Rugen fisch Ag delivers top quality whole salmon and salmon cuts at competitive prices. We ensure freshness, colour and fat content of our products. With in-house and third party inspection of our products, cold-storage facilities and shipping agents, we take a first-hand interest in ensuring that our salmon is always of the highest quality and that it is delivered right on time. From the salmon fisheries, entire lots are transported to our processing center. Via reputable shipping agents, the products are then distributed locally or internationally through Port of Sassnitz and our customers in the catering, hotel, and restaurant businesses as well as in the wholesale and retail sectors. Salmon portions deep skinned (IQF & VAC. packed) Description: Deepskinned, PBO, colour 13+, IQF, single VAC. or twin VAC. With or without tails. Size: 125gr +/-10gr 150gr +/-10gr 190gr +/-10gr Packaging: Carton, fixed weight of 3kg / 5kg / 10kg / 25kg Frozen Scientific name Salmo Salar Farmraised Whole Frozen Salmon, gutted, head-on / head-off Description: Gutted, Head-on or Head-off Size: 1-2kg 2-3kg 3-4kg 4-5kg 5-6kg 6-7kg 7-8kg 8-9kg 9+kg Packaging: Carton, random weight Frozen Scientific name Salmo Salar Farmraised Salmon Fillets Skin-on (IQF & VAC. packed) Description: Skin-on, PBO, colour 13+ or 14+ Size: 0,6-0,9kg / 0,9-1,3kg / 1,4-1,7kg / 1,8-2,1kg or 1-2lbs / 2-3lbs / 3-4lbs / 4-5lbs Packaging: Carton, 10kg / 15kg / 25kg / Random Fresh / Frozen Scientific name Salmo Salar Farmraised Salmon Fillets deepskinned (IQF & VAC. packed) Description: Deepskinned, PBO, 13+ or 14+ Size: 0,6-0,9kg / 0,9-1,2kg / 1,2-1,5kg / 1,5-1,8kg or 1-2lbs / 2-3lbs / 3-4lbs / 4-5lbs Packaging: Carton, 10kg / 15kg / 25kg / random weight Fresh / Frozen Scientific name Salmo Salar Farmraised Salmon steaks Description: cut from gutted frozen fish, IQF, colour 14+ Size: 100-150gr / 150-180gr / 180-220gr Packaging: Carton, 5kg / 10kg Frozen Scientific name salmo salar Farmraised Salmon fillet blocks 16,5 lbs Description: Deepskinned, PBO, colour 13+ or 14+ Size: 16,5 Lbs Packaging: Carton, 3 x 16,5lbs / 4 x 16,5lbs Frozen Scientific name Salmo Salar Farmraised Salmon bits and pieces blocks Description: Deepskinned, PBO, colour 13+ or 14+ Size: 16,5lbs or 5kg Packaging: Carton, 3 x 16,5lbs / 4 x 16,5lbs / 6 x 5,0kg Frozen Scientific name Salmo Salar Farmraised Salmon scrape meat blocks 16,5 lbs Description: Skinless, PBO, colour 13+ Size: 16,5lbs or 5kg bags Packaging: Carton, 3 x 16,5lbs / 4 x 16,5lbs / 6 x 5,0kg Frozen Scientific name Salmo Salar Farmraised
Order Fresh Scallops Meat Worldwide All Scallops are sold with the Roe intact which are a beautiful orange colour. Our Scallops have a sweet, delicate flavour and are best pan-fried, steamed or grilled. Generally orders placed before 9am on Tuesdays will be deliverd fresh on the Thursday or Friday. On occasions such as bank holidays, bad weather or limted availabily, the fish may be supplied frozen. The fish are always freshly frozen to guarantee the same flavour. Can be delivered frozen any day.
