It works by penetrating deep into your skin, toning all the cellular layers, not just those on the surface. This combination of herbs creates one of nature’s most wonderful gifts. It is recommended for night use.
Benefits: Prolonged use of this cream nourishes and protects dry skin from wrinkles, helps keep a clean and clear complexion, prevents signs of ageing and reduces dark circles, marks and other blemishes, all leading to a soft and shining skin.
Application: Wash face with cold water and then apply this lepa softly in circular motion with finger tips on the face and leave it applied for whole night.
Til Oil (Sisamum indicum) Til Oil molecules absorb quickly through the skin, into the tissue to stop inflammatory processes, make skin look and feel youthful, soft and resilient.
Bees Wax(Cera alba) provides a protective layer on skin.
Keshar(Corcus sativus), Dhak(Buteaf rondoza), Priyangu(Prunnus mabeleb) & Haldi(Curcuma longa) makes complexion clear, glowing and shining.
Sarson(Brassica campestris), Haldi(Curcuma longa) and Golochan(Bastarow) are used for removing marks and signs.
Lodh(Symplocaceae), Nagkeshar(Ocropus mesuogerra), Mulathi(Glycy-mhiza glabra) & Rose(Rosa centifolia) they all prevent age sings.
Pilageru(Bole rubra), Tejpatra(Cuinamodmam tamala), Haldi(Curcuma longa) are antiseptic and anti-bacterial.
Padmak(Prunnus padam), Lakh(Coccuslaeca), Manjieth(Rubia cordifolia), and Badh(Ficus indicus) helps in curing skin diseases.
Khas(Andropogan muricatum),. Kamal(Nelumbium speciosum) & Rose(Rosa centifolia) are cooling agents.
Patang(Coesalpinia sappan) maintains & regulates the temperature of skin
Size of the products: - 50gm
Price of products: - In $US 1.26
Product origin: - Madhya Pradesh, India.
Benefits: Prolonged use of this cream nourishes and protects your skin from harsh environment & pollution & hence leading to a soft and shining skin.
Application: Apply when ever required like any other cream.
Til Oil (Sisamum indicum) Til Oil molecules absorb quickly through the skin, into the tissue to stop inflammatory processes, make skin look and feel youthful, soft and resilient.
Bees Wax (Cera alba) provides a protective layer on skin.
Rose(Rosa centifolia) prevents age sing & a cooling agent.
Kewda(Pandanus odoratissimus) Helps to soften skin tissue, create a protective layer on skin, act as a preservative
Size of the products: - 50gm
Price of products: - In $US 1.26
Product origin: - Madhya Pradesh, India.
Mrittika lepa
Anti-bacterial, anti-wrinkle, anti-septic by nature, absorbs all harmful germs, bacteria present on skin, thus curing pimples.
Effective for dark circles, shadow patches, pigmentation etc.
Provides a soothing and cooling effect.
Black mud base makes it wonderful product as it is highly recommended even by ayurveda. Ayurveda claims it to the best amongst all kinds of mud.
Contents of the product quercus infectoria 1.666 curcumazerumbat 0.833 symplocaceae 0.833 coriandrum sativum 0.833 azadirachta indica 0.833 ricinus communis 0.833 cyprusrotondoys 1.66 ficus religiosa 1.66 acacia nilotica 0.833 mel 4.165 mentha piperita 0.04 camphora 0.833 lemonum acidum 0.20 hydrasis hydrasis silicate of aluminium q.S 100 gms
Type of the product : face pack
Use of the product : complete skin treatment for pimples, wrinkles, black heads & shadow patches.
Colour of the product: natural
Fragrance of product added
100 gms each shrink wrapped.96 bottles make one master carton.One master carton weighs 11.10ggs
Kesh nikhar soap is our Flagship Product since 1935.
Kesh Nikhar Hair Wash soap is blue-black in colour. It contains coconut oil and other essential oils that helps in the eradication of dandruff and checks early hair fall.
KESH NIKHAR SOAP Is made by cold press technology which ensures that the vitamins A & B present in natural oils are not lost during the process of heating.
The unique formula lathers well and thereby gently cleaning and conditioning the hair.
Kesh nikhar herbal shampoo contains herbs such as reetha, shikakai and amla. The concentrated rich lathering formula leaves hair unusually lustrous and healthy. Natural herbal extracts clean the scalp retaining its natural oils.
It is also helpful incase of dandruff, falling and graying of hair etc. It is an excellent mixture of nourishing, cleansing and foaming agents which stimulates the scalp, strengthens the hair roots and prevents thinning of hair.
NOTE: Available In Four Pack Sizes (1000ml,500ml,200ml & 100ml).
