They are round berries that measure 4 to 8 cm in diameter and weigh between 80 and 100 gr. They are covered in yellow or red trichomes, which come out as the fruit ripens. The rind is smooth with a deep yellow, reddish yellow or orange color at maturity. The pulp is greenish with a bittersweet taste and numerous seeds. The lulo has a high nutritional value and multiple uses in agribusiness.
Benefits for your health:
The lulo is rich in minerals such as iron, phosphorus, calcium and potassium, which makes it a nutritious fruit. It is also a source of vitamins A, B and C. It has diuretic properties and helps to eliminate toxins from the body, increasing the quantity and quality of hair and the formation of nails. Helps strengthen bones, lower bad cholesterol. It also strengthens the defenses, since it contains beta-carotene and other antioxidants that eliminate bad free radicals, protecting the body from the formation, spread of cancer cells and tumors, and helping to improve the stress of nerve injury.
The cherry is an ovoid or spherical fruit, its dimensions can vary depending on its class or variety, its average size is two centimeters in diameter. The physical characteristics of cherries can vary significantly between its different varieties, which are hundreds of them. You can find red, dark red, deep red, yellow, dark-purple, green cherries, among others, just as the pulp can vary in color depending on the variety.
Benefits for your health:
Cherries have been used as an intestinal cleanser for centuries. They help eliminate toxins, and this is because the pigments that give them their purple color are anthocyanins. The anthocyanins in cherries are very powerful antioxidants. According to studies conducted at the University of Arizona, cherries are the fruit with the highest concentration of flavonoids. The American Association against Alzheimer's includes cherries as part of the beneficial foods for memory thanks to its antioxidants.
Golden berries belong to the Solanaceae family, so they have similar characteristics to the potato, tomato and tobacco family. Its internal structure is similar to a cherry tomato. The golden berry is a semi-acid, round, yellow, sweet and small fruit (it measures between 1.25 and 2 cm in diameter), and comes wrapped in a protective shell.
Benefits for your health:
Physalis is a good source of provitamin A, rich in vitamin C and B. It has an important therapeutic use, since it can purify the blood, tones the optic nerve and is effective in the treatment of cataracts and conditions of the mouth and throat. Due to its diuretic properties, it favors the treatment of prostate problems. Thanks to the flavonoids contained in this fruit, it becomes a natural tranquilizer.
Se vende escoria de fundicion de acero; Fe total 32%, Si 3.7%, Al 5.5%, Mg 5.0%, Ca 19.1%, granulometr�?Ã?Âa 3" en un 75%, gran cantidad (1 500,000 tons)
We have wood (sawdust shavings )(palmetto berries) as well as( yellow jasmine), (deer tongue) as well as several different types of trees we're located in Waycross Georgia USA please inquire further for more info