Wheat Flour is a finely ground powder made from the grinding of wheat grains. It is a staple ingredient used globally in a variety of baked goods, including bread, cakes, and pastries. Wheat flour is rich in carbohydrates and contains essential nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
Depending on the type of wheat used, flour can vary in texture and protein content. Common varieties include all-purpose flour, whole wheat flour, and bread flour. It is widely used in both household cooking and industrial food production.
2. Rice Flour
A gluten-free flour made from finely milled rice, commonly used in Asian cuisine and gluten-free baking.
3 Rye Flour
A dense, nutrient-rich flour made from rye grains, often used in hearty bread like pumpernickel.
4 Maize Flour:
Ground from dried corn, it's a versatile ingredient used in tortillas, cornbread, and other dishes, known as corn flour in some regions.
5 Cereal Flour:
A generic term for flour made from various cereal grains, such as wheat, barley, or oats, used in baking and food processing.
Wheat flour is a powder made from grinding wheat, making is usable for human consumption. There are different types of wheat flour, distinguished by the amount of gluten they contain, their color, the parts of the grain used, and the type of wheat. Wheat flour is an essential ingredient in bread, cakes, cookies, and most baked goods.
To set new standards of quality, we, JJ INDUSTRIES entered the food industry with our range of Chakki Fresh Atta. Our portfolio includes Fresh Wheat Flour, etc. We understand that food items effect the health of the consumers, for which we are so careful during the production process. Since the initiation of our business, our aim has been to become popular and convince the patrons to associate with us. Today, they prefer us as they trust us.
Made from whole corn, grown and processed organically, Beginnings organic corn flakes have a rich flavour that pleases both kids and adults alike. Perfect alone or paired well with milk, it gives you a happy, wholesome crunch. Loaded with essential nutrients, corn flakes enhance your breakfast into a healthy and delicious diet. Free from fertilizers, chemicals, and additives, it is rich in dietary fibre, gluten-free, and contains no added sugar.
Sourced from an FSSAI Approved HACCP & ISO 9001:2015 certified company having a manufacturing capacity of 240 MT. per Day with its Ultra Modernized Plant & Machinery.
Product Name : Medium protein refined wheat Flour
Ingredients : Whole wheat
Country of Origin : India
Product Description : Wheat flour means the product obtained from the clean grains of wheat by grinding or milling processes in which the bran and germ are essentially removed and the remainder is comminuted to a suitable degree of fineness. It shall be added with vitamins & minerals as per the requirements mentioned below. It shall be free from abnormal flavours, odours, living insects, filth (impurities of animal origin including dead insects)
Sensory Profile
Colour : Creamish to white
Odour : Free of bad odour, characteristic of wheat flour
Texture : Fine free flowing powder
Taste : Free from off taste
Shelf life : Product shall have a shelf life of 4 months from the date of manufacture if it is stored in the suggested pacakgaing material below
Packaging Material : Product shall be packed in Poly prepylene woven sack with LDPE liner Inside
Storage Condition : Product shall be stored in cool & dry conditions
Quality Standards
Sl No. Test Parameter UOM Limits Test Methodology
A Physical
1.1 Granulation
Passthrough 180 microns Min aib % 99 Appendix F of IS 1009:1979
B Chemical
2.1 Moisture Max aib % 13 AACC 44-15.02
2.2 Total Ash Max db % 0.6 Appendix B of IS 1009:1979
2.3 Acid Insoluble Ash Max db % 0.1 Appendix C of IS 1009:1979
2.4 Dry Gluten Range db % 9-10.5 AACC 38-12.02
2.5 Protein Min % 9 AOAC 955.04
2.6 Alcoholic Acidity Max db % 0.1 Appendix E of IS 1009:1979
2.7 Sedimentation Value Min ml 22 ISO 5529:2007
2.8 Water Absorption Range % 57-60 AACC 54-21.02
2.9 Falling number Min sec 300 AACC 56-81B
C Microbiological Data
3.1 Total Plate Count Max cfu cfu/g 100000 FDA-BAM, Chapter 3
