We size our onion according to the USDA when the size and the maturity are at the right stage we will harvest and undercut the bulbs and let them dry in the fields until it is lost 5-8% of the weight after harvest then the product its transported to the packing shed where it is sorted and bagged in a automated process.
We only pack mature fairly firm and well shaped onions, free from decay, wet sunscald, doubles and bottlenecks. Free from damage caused by seeds items, splits, dry sunken areas, sunburn, and sprouting, staining, dirt or any mechanical damage or disease and insect caused defects.
Optimum conditions for field curing are when temperatures are at least 24 C degrees (75 F) or exposure for 12 hours up to 30 to 45C (86 to 113F) for forced air-curing. Storage of mild onions will last up to .5 to 1 month at 0 C (32F) and pungent onions will last from 6 to 9 months at 0C (32F).
We will define the time of harvest according to the mean diameter of the base plate of the immature bulb. This diameter is between .6 and 1.3 cm (1/4 to 1/2 inch) and this will also define the size that it will go on small, medium or large. In the fields we will cut the root to a ¼ to ½ inch and the end leaving the green onion to a length of 11 inches, it is Transferred That after to the packing shed Were it is washed and packed.
Our green onions have a thin, with shank at least 5 to 7.5 cm (2-3 inches) in length, they are well formed, uniform in shape, thin necked, turgid, bright in color, well cleaned, and free from decay, insect-injury, mechanical damage, broken or crushed leaves, or dehydrated clipped ends.
Green onions held at 0 C (32 F) and 98 to 100% relative humidity will remain fresh and flavorful for up to 4 weeks. Package- icing and perforated polyethylene film liners are used to maintain quality. Storage life of green onions at 10 C (50 F) is 7 to 10 days. Green onions benefit from light mist.