Offering Roots Of Madder.
Madder roots have the medicinal value and most commonly red dye is obtained from its roots. Also useful in skin infections and ulcers.
Supplier: Herbs and essential oil, argan oil, rose water, ghassoul, verbena oil, thyme oil, menthe oil, rosemary oil, bay leaves oil, mugwort oil, corrigiola telephiifolia, madder root, mandrake root, oris roots, pellitory root, soapwort root, artichoke leaves, bay laurel leaves, cactus flowers, centaury, mugwort, oak moss, orange flowers, orange leaves, oregano, peels, pomegranate, red poppy, rosemary leaves, thyme, chamomile, olive leaves, orange blossoms, orange peels, rosebud, verbena leaves
Supplier: Medicinal herbs & plants
sweet flag, root
robinia pseudoacacia, flower
marsh mallow, root
marsh mallow, leaf
marsh mallow, grass
globe artichoke, leaf
erianthus milk vetch, grass
lesser periwinkle, grass
poison hemlock, herb
common hawthorn, fruit
elder, flower
cherry peduncles
walnut, leaf
elecampane, root
solanum melongena, herb
yarrow, flower
common melilot, grass
genista tinctoria, herb
onobr�½chis sandy, herb
hypericum perforatum, herb
wild strawberry, grass
iris pseudacorus, root
pimpinella saxÃ?Âfraga, root
horse chestnut, flower
catnip citric, grass
great nettle, root
great nettle, leaf
great nettle, herb
yellow pondlily, root
small leaved linden, flower
small leaved linden, leaf
great burdock, root
great burdock, seed
alfalfa, herb
common madder, root
echinops sphaerocephalus, seed
field mint herb
common dandelion, root