ALUMINA MORTAR (Test Certificate)
General Properties
A. Max service temperature - 1500 oC
B. Maximum grain size - 0 - 1.5 mm
C. Water required for mixing - 22 - 30%
D. Setting - Airsetting
E. Sintering Temp - 1550 oC
Chemical Properties
A. Al2O3 - 50.00%
B. SiO2 - 31.00%
c. Fe2O3 - 5.00%
D. LOI - 7.00%
Physical Properties
A. Dry Density - kg / m3
B. CCS - 17 kg / cm2 after drying at 110C / 24 hr
C. MOR - 20 kg / cm2 at 110 oC/ 24 hr
18 kg/cm2 at 800 C/ 3 hr
Thermal Properties -
A. Refractoriness ( Orton / C) - 31.5 orton cone/1699 oC
Packaging - 25 - 50 kg bags
Storage Life - 12 months
Delivery State - Dry
We are a worldwide supplier and applications expert of specialty refractory products for the ceramics, metallurgy, chemical, petrochemical, and power generation.
Alexandria modern trade company specialize in products ranging from refractory bricks, tiles and blocks to mortar, cements, with special expertise in high alumina refractories and alumina silicate refractories (high and super duty).
The quality of the products and services of amtc refractories is based on a long track record of our manufacturers being among the largest producers of refractories in north africa, mediterranean, and the middle east & arabian gulf areas with more than 50 years experience in the refractories field.
These refractories are distributed through our large distribution network throughout europe, middle east, north africa, and arab gulf.
Acid proof bricks are special bricks that are used for lining and construction of tanks and vessels in industries where acids and chemicals are used. These chemicals can easily damage ordinary bricks and thus bricks that can withstand corrosion caused acids are required in many industries.
We are making high quality acid resistant bricks that are known for their high performance even in the presence of acidic compounds. We make different types of these bricks to suit the requirements of various industries. Our acid proof bricks products prevent damage to the structure because of not just acids but also alkalis, oils, and many kinds of solvents used in chemical and iron and steel industries.
A brick is a type of construction material used to build walls, pavements and other elements in masonry construction. Block is a similar term referring to a rectangular building unit composed of clay or concrete, but is usually larger than a brick
Our Acid Proof Bricks can resist highly concentrated acid, low water absorption, highly mechanical Strength,etc.We have more than15 years of Acid resistance bricks making experience. These are fine-ground and specifically formulated for density and strength and fire d at over 1200�ºC. This process results in bricks that resist virtually all corrosive liquids and gasses, expect for acid fluorides and strong hot caustics.
We are manufacturing Class-1, Class-2 and Class-3 Acid Resistance Bricks.
According to the implementation, Portland processes, crushing component and iron sand paint mixture are added to the hand, water is added, ready made bonding main is made in the . It can produce this culture stone model belonging to models. Since this is poured into molds, it is applied to create the design of the stones before the color to be designed, to give an effect to certain regions of the colors from special paints. The main steam is discharged into these molds and tightened with the vibration system. The filled molds are kept for 24 hours and the molds are removed after 24 hours.
High alumina brick is widely used for Widely used in blast furnaces, Hot Blast Stove,Steel ladle lining, Reheating furnace, Cement kiln, Tunnel kiln,boiler, coke oven, carbon furnace, glass kiln , Steel smelting furnace and various kiln lining and thermotechnical equipment, etc.
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