caribbean spiny lobstar is wild-caught in the shallow waters of the western atlantic ocean. unlike lobsters from the northeast, spiny lobsters do not have claws. instead, they have big delicious tails! when you buy them by the pound, your getting more tail meat for your money then other lobsters. the taste of the Caribbean spiny lobster is comparable to that of the California spiny lobster. sizes ranging from 1 1/4 to 4 pounds. Product: Fresh Bambo / Spiny Lobster & Rock Ornate Lobsters. Grades and Prices: 100 200 grams US$ 10.50/kg CNF Shanghai, Singapore, Bangkok, Taipei, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Gaungzhou via air 200 700 grams US$ 18.50/kg CNF Shanghai, Singapore, Bangkok, Taipei, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Gaungzhou via air . 700 1200 grams USD 19.00/kg CNF Shanghai, Singapore, Bangkok, Taipei, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Gaungzhou via air Product: Live Rock / Ornate Lobster Grades and Prices: 100 300 grams USD 28.00 per kg CNF Shanghai, Singapore, Bangkok, Taipei, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Gaungzhou via air 300 700 grams USD 34.00 per kg CNF Shanghai, Singapore, Bangkok, Taipei, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Gaungzhou via air 700 1200 grams USD 35.00 per kg CNF Shanghai, Singapore, Bangkok, Taipei, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Gaungzhou via air Product: Fresh Sand Lobsters Grades and Prices: 100 200 grams US$ 9.50/kg CNF Shanghai, Singapore, Bangkok, Taipei, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Gaungzhou via air 200 300 grams US$ 10.50/kg CNF Shanghai, Singapore, Bangkok, Taipei, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Gaungzhou via air . 300 400 grams US$ 11.50/kg CNF Shanghai, Singapore, Bangkok, Taipei, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Gaungzhou via air . 400 500 + grams US$ 12.50/kg CNF Shanghai, Singapore, Bangkok, Taipei, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Gaungzhou via air .
Tuna Fish High quality Tuna products from Rugen fisch AG Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) : Loin with/without CO , 1-2 2-4 3-5kg , IVP 25kg/carton ; Steak skin on/off , bone in/out 5kg bulk. Tuna Saku , Grade AAA Size weight : 6oz-8oz 10oz-11oz Packing : 11lbs/foam case x 2/ctn. Bullet Tuna Baby Bonita (Auxis rochei) : Whole round 300-500 500-700 block , IQF ; fillet loin boiled. Skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) : Whole round 1-1.8kg , 1.8kg-up ; WGGS 800-1200 , 1200-up ; Steak bone-in Skipjack chunk, flakes in oil, in brine: 130/185 x 24 cans/ctn Bonito chunk in oil: 130/185 x 48 cans/ctn
Raw Vannamei White Shrimp Vannamei White Shrimp even though they are called white shrimp their shells are a light grayish-white and turn pink when cooked. The shell can be thinner than wild caught shrimp and, Farm-Raised shrimp will have a mild flavor and sometimes a less firm meat texture, due to the environment they are raised in. White Shrimp (With Shells) -Raw Headon Shellon : 31/40 to 80/120 pcs/kg -Raw Headless Shellon : 21/25 to 91/110 pcs/lb -Raw Headless Shellon Easy Peel : 21/25 to 71/90 pcs/lb White Shrimp (P&D/PUD/PTO) -Raw P&D/PUD Tail-on and off : 26/30 to 9 1/110 pcs/kg -Raw PTO Butterfly : 26/30 to 71/90 pcs/lb -Raw P&D/PUD Tail-on and Off Skewers : 26/30 to 61/70 pcs/lb White Shrimp Rings -Skinpacked with Cocktail : Using cooked P&D Tail-on 26/30 to 91/120 pcs/lb -Sauce & clear dome or in printed inner box With or without sauce Ring sizes: 6 oz to 40 oz White Shrimp Wedges -Skinpacked with Cocktail Using Cooked P&D Tail-on 41/50 to 71/90 pcs/lb -Sauce & clear lid Wedge sizes:- 3 oz to 4 oz Cooked Vannamei White Shrimp (Peeled) -Cooked P&D Tail-on (CPTO) : 26/30 to 91/120 pcs/lb -Cooked P&D Tail-off : 26/30 to 91/120 pcs/lb -Cooked PUD Tail-off : 31/40 to 200/300 pcs/lb -Sushi Ebi : LL, L, M, S, SS Cooked Vannamei White Shrimp (Shellon) -Cooked Headon Shellon 21/30 to 51/60 pcs/kg -Cooked Headless Shellon 16/20 to 71/90 pcs/lb -Cooked Headless Shellon Easy Peel 16/20 to 71/90 pcs/lb -Sushi Ebi : LL, L, M, S, SS
PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS -Fresh or frozen -Whole, gutted, gilled and gutted, headed and gutted, vacuum pack fillets -Size whole: 3-4.5kg -Size fillets: average 1.5kg each AVAILABILITY -Year round -Standard Packing -6 whole fish per polystyrene carton (16-18kg approx.) -10 fillets (1kg each) per polystyrene carton (10-12kg approx.) FREIGHT -Fresh air freight -Frozen air or sea freight
