We feel pride to let you know about BLESS BERRI(SIDDAR) HONEY. It is pure, natural and organic honey. People who keep knowledge about different varieties of honey know that Berri honey is the best out of them.
We provide honey as nature produce for human being without any artificial process which is very common practice now a days. These artificial process damage severely the quality of honey and we are getting merely sweet in the shape of honey.
Berri honey is very beneficial for the patients of Hepatitis, Asthma, High Cholesterol, Anemia, High blood Pressure. Moreover people who are very worried about their weight and like to reduce it can get benefit from Bless Berri Honey.
We have capacity to provide honey in bulk with the grace of Allah.
We can provide honey in any type of packaging required by buyer.Most of our buyers like to get honey in Jerry Cane paking.