Red cabbage is distinguished by its coloring, texture and flavor. Like Green cabbage it is rounded and wrapped in tightly wound waxy leaves. The leaves are more violet and burgundian versus true red. Their flavor is far more bold, cruciferous and peppery versus green cabbage, which is also due to the anthocyanin pigments. Red cabbage lacks water weight, which makes its leaves chewier
Why Haenam Cabbage and Haenam Kimchi? 1. It is the red clay land. 2. It is the breeze of clean ocean. 3. It is the clean water.
Why Haenam Cabbage and Haenam Kimchi? 1. It is the red clay land. 2. It is the breeze of clean ocean. 3. It is the clean water.
Why Haenam Cabbage and Haenam Kimchi? 1. It is the red clay land. 2. It is the breeze of clean ocean. 3. It is the clean water.
Mildly spicy with a strong vegetal taste, red cabbage is associated more with soup and coleslaw than with juice. However, this nutrient-packed vegetable can be juiced and added to other vegetable or fruit juices to increase the nutritional content. The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends eating between 4 to 6 cups of red vegetables per week for adult men and women. It takes 3 cups of chopped fresh, red cabbage to produce a 1/2 cup of red cabbage juice.
Haenam pickled cabbage contains the most amount of anthocyanin (42.87µg / mg per 100mg) among the plants examined by far. It is popular nutritious beverage produced by adding the best domestic honey in the finest pure Red Korean Cabbage without any preservatives or additives in the manufacturing process
Korean traditional kimchi, red cabbage anthocyanins.
It is very tasty, excellent for stir-fry and picking uses. Upright growing greens can be planted densely, a high yielder. Deep green leaves are very tender and delicious. The inner young leaves and tips are very fresh .