Baracuda any of about 20 species of predacious fishes of the family Sphyraenidae (order Perciformes). Barracudas are found in all warm and tropical regions; some also range into more temperate areas. Swift and powerful, they are slender in form, with small scales, two well-separated dorsal fins, a jutting lower jaw, and a large mouth with many large, sharp teeth. Size varies from rather small to 1.2 1.8 metres (4 6 feet) in the great barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda) of the Atlantic, Caribbean, and western Pacific. Available: - whole round (fresh/frozen)
Croaker is a species of marine ray-finned fish belonging to the family Sciaenidae and is closely related to the black drum (Pogonias cromis), the silver perch (Bairdiella chrysoura), the spot croaker (Leiostomus xanthurus), the red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus), the spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus), and the weakfish (Cynoscion regalis). This fish is commonly found in sounds. Available: - whole round (fresh/frozen)
We are involved in processing of cuttle fish. We are one of the reputed cuttle fish supplier in Germany. A swimming marine mollusc that resembles a broad-bodied squid, having eight arms and two long tentacles that are used for grabbing prey. Its internal skeleton is the familiar cuttlebone, which it uses for adjusting buoyancy. Size- 300 Grams to 1Kg (Whole,Round) Whole Cleaned. Cuttles are marine animals of the order Sepiida. They belong to the class Cephalopoda, which also includes squid, octopuses, and nautiluses. Cuttlefish have a unique internal shell, the cuttlebone. Despite their name, cuttlefish are not fish but molluscs. Available: - whole round (fresh/frozen), Cleaned / fillet (fresh/frozen)
An eel is any fish belonging to the order Anguilliformes, which consists of four suborders, 20 families, 111 genera and about 800 species. Most eels are predators. Available: - whole round (fresh/frozen) Size - 300 Grams to 1 Kg ( Whole,Round) Eel fish- are elongated fish, ranging in length from 5 cm (2.0 in) in the one-jawed eel (Monognathus ahlstromi) to 4 m (13 ft) in the slender giant moray. Adults range in weight from 30 g (1.1 oz) to well over 25 kg (55 lb). They possess no pelvic fins, and many species also lack pectoral fins. The dorsal and anal fins are fused with the caudal fin, forming a single ribbon running along much of the length of the animal. Eels swim by generating body waves which travel the length of their bodies. They can swim backwards by reversing the direction of the wave.
Grouper are teleosts, typically having a stout body and a large mouth. They are not built for long-distance, fast swimming. They can be quite large, and lengths over a meter and weights up to 100 kg are not uncommon, though obviously in such a large group, species vary considerably. Available: - whole round (fresh/frozen)
Red Mullet- these fishes of the goatfish family Mullidae are not closely related to many other species called "mullet", which are members of the grey mullet family Mugilidae. The word "surmullet" comes from the French, and ultimately probably from a Germanic root "sor" 'reddish brown. They are both favored delicacies in the Mediterranean, and in antiquity were "one of the most famous and valued fish". Available: - whole round (fresh/frozen)
We offer dairy product solutions to a wide range of industrial buyers and buyers/distributors of retail dairy products such as UHT milk, full cream milk powder ( FCMP), skim milk powder, butter and cheese. Our product is manifactured from fresh cow whole milk. Since 2007 we have been supplying highest, stable quality food. We always seek direct contact and attach great importance to long-term cooperation with customers. We achieve this by using our extensive network of manifacturers located in the European Union, so that we can find exactly what the customers need or arrange to have it manifactured. The products that the business needs is delivered according to the requirements and specifications that the customers determine. We always look forward to serving each individual customer with the best possible commercial services.
