Mrittika lepa
Anti-bacterial, anti-wrinkle, anti-septic by nature, absorbs all harmful germs, bacteria present on skin, thus curing pimples.
Effective for dark circles, shadow patches, pigmentation etc.
Provides a soothing and cooling effect.
Black mud base makes it wonderful product as it is highly recommended even by ayurveda. Ayurveda claims it to the best amongst all kinds of mud.
Contents of the product quercus infectoria 1.666 curcumazerumbat 0.833 symplocaceae 0.833 coriandrum sativum 0.833 azadirachta indica 0.833 ricinus communis 0.833 cyprusrotondoys 1.66 ficus religiosa 1.66 acacia nilotica 0.833 mel 4.165 mentha piperita 0.04 camphora 0.833 lemonum acidum 0.20 hydrasis hydrasis silicate of aluminium q.S 100 gms
Type of the product : face pack
Use of the product : complete skin treatment for pimples, wrinkles, black heads & shadow patches.
Colour of the product: natural
Fragrance of product added
100 gms each shrink wrapped.96 bottles make one master carton.One master carton weighs 11.10ggs
This is an innovative and wonderful product for all skin types and can be used in different combinations for different kind of skins. With its special qualities of softness and smoothness it helps to strengthen the tissues and provides a strong action to counter Vata and Pitta imbalances. Devica Fortified Mud Pack contains a wonderful mix of anti-wrinkle, antiseptic, cleansing, and cooling agents, which, when combined, produce one of the most complete skin care products available. Benefits: Black mud has high therapeutic value and is beneficial in conditions such as dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis. This also helps in conditions such as loose and flabby skin, wrinkles, discolouration of skin, pimples, blackheads, shadow patches and sunburn. Application: Skins with red pimples can use Sanakarit Mrittika Lepa with Black Berry Astringent Lotion whereas left over black marks of pimples can use Sanakarit Mrittika Lepa with Rose Skin Toner. Dry skin can also use Sanakarit Mrittika Lepa with Neem Moisturising Lotion if required. Majuphal(Quecus infectoria), Babool(Acacia nilotica), Sattajwain, Landi Peepal(Piper longuw), Matti(Mud), Lodh(Symplocaceae) they are anti-wrinkle agents, which tightens the skin. Kachur(Curcumazerumbat) acts as an antiseptic agent and cleanses and clears the complexion. Neem(Azardirachta indica), Camphora & Matti(MUD) are antiseptic that can absorb all harmful bacteria’s of skin. Dhaniya(Coriandrum sativum), Sattajwain, Mentha, Piperita, Kapoor(Camphora), they are all cooling agents and brings down the temperature of pimples. Honey(Mel) & Arandi(Ricinus communis) are softening agents; Lemn(Lemonum acidum)Oil is used as a fragrance, Cyprus rotondous is capable of curing skin diseases Size of the products: - 100gm Price of products: - In $US 1.62 Product origin: - Madhya Pradesh, India. Minimum order size: - 84Pcs Packaging details: - 84 Pcs/Carton Master Carton Size: - 552mm*440mm*200mm