preventive and curative activity in grapes, pome fruit, stone fruit, potatoes, sugar beet, oilseed rape, bananas, cereals, rice, soya beans, ornamentals and various vegetable and crops. General Product Information
Common Name: Mancozeb CAS No.: 8018-01-7 Molecular Formula: C4H6MnN2S4 Activity: Fungicide Ingredient: 85% TC Formulation: 80% WP Application: Fungicide with protective action. Control of many fungal diseases in a wide range of field crops, fruit, nuts, vegetables, ornamentals, etc. More frequent uses include control of early and late blights (Phytophthora infestans and Alternaria solani) of potatoes and tomatoes; downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) and black rot (Guignardia bidwellii) of vines; downy mildew (Pseudoperonospora cubensis) of cucurbits; scab (Venturia inaequalis) of apple; sigatoka (Mycosphaerella spp.) of banana and melanose (Diaporthe citri) of citrus.
Common Name: Emamectin benzoate CAS No. 145701-21-9 Molecular Formula: C49H75NO13.C7H6O2 Activity: Insecticide Ingredient: 90% TC Formulation: 1.9% EC, 5% WDG / WSG, Application: Non-systemic insecticide which penetrates leaf tissues by translaminar movement. Paralyses the Lepidoptera, which stops feeding within hours of ingestion, and die 24 dat. It is used to control Lepidoptera on vegetables, brassicas, fruit, maize, tea, grapes and cotton, at up to 16 g/ha, and in pine trees, at 525 g/ha.