This Lepa(cream) is a wonderful ancient formula. Contains anti-wrinkle agents, cooling agents and herbs that help in the rejuvenation of the skin once the blemishes are cured.
Benefits : Controls acne, pimples and oily skin & soothe the inflammation of pimples, shrinks them and prevents them.
Application : Apply frequently and watch the miracle of these wonderful herbs at work. For those with dry skin, it can be used all year. For those with oily skin, using in winter is more beneficial. Wash face with cold water and then apply this lepa softly in circular motion with finger tips on the face and leave it applied for whole night. It is recommended for night use.
Chandan(Sandalwood) It relieves itching & Inflammation of pimples and its astringent action balances oily skin conditions.
Dugdha(Lactus), Dhaniya(Coriandrum sativum) and Rose(Rosa centifolia) gives a cooling effect and improves the absorption of cream in skin.
Bees Wax(Cera alba) provides a protective layer.
Zinc Oxide(Yashad pushpa), Mulathi(Glycy-mhiza glabra), Jaiphal(Myristrica maschata) and Lodh(Symplocaceae) control the wrinkles
Size of the products: - 50gm
Price of products: - In $US 1.62
Product origin: - Madhya Pradesh, India.
Minimum order size: - 84Pcs
Packaging details: - 84 Pcs/Carton
Master Carton Size: - 552mm*440mm*200mm