MPR- Moringa Tea contains vital vitamins and nutrients and doesnt possess any kind of side effects.
MPR-Tea is effective in curing various health diseases but basically used as a natural health supplement.
These are suitable for different age groups and gender as intake of Moringa Tea.
These Moringa Tea leads to improvement in the immune system and also increase the stamina with rich flavonoids.
These MPR-Teas prevent the anemic condition and strengthen the bones.
Tune-up the body by energizing with dozens of vitamins, minerals, and macro and micronutrients
Instant Relief from stress and strain
Increase in stamina with rich flavonoids
Improved immune system
A Grade, High Quality, Round in Shape, Easy to cut.
Mangosteen contains several nutrients with antioxidant capacity, such as vitamin C and folate. Plus, it provides xanthones â?? a unique type of plant compound known to have strong antioxidant properties.
Plectranthus amboinicus, once identified as Coleus amboinicus, is a semi-succulent perennial plant in the family Lamiaceae with a pungent oregano-like flavor and odor.
It contains phytochemicals such as alkaloids, tannins, saponins, phenolics and flavonoids. The most important is vasicine, a quinazoline alkaloid. The vasicine yield of the herbage has been measured as 0.541 to 1.1% by dry weight.
Lagerstroemia speciosa is a medium-large-sized evergreen tree grows up to 25 m high. The leaves are opposite, leathery, oblong to ovate in shape, glaborus with short petiole, and measures 10-20 cm x 5-7.5 cm
perennial herb 0.5 - 2 m tall Leaves: about midstem and above, opposite, on 1 - 7 cm long stalks, somewhat elongate triangular to egg-shaped or lance-shaped, 4 - 14 cm long, 2 - 9 cm wide, with blunt or indented bases, and non-toothed edges.
A Grade, High Quality, Liquorice is an extract from the Glycyrrhiza glabra plant which contains glycyrrhizic acid, or GZA. GZA is made of one molecule of glycyrrhetinic acid and two molecules of glucuronic acid. The extracts from the root of the plant can also be referred to as liquorice, sweet root, and glycyrrhiza extract.
he plant is rich in chemical substances like vinblastine and vincristine, is helpful in the treatment of Leukemia in children and lymphoma. The group of alkaloid which is present in it can be virtually used in the treatment of cancer. The alkaloids may have certain side effects on the body. Traditionally the root bark of periwinkle is used for treatment. It has calming effect and it can also reduce blood pressure and it also contains the alkaloids Alstonine.
Forskolin is a chemical found in the roots of the plant Plectranthus barbatus (Coleus forskohlii).
This plant has been used since ancient times to treat heart disorders such as high blood pressure and chest pain (angina), as well as respiratory disorders such as asthma.