3.2 Yeast & Mould Max cfu cfu/g 5000 FDA-BAM, Chapter 18
3.3 Salmonella Min cfu cfu/25g Shall be absent FDA-BAM, Chapter 5
3.4 S.aureus Max cfu cfu/g 10000 FDA-BAM, Chapter 12
aib - As is basis; db - Dry basis; cfu - Colony forming units
Product Name : High protein refined wheat flour
Ingredients : Whole wheat
Country of Origin : India
Product Description : Wheat flour means the product obtained from the clean grains of wheat by grinding or milling processes in which the bran and germ are essentially removed and the remainder is comminuted to a suitable degree of fineness. It shall be added with vitamins & minerals as per the requirements mentioned below. It shall be free from abnormal flavours, odours, living insects, filth (impurities of animal origin including dead insects)
Sensory Profile
Colour : Creamish to white
Odour : Free of bad odour, characteristic of wheat flour
Texture : Fine free flowing powder
Taste : Free from off taste
Shelf life : Product shall have a shelf life of 4 months from the date of manufacture if it is stored in the suggested pacakgaing material below
Packaging Material : Product shall be packed in Poly prepylene woven sack with LDPE liner Inside
Storage Condition : Product shall be stored in cool & dry conditions
Quality Standards
Sl No. Test Parameter UOM Limits Test Methodology
A Physical
1.1 Granulation
Passthrough 180 microns Min aib % 99 Appendix F of IS 1009:1979
B Chemical
2.1 Moisture Max aib % 13 AACC 44-15.02
2.2 Total Ash Max db % 0.6 Appendix B of IS 1009:1979
2.3 Acid Insoluble Ash Max db % 0.1 Appendix C of IS 1009:1979
2.4 Dry Gluten Min db % 11.5 AACC 38-12.02
2.5 Protein Min % 12 AOAC 955.04
2.6 Alcoholic Acidity Max db % 0.1 Appendix E of IS 1009:1979
2.7 Sedimentation Value Min ml 24 ISO 5529:2007
2.8 Water Absorption Range % 58-62 AACC 54-21.02
2.9 Falling number Min sec 300 AACC 56-81B
C Microbiological Data
3.1 Total Plate Count Max cfu cfu/g 100000 FDA-BAM, Chapter 3
3.2 Yeast & Mould Max cfu cfu/g 5000 FDA-BAM, Chapter 18
3.3 Salmonella Min cfu/25g Shall be absent FDA-BAM, Chapter 5
3.4 S.aureus Max cfu/g 10000 FDA-BAM, Chapter 12
aib - As is basis; db - Dry basis; cfu - Colony forming units
Product Name : Low protein refined wheat flour
Ingredients : Whole wheat
Country of Origin : India
Product Description : Wheat flour means the product obtained from the clean grains of wheat by grinding or milling processes in which the bran and germ are essentially removed and the remainder is comminuted to a suitable degree of fineness. It shall be added with vitamins & minerals as per the requirements mentioned below. It shall be free from abnormal flavours, odours, living insects, filth (impurities of animal origin including dead insects)
Sensory Profile
Colour : Creamish to white
Odour : Free of bad odour, characteristic of wheat flour
Texture : Fine free flowing powder
Taste : Free from off taste
Shelf life : Product shall have a shelf life of 4 months from the date of manufacture if it is stored in the suggested pacakgaing material below
Packaging Material : Product shall be packed in Poly prepylene woven sack with LDPE liner Inside
Storage Condition : Product shall be stored in cool & dry conditions
Quality Standards
Sl No. Test Parameter UOM Limits Test Methodology
A Physical
1.1 Granulation
Passthrough 180 microns Min aib % 99 Appendix F of IS 1009:1979
B Chemical
2.1 Moisture Max aib % 13 AACC 44-15.02
2.2 Total Ash Max db % 0.5 Appendix B of IS 1009:1979
2.3 Acid Insoluble Ash Max db % 0.1 Appendix C of IS 1009:1979
2.4 Dry Gluten Range db % 7.5-9 AACC 38-12.02
2.5 Protein Range % 8-9.5 AOAC 955.04
2.6 Alcoholic Acidity Max db % 0.1 Appendix E of IS 1009:1979
2.7 Sedimentation Value Max ml 23 ISO 5529:2007
2.8 Water Absorption Range % 55-58 AACC 54-21.02
2.9 Falling number Min sec 300 AACC 56-81B
C Microbiological Data
3.1 Total Plate Count Max cfu cfu/g 100000 FDA-BAM, Chapter 3
3.2 Yeast & Mould Max cfu cfu/g 5000 FDA-BAM, Chapter 18
3.3 Salmonella Min cfu/25g Shall be absent FDA-BAM, Chapter 5
3.4 S.aureus Max cfu/g 10000 FDA-BAM, Chapter 12
aib - As is basis; db - Dry basis; cfu - Colony forming units