Kesh Nikhar Coconut Hair Oil provides natural nourishment to your hair, giving it body & radiance while taking care of the critical balance of nutrients. Unlike ordinary coconut oil, Kesh Nikhar coconut oil is enriched with the goodness of 8 time-tested herbs. They work magic on your hair, giving your hair & scalp complete nourishment for that problem free, healthy crowning glory.
The new improved formulation of Kesh Nikhar Coconut Hair Oil is proven to be better than ordinary coconut oil in 4 ways:
It makes hair Stronger
Hair become Thicker
It makes hair Shinier
Better Dandruff Control
This is an innovative and wonderful product for all skin types and can be used in different combinations for different kind of skins. With its special qualities of softness and smoothness it helps to strengthen the tissues and provides a strong action to counter Vata and Pitta imbalances. Devica Fortified Mud Pack contains a wonderful mix of anti-wrinkle, antiseptic, cleansing, and cooling agents, which, when combined, produce one of the most complete skin care products available.
Benefits: Black mud has high therapeutic value and is beneficial in conditions such as dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis. This also helps in conditions such as loose and flabby skin, wrinkles, discolouration of skin, pimples, blackheads, shadow patches and sunburn.
Application: Skins with red pimples can use Sanakarit Mrittika Lepa with Black Berry Astringent Lotion whereas left over black marks of pimples can use Sanakarit Mrittika Lepa with Rose Skin Toner. Dry skin can also use Sanakarit Mrittika Lepa with Neem Moisturising Lotion if required.
Majuphal(Quecus infectoria), Babool(Acacia nilotica), Sattajwain, Landi Peepal(Piper longuw), Matti(Mud), Lodh(Symplocaceae) they are anti-wrinkle agents, which tightens the skin.
Kachur(Curcumazerumbat) acts as an antiseptic agent and cleanses and clears the complexion.
Neem(Azardirachta indica), Camphora & Matti(MUD) are antiseptic that can absorb all harmful bacteria’s of skin.
Dhaniya(Coriandrum sativum), Sattajwain, Mentha, Piperita, Kapoor(Camphora), they are all cooling agents and brings down the temperature of pimples.
Honey(Mel) & Arandi(Ricinus communis) are softening agents;
Lemn(Lemonum acidum)Oil is used as a fragrance,
Cyprus rotondous is capable of curing skin diseases
This Lepa(cream) is a wonderful ancient formula. Contains anti-wrinkle agents, cooling agents and herbs that help in the rejuvenation of the skin once the blemishes are cured.
Benefits : Controls acne, pimples and oily skin & soothe the inflammation of pimples, shrinks them and prevents them.
Application : Apply frequently and watch the miracle of these wonderful herbs at work. For those with dry skin, it can be used all year. For those with oily skin, using in winter is more beneficial. Wash face with cold water and then apply this lepa softly in circular motion with finger tips on the face and leave it applied for whole night. It is recommended for night use.
Chandan(Sandalwood) It relieves itching & Inflammation of pimples and its astringent action balances oily skin conditions.
Dugdha(Lactus), Dhaniya(Coriandrum sativum) and Rose(Rosa centifolia) gives a cooling effect and improves the absorption of cream in skin.
Bees Wax(Cera alba) provides a protective layer.
Zinc Oxide(Yashad pushpa), Mulathi(Glycy-mhiza glabra), Jaiphal(Myristrica maschata) and Lodh(Symplocaceae) control the wrinkles
Size of the products: - 50gm
Price of products: - In $US 1.62
Product origin: - Madhya Pradesh, India.
The empty fruit bunches (efb) are the by-products after oil extraction.
Now efb has more other application other than compost. The new application about efb is using the fibre nature of the efb. There are researches about pressed and shredded the efb to get fibre for biomass boiler; gone through further cleaning process and extracting long fibre for replacing coconut fibre for mattress; extracting vitamin e from efb fibre.
Shredded efb fibre has become a major biomass media in this malaysia. Many steam provider companies have secure the efb fibre supply chain from crude palm oil mill and selected biomass boiler for supplying steam to surrounding industry.
Apart there are also companies buying the efb and recover the long fibre from the efb. The long efb fibre has more economic value that could be used as fibre mattress.
Bio-technology industry, there are also researches extracting vitamin e from fibre or re-grinding the fibre in smaller grain size mixing in food chain.
We can supply cloves from our company in Indonesia, PT IntraBumi Maju.
If interested and serious in buying our cloves, you may contact me. We are looking for long term business relationship thus do only contact us if you are serious buyer.
Our company supplies onion, ginger, potato etc (agri products) worldwide. Ww have our offices in India, Malaysia, Cambodia, Canada, UK and more to come soon.
We supply agri products at very competitive pricing and we guaranteed quality of products.
If you have any requirement, pleaae do not hesitate to contact me and I will do the needful to satisfy the requirements.
Thank you.
R. Nantha