Leaves color in Light green with lustrous It is exotic type Adoptability Below 30 degree centigrade Maturity 30-60 Days Disease Tolerance Cercospara Leaf spot and rust
Bead Size: Medium-Small Exterior Color: Blue Green Head Characteristics: Semi-Domed Market Use: Fresh Plant Height: Medium Multi-use variety Widely adaptable Days to Maturity from Direct Seed: 90 Notes: Broccoli has been found to have more cancer-fighting compounds than other members of the cabbage family. It is rich in glucosinolates which, once ingested, break down into these healthful cancer fighters: indoles, sulforaphane and isothiocyanates. Broccoli also provides high amounts of Vitamin C, folate and beta carotene and significant amounts of protein, calcium, iron, potassium and fiber.
Dark violet oblong fruits with purplish calyx Early hybrid and high yielder Cluster bearing and continuous fruiting Fetches good market price due to its attractive fruit color and shine Sowing Period 1: June - October First Harvest: 42- 45 Days Seed Quantity Per Acre: 60 - 65 Gms Sowing distance between rows/ridges: 60 - 90 c.m. Sowing distance between plants: 45 - 75 c.m. Sowing Depth: 0.5 - 0.6 c.m. Physical Characteristics Colour Dark Violet Shape: OBLONG Size: Length : 10 - cms Width : 5.04 - cms Weight: 100 - 150 Gms
Plant Type : Strong Fruit Colour : Attractive Red Average Fruit Weight : 80 100 gm Fruit Shape : Flat Round Firmness & Shelf life : Good Days to First Harvest : 65 - 70 days
Early, vigorous, productive, and tolerant to papaya ring spot virus Plants begin to bear fruit at 60-80 cm height and have over 30 fruits per plant in each fruit-setting season Fruits are short oblong on female plants and rather long- shaped on bisexual plants, weighing about 1.5-2 kg Flesh is thick, red, with 13% sugar content, and aromatic Good shelf life and transportability Season - Kharif, Rabi and Early summer 10 gm= 550-600 seeds 2gm= 100-120 seeds
Medium tall plant short internode, multibranching, glossy dark green fruits. Growth habit: Medium tall & erect hybrid, cut leaves. Internodal length: Short to medium. Tolerant: YVMV & ELCV. Color: Attractive dark green tender fruits, good cooking quality. No. of ridges: 5. Germ (MIN):65% P. Purity(MIN):99%
Specifications: PLANT -BUSHY, VIGOROUS, BROAD LEAVES Root - Round, uniform crimson red colour. Average fruit weight of 200g Duration - Harvesting starts in about 55 days from planting Remarks - High yielding variety Soil Requirements: Well drained red loamy soil Height after growth: 1 foot Best time to plant : Sowing June-November Sunlight Requirement: Natural sunlight Watering Requirements/ Moisturing Needs: Whenever surface soil is dry Additional planting and growing instructions: Sow the seeds 1-2cm deep Specific Uses For Product: Used as seeds only and not for consumption Description of the warranty: Seeds to be sown before expiry date Special care instructions: Regularly apply nutrients and plant protection 9000 - 10000 seeds in 200 gm packet or tin
Plants of this hybrid are vigorous, tall determinate with good foliar cover and is recommended for summers in South India when TLCV incidence is high. This hybrid is medium late in maturity. The fruits have green shoulder and are flat round in shape, 80-90 g, with good firmness and smoothness. It is an excellent yielder. It is tolerant to TLCV (in South India). Fruits are acidic in taste. Tolerant to cold condition Hybrid type : Acidic Fruited Hybrids Plant habit : Determinate Plant Vigour : Strong Maturity : Medium Shoulder Color : Green Shoulder Fruit weight (g) : 80-90 Fruit shape : flat round Fruit Firmness : good Disease tolerance : TLCV Remarks : Glossy color, high acidity, very good regeneration ability
Strong Plant Vigor Maturity : Medium Average fruit weight : 80-90 gm Fruit shape is Flat round Good Fruit Firmness. Sowing Month: August To October
Determinate Fresh Market-Dual purpose The determinate early maturing hybrid has excellent plant vigour. Fruits are oval, weigh 80-90g with a very attractive red colour. Fruits are glossy with attractive shoulder and super firmness season after season. This hybrid is a prolific bearer and well adapted for the warm and cool seasons throughout India. Hybrid type : Determinate Fresh Market-Dual Purpose Plant habit : Determinate Plant Vigour : medium Maturity : Medium Shoulder Color : Uniform green Fruit weight (g) : 80-90 Fruit shape : oval Fruit Firmness : excellent Remarks : medium to early hybrid, excellent firmness, suitable for rainy(kharif)& post rainy(rabi) seasons
This early hybrid produces oval fruits of 80-90g with very good firmness. The determinate plants have good foliage cover. Hybrid type : Determinate Fresh Market-Dual Purpose Plant habit : Determinate Plant Vigour : medium Maturity : Early Shoulder Color : LG Fruit weight (g) : 80 - 90 Fruit shape : oval Fruit Firmness : excellent Remarks : Suitable for rainy and post rainy seasons
PLANT TYPE: Determinate type Vigorous with medium foliage cover High yielding. Uniform 90-100 gm fruit size Flat Round type, uniform green shape fruit Very good fruit firmness Good Stay greenness Dark green foliage High Yield potential FRUITS TYPE: Good Desi Fruit Type White Shoulder with very good firm fruits and good keeping quality. Ripe fruits are uniform red and glossy. Good Heat-set TYLCV and Bacterial Blight Tolerance. Harvesting starts 55-60 days after transplanting.
