Humidity Percentage: 14% max
Protein Percentage: 10.5% min.
Percentage of Gluten: 29% min.
Sedimentation (Swelling) (ml) : 30 min.
Water absorption ( ABS) : 58% min.
Stability of dough
Degree of softening : 60 BU min.
Energy[cm2] : 70
Taste and smell: In particular taste and smell
Color and appearance : In inherent color and appearance
Humidity Percentage: 14% max.
Protein Percentage: 10.5% min.
Percentage of Gluten: 31% min.
Sedimentation (Swelling) (ml) : 32 min.
Water absorption ( ABS) : 60% min.
Stability of dough :
Degree of softening : 60 BU min.
Energy[cm2] : 80
Taste and smell: In particular taste and smell
Color and appearance : In inherent color and appearance.
We are producer of tahini , jam , halwa in turkey.
Our brand name is tunas.
We want to export our product to your country .
If you are interesting with our products pls contact us .
Products specification
Product bobªª pacifier candy with bracelet gift (stand)
Code no 163
Packets per carton 6
Pieces per packet 120
Dimensions 420*370*510
Case volume ( m 3) 0,079
Br. ( kg ) 7,70
Net ( kg ) 4,20
1x20µµ400 ctns
Packets per carton 6
Pieces per packet 24
Unit weight 18 gr
Dimensions 445*310*210
Case volume ( m 3) 0,029
Br. ( kg ) 4,80
Net ( kg ) 2,60
Coco max
17gr milky cocolin coated coconut bar
Net weight per carton 4.90kg
Gross weight per carton:5.10
Packing: 24pcs x12box
Volume of per carton: 0.0149m3