Barley contains many nutritional properties such as phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium as well as high fiber, mineral salt and vitamin content. Characterized by its low quantity of calories, barley is one of the cereals with the lowest glycemic index. It is very digestible with tonic and diuretic properties, often used as a substitute for coffee.
Corn or maize is gluten-free and suitable for intolerant people, it can be used in various sectors. Commonly used for human nutrition also thanks to its flour with which it is possible to obtain the famous â??polentaâ??. It can also be used for animal feed, energy production (ethanol) and therapeutic uses.
Our sunflower seeds have an excellent taste on the palate, they have a high energy power that makes them ideal for enriching any type of dish. They have a low calorie intake compared to other oil seeds and a high content of proteins and minerals such as magnesium, iron, manganese and zinc.
Peas are low in calories and rich in phosphorus, less rich in starch as opposed to other legumes and therefore more digestible. They contain iron, phosphor, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, vitamins A, B1, C and PP and given the low content of fats they are ideal for low-calorie diets
Sorghum is famous for its high fiber content and for being gluten-free, making it perfect for celiacs. Rich in proteins, carbohydrates and important minerals such as iron and calcium, sorghum is also highly digestible and easily assimilated, representing a great source of energy.
Characterized by crumbly grains, soft wheat is mainly used for the production of white flour which is suitable for baking and making pasta. Besides flour it can also be used to make starch and puffed food. Oil can be obtained from the germ of soft wheat, used above all in the soap sector.
Molokhia is one of the most famous products of global fruits fresh leaves are refinely pulled and cut by the most advanced machinery guaranteeing a defect â??free product that is free of any additives or chemicals Even more it is well known for its lively green ,color, high concentration ,and tasty flavor , manufacturing is carried out in two methods
A world of color shapes and flavors makes peppers second only to tomatoes in popularity Looking for the best sweet hot or snacking type for your garden Use our Pepper Chooser to find just the right vaarietyor two or three or four
Only leaves are used in processing spinach which added to its tastefulness, Smell, and condensation rate. Manufacturing is carried out in the following two methods
We are select a high quality fresh broadens. Global fruits implements the broad beans production process at the beginning of the season when they are fresh, tender and have a high concentration of sugar
Global Fruits green beans are known for being fresh ,tender free of veins and specially tasty manufacturing is carried out in two methods whole beans cut beans
Barley contains many nutritional properties such as phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium as well as high fiber, mineral salt and vitamin content. Characterized by its low quantity of calories, barley is one of the cereals with the lowest glycemic index. It is very digestible with tonic and diuretic properties, often used as a substitute for coffee.
Corn or maize is glutenfree and suitable for intolerant people it can be used in various sectors Commonly used for human nutrition also thanks to its flour with which it is possible to obtain the famous polenta It can also be used for animal feed energy production ethanol and therapeutic uses
Flax seeds have a high value of fatty acids which help and strengthen the immune system. They contain mineral salts, proteins, fats and fibers which give important antioxidant properties. Flax seeds therefore represent a beneficial element for the functioning of our body.