This is an ideal hybrid suitable for tropics with tolerance to bacterial wilt and TLCV. The determinate plants are vigorous with good foliage cover capable of extraordinary yields. The top quality uniform fruits are square-round, 80-90 g, very firmness and attractive glossy red having strong consumer preference. It performs well round the year. Hybrid type: Bacterial Wilt Tolerant Hybrids Plant habit: Determinate Maturity: Early Shoulder Color: light green Fruit weight (g): 80-90 Fruit shape: square round Disease tolerance: Bacterial Wilt, tomato leaf curl virus Remarks: high yields
The Quinoa grain has a small round shape, semi flattened of yellowish white colour. This plant is rich in protein, carbohydrates and it has an excellent balance of amino acids, essential for the development of tissues in the human body. It is cultivated in the Andean region, mainly in the highlands of Peru. Quinoa is considered one of best Andean grains due to his nutritional value, it contains the greatest combination of amino acids. The concentration of lysine in quinoa is almost twice in comparison with other cereals and grasses. It contains no cholesterol. Specifications: PROPERTIES PHYSICAL CHARASTERISTIC Variety Name Blanca Junin, Blanca July, Sajama Infloresence color Red/Pink/Green Apperance Small Round Flattened Grains Grains Colour Creamy Taste Sweet / bitter Odour Characteristic of Product Humidity 13% Max Saponine Absence
We can supply Green/ Red seed less & seed Grapes on regular Basis we are currently cultivating banana in 100 Hectares in south India regions having buy back agreement with FPO in South India. we can supply daily basis in Air Cargo.
Flax seeds, also known as linseeds, are derived from the plant of Linum usitatissimum. They are brown in colour and come with a hard, crunchy covering. Flaxseeds are rich source of micronutrients, dietary fibre, manganese, Vitamin B1 and the essential Omega-3. Consumption of flaxseeds ensures the supply of healthy nutrients, antioxidants and fibre for the body. It has been found that cholesterol levels have reduced among people who included flaxseeds (linseeds) in their diet.
BNB Virgin Flaxseed Oil is obtained from the cold pressing of flax seeds (also known as Linseeds) belonging to the plant Linum usitatissimum Flaxseed oil is an edible oil rich in the essential Omega-3, which makes it an excellent alternative to fish oil and is perfect for vegetarians. Virgin Flaxseed oil is the best form of the oil as it contains the maximum medicinal properties. Flaxseed oil is known to cleanse the body from within, and is also used topically to get a smooth and clear complexion. It not only detoxifies the body from within but also helps clear blemishes, reduce acne scars and pigmentation marks. One of the greatest advantages of flaxseed oil is that it helps the digestive system to function properly and smoothly. Modern research has also found evidence to suggest that flaxseed can help control sugar levels, reduce the risk of cancer and contributes to maintaining a healthy heart.
Jasmine: JASMINE is a very popular flower around the world especially in the tropics because of its unique fragrance. Jasmine is a native to tropical and warm of temperate regions of the world. The jasmine flowers are white in most species. in which we are dealing only white colour jasmine flower. Jasmines are often strong and sweet scented, jasmines are widely cultivated for their beautiful clusters of fragrant flowers. Jasmine is cultivated in southern state of India viz Tamilnadu. Madurai, Dindigul, Theni and sathyamangalam are few cities in Tamil nadu state (india) which is famous for its Jasmine production. The flowers are used in worship, hair ornaments, garlands, marriages,religious ceremonies and festivals. Jasmine is also cultivated commercially for some industrial purpose like perfume industry and jasmine tea industry. Chinese consume Jasmine tea where it is called as jasmine flower tea, it is used in the jasmine tea because of its fragrance and flavor. Price of the jasmine flower in the Tamil Nadu state is fixed under daily market basis according to the supply and demand.The availability of fresh jasmine flowers is 1 tons per day.
We Harakh Enterprise are eminent Exporter, manufacturer & supplier of Moringa Oleifera Products, Moringa Leaf Powder, Capsules & Oil. Our range has gain popularity for its higher shelf life and high quality. We are the huge Cultivator/manufacturers cum exporters of Drumstick seeds/moringa seeds in the globe, we produce and supply multi grade/variety like odc seeds, pkm-1 moringa cultivation seeds, pkm-2 cultivation seeds, km-1 seeds, moringa traditional seeds, moringa oil seeds, moringa medicinal seeds, moringa pharma grade seeds,moringa white seeds,karumbu moringa seeds,tree moringa seeds, moringa bold seeds, moringa papvm seeds,high oil content moringa seeds,nutritional moringa seeds, fresh wet moringa seeds, fresh wet white moringa seeds, moringa cultivation seeds for leaves production, moringa seeds powder, moringa edible seeds, moringa seeds for natural water treatment,edible moringa seeds kernels,bold moringa seeds kernel, edible bold moringa seeds, young unmatured white moringa seeds for medicinal uses, moringa seeds powder, moringa seeds cake, moringa seeds extract,full matured black colour moringa seeds,moringa seeds shell husk, forest moringa seeds, mulanur tree moringa seeds, vadipatty tree moringa seeds, zhafna moringa seeds, mul moringa seeds, semmuringa seeds, chavakacheri moringa seedes, very well cleaned moringa seeds in bulk and fine quality. We are doing moringa contract cultivation in 1000 acres at Gujarat india.
We are offer the best Grape Seeds in the market. Grape Seed extract is widely used for it powerful antioxidant properties and is also beneficial in fighting certain cancers. These seeds are free from damage by fungus or bacterial infection and hence has longer shelf life. . Available as: Raw seeds Powder