Delivery terms CIF your port
Test weight: 78 L\gr
Moisture: 13 % min
Protein: 12.5 % min
Gluten: 26 % min
Falling mumber: 250 sec., above
Rolled Wheat is traditionally cleaned wheat, conditioned by adding water. Which is steamed to deactivate the enzymes contained within the wheat kernel and rolled into flat flakes under heavy rollers.
Soft wheat flour is typically packaged as cake flour or pastry flour, and is best used for cakes, cookies, and pastries that should be tender and crumbly. It can also be used in fresh pasta, and produces a tender noodle
We Have All Grade Of Wheat From All Origion Worldwide And Customize Specifications, We Have Our Own Sortex And Cleaning Plant In India
Winter Red Wheat
Milling Wheat For All Purpose
MILLING WHEAT (Ukraine, Brazil, Russian, USA) DURUM WHEAT (Ukraine, Russian, Brazil, USA) SOFT WHEAT (Brazil, USA, Ukraine, Russian) WHEAT FLOUR (Ukraine, Russia) grade: Premium, First RED HARD WINTER WHEAT (USA, Russian, Ucraine, Brazil) Non GMO, (Supplied in a minimum quantity of 12,500 MT)
What are the characteristics of durum wheat flour?
Image result for wheat durum paste description
If properly grown, durum wheat has a high protein and hard, amber-coloured vitreous endosperm. On milling it breaks into fairly uniform large fragments called semolina, which is made into a range of high-quality pasta products by extruding a stiff dough (semolina mixed with warm water) through dies of various shapes
Wrold trade in wheat is greater than all other crops combined. India produced about 104 Million MT of wheat and is one of the leading producer in the World.
We are directly procuring from Government tendors in India and processing them in State-of arts factories and Exporting to almost 13 Countires in the World.
We are one of the noted providers of high quality Wheat. We carefully process and pack these products to make these free from impurities and foreign material. Our products are available in several sizes of packets as per the need of our customers.
Variety : Fresh
Many of the foods we consume on a daily basis such as bread, cookies, cakes, pies, pastries, cereals, crackers, pasta, flour tortillas and noodles are all made from wheat flour.
Wheat is a grass widely cultivated for its seed, a cereal grain which is a worldwide staple food
Our customers can avail Black pepper from us in packs of different quantities as per their requirements. The berries are collected as soon as they turn red and before they are quite ripe
Hard Red Winter Wheat is versatile wheat with excellent milling and baking characteristics for pan bread. It is used mostly for bread, hard rolls, flat breads, all-purpose flour, and even Asian style noodles. Hard Red Winter Wheat is grown in the Great Plains, Northern, and Pacific Northwest regions.
What is hard red spring wheat used for?
Hard Red Spring is known as the aristocrat of wheat when it comes to designer foods. It is used in specialty items like hearth breads, rolls, croissants, bagels, and pizza crust. It is also valued to improve flour blends to increase gluten strength.
Soft wheats have lower protein and less gluten strength. This makes SRW ideally suited for cookies, crackers, pastries, flat breads and pretzels. SRW wheat is even used in Maker's Mark and Twizzlers
What is 100% hard white whole wheat?
Whole-wheat flour is made from hard red spring or winter wheat, which has a nutty, hearty taste. White whole-wheat flour is made from hard white spring or winter wheat, which has the exact same nutritional value of whole-wheat flour, but because of the variety used, has a milder flavor and paler color.