We export pure Ceylon Cinnamon worldwide in various grades in Alba , C5 Special, C4, M and H grades.
We can provide cinnamon in our own Evira brand or as per buyers packaging requirements under your own branding or in bulk.
Provides Ceylon Cinnamon in both sticks and powder form
Ceylon Cinnamom
(a) Grade C-5
Price:- Us$ 18.95 Per Kg Cif Egypt Port
(b) Grade C-4
Price:- Us $ 17.85 Per Kg Cif Egypt Port
(buyer Needs Any Other Grade We Can Quote Seperatly)
Payment Terms :- Irrevocable Letter Of Credit At Sight Terms
Shipping Terms:- Cif Egypt Port
Quantity:- 40000mt Or
As Per Buyer's Requirements
Packing:- As Per Buyer's Requirements
Delivery:- Part Shipment As Per The Buyer's Requirements
Price Validity:- 60 Days
The Most Premium Organic Green Cardamom Powder from Sri Lanka. Cardamom is used as a cooking and flavoring spice in both food as well as drink. Ceylon cardamom is known for it extraordinary rare attributes, unique taste and resinous fragrance
.Moisture:12% Max
Ash: 10% Max
Acid-Insolubla Ash:2% Max
Volatile Oil:3% Max
Bulk Index :250mg / 100g
Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the inner bark of several tree species from the genus Cinnamomum.
Cinnamon is used mainly as an aromatic condiment and flavoring additive in a wide variety of cuisines, sweet and savory dishes breakfast cereals snacks, foods, bagels, teas, and traditional foods.
The aroma and flavor of cinnamon derive from its essential oil and principal component, cinnamaldehyde as well as numerous other constituents including eugenol.
Cinnamon is the name for several species of trees and the commercial spice products that some of them produce. All are members of the genus Cinnamomum in the family Lauraceae. Only a few Cinnamomum species are grown commercially for spice. Cinnamomum verum(AKA Zeeylanicum) known as \"Ceylon cinnamon \" after its origins in Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) is considered to be\" true cinnamon.
But most cinnamon in international commerce is derived from four other species, usually and more correctly referred to as \"cassia\". burmannii (Indonesian cinnamon of Padang cassia), cassia (Chinese cinnamon or Chinese cassia) C. loureiroi (Saigon cinnamon or Vietnamese cassia) and the less common C.
Citriodorum (Malabar cinnamon). In Indonesia and China produced 70% of the world\'s supply of cinnamon, Indonesia produced nearly 40% and China 30%.
We can supply both Ceylon Cinnamon from Sri Lanka and Cassia from China, Vietnam, Indonesia and India, in either cigar cut, or longer sticks or powder form.
Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the inner bark of several tree species from the genus Cinnamomum. Cinnamon is used mainly as an aromatic condiment and flavoring additive in a wide variety of cuisines.
Types of Cinnamon Quills
Alba best quality Cinnamon. Diameter between 6mm to 7mmin.
C5 Special Second best quality Cinnamon. Diameter between 8mm and 9mm.
C5 Third best quality and most commonly used Ceylon/Sri Lankan cinnamon. 10mm to 12mm in diameter.
C4 Diameter between 13mm and 14mm.
M5 Thin Sticks and rough on the surface. Diameter between 15mm and 17mm.
M4 Diameter of quills between 18mm and 20mm.
H1 General quality cinnamon. Diameter of quills between 21mm and 22mm.
H2 Sorted part of rough Cinnamon thicker than H1 diameter between 23mm and 25mm.
Through the years and across regions, Ceylon cinnamon was used for a range of purposes. From being used as a spice in curries, or as an addition of a sweet and woody flavor to desserts, perfumes, and more, cinnamon has and continues to maintain its versatility as a pioneer in condiments.
Ceylon cinnamon is native to Sri Lanka and is grown in the Southern province of the Indian Ocean island. The Ceylon cinnamon, as it is usually called, is well-known for its quality of flavor and aroma world-over. Sri Lanka has also taken much pride in retaining its title as one of the largest producers of cinnamon in the global markets.
CSD Tropical Trading (Pvt) ltd , which makes it a priority to maintain high standards, guarantees pesticide and chemical-free Ceylon cinnamon that is organically grown and ready to be packed and shipped to consumers across the globe. CSD guarantees authentic high-quality Ceylon cinnamon that will keep to the rich history of this divine condiment.
Ceylon cinnamon, Sri Lanka produces the best quality in the world. Ceylon Cinnamon as widely it is known, produced better flavour and taste than the usual cinnamon and also has high medicinal properties and cancer curing and prevention properties.
Please check the below links to have a better understanding of ceylon cinnamon -
Cinnamon is the dried bark of the perennial tree C.zeylanicum of the Lauraceae family. True cinnamon is native to Cinnamon is originally grown wild in the central hill country of
Cinnamon bark is largely available in the form of quills and making quills is unique to . Quills are made by rolling the peeled bark and joining several of them together to get a pipe-like structure of the required length.
Cinnamon is mostly used in cooking and baking. Cinnamon is a versatile spice that can be added to any food item such as salads, confectioneries, beverages, soups, stews, and sauces. Cinnamon drink made by immersing pieces of bark in hot water is popular among Latin American countries. Cinnamon-flavored tea is becoming popular.
is the main chemical ingredient in cinnamon leaf oil and is present in cinnamon bark oil. However, there are hundreds of minor chemical ingredients which give characteristic flavor and aroma to true cinnamon.
Cinnamon has been used for medicinal purposes and has been known as a healing herb since it is mentioned in botanical books that date back to 2700 B.C. In , It had been used medicinally for colds and flu as well as for problems of the digestive system. Recently,
It has been studied for its ability to boost brain power, reduce blood clotting, and its healing effects on the heart and colon. Recent studies have proved its ability to control type 2 diabetes by reducing blood sugar levels and reducing blood cholesterol levels.
In traditional society, cinnamon is said to have been used to relieve digestive upset, congestion, menstrual problems, stiff joints, and muscles. It has said to been used as an anti-inflammatory agent and as a pain reliever for arthritis patients. Some studies had shown that cinnamon helps to cure urinary tract infections and to fight tooth decay and gum disease.
Typical values per 100g:
Energy 217.00 kcal 907.93 k
Cinnamon is high in substance with poerful medicinal properties.
Cinnamon may cut the risk of heart disease.
Cinnamon can improve sensitivity to the Hormone insulin.
Cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels and has a powerful Anti-Diabetic effect.
Cinnamon may ne protective against cancer.
Cinnamon helps fight bacterial and fungal infectons.
The Ceylon Cinnamon or true Cinnamon, which is indigenous to Sri Lanka, is the dried bark of cinnamomum zealanicum, which belongs to the family Lauraceae. Cinnamon bark is largely available in the form of quills and making quills is unique to Sri Lanka. Quills are made by rolling the pealed bark and join several of them together to get a pipe like structure in the required length. Other than that pieces of bark are available as chips, quilling or featherings. Cinnamon is unique plant which has essential oil in leaves, bark and roots but chemical composition of them are completely different from each other. Cinnamon grown and produced in Sri Lanka has acquired long standing reputation in the international market due to its quality, color, flavor and aroma.
Our finest grades C5 and C4 Ceylon cinnamon cut quills in consumer packs are ready to be used as a spice in different dishes as a culinary ingredient or for baking requirements. They are delicate and sweet-favor characteristics, prepared from well dried, handpicked fresh Ceylon Cinnamon without any natural or artificial flavors.