Description , Find below the baby milk formula and let u sknow what you are interested in Product name: nutrilon nutricia infant baby powder Origin: netherlands Product name volume grams Nutrilon standaard 1(geschikt vanaf de geboorte¬) 850g Nutrilon standaard 2 met pronutra(opvolgmelk) 850g Nutrilon standaard 3 met pronutra(opvolgmelk) 850g Nutrilon standaard 5(peutermelk) 800g Nutrilon pepti h.A. 1 800g Nutrilon pepti h.A. 2 800g Product name: aptamil milupa infant baby powder Origin: germany Product name volume grams Aptamil pre mit pronutra anfangsmilch 800g Aptamil pronutra 1 milchnahrung 800g Aptamil 2 mit pronutra folgemilch 800g Aptamil 3 mit pronutra folgemilch 800g Milupa aptamil kindermilch 1+ 600g Milupa aptamil kindermilch 2+ 600g
We sell Grade A Quality Refined Sunflower Oil. Refined sunflower oil characteristics Physical properties Refractive index:1.465-1.475 at 40 deg. C Density:0.91-0.92 g/cm3 at 20 deg. C Volatile matter: Max.0.07 % at 105 deg. C Taste : Excellent Odor : None - not sensed Appearance: No residue at 40 deg. C Cold test: Min.48 hours at 0 deg. C Colour: Max.1.2 red, lovibond tintometer 5/20 inch Chemical specifications Peroxide:0.2 meq/KG. Of oil % soap:0.0005 % unsaponifiable matter: Max.0.12 Impurities: None % saturated fat(-ty acids):8-12 % unsaturated fat(-ty acids):87-91 %free fatty acids (ffa): Max 0.1 % ash (*): Max.0.05 Saponification value:190.32 koh/g. Of oil Iodine value:134.13 (wijs-hanus method) Feeding energy:900kcal Iron : < 0.02 mg/lt Fatty acid composition : C14:0 :0.06 C16:0 :5.77 C18:0 :4.1 C18:1 :27.3 C18:2 :59.2 C20:0 :0.27 C18:3 :0.25
We sell Grade A Quality Refined Sunflower Oil. Refined sunflower oil characteristics Physical properties Refractive index:1.465-1.475 at 40 deg. C Density:0.91-0.92 g/cm3 at 20 deg. C Volatile matter: Max.0.07 % at 105 deg. C Taste : Excellent Odor : None - not sensed Appearance: No residue at 40 deg. C Cold test: Min.48 hours at 0 deg. C Colour: Max.1.2 red, lovibond tintometer 5/20 inch Chemical specifications Peroxide:0.2 meq/KG. Of oil % soap:0.0005 % unsaponifiable matter: Max.0.12 Impurities: None % saturated fat(-ty acids):8-12 % unsaturated fat(-ty acids):87-91 %free fatty acids (ffa): Max 0.1 % ash (*): Max.0.05 Saponification value:190.32 koh/g. Of oil Iodine value:134.13 (wijs-hanus method) Feeding energy:900kcal Iron : < 0.02 mg/lt Fatty acid composition : C14:0 :0.06 C16:0 :5.77 C18:0 :4.1 C18:1 :27.3 C18:2 :59.2 C20:0 :0.27 C18:3 :0.25
Aptamil Milk Powder Aptamil pre mit pronutra anfangsmilch = 800g Aptamil pronutra 1 milchnahrung = 800g Aptamil 2 mit pronutra folgemilch = 800g Aptamil 3 mit pronutra folgemilch = 800g Milupa aptamil kindermilch 1+ = 600g Milupa aptamil kindermilch 2+ = 600g Minimum order: 2000 units by air. Supply ability: 30000 units (mixture). Delivery time: 3-5 days after payment confirmation (air freight). 18 days after payment confirmation (sea freight). Holle milk powder Holle bio-kindermilch 1= 600g Holle bio-kindermilch 2= 600g Holle bio-kindermilch 3= 600g Holle bio-kindermilch 4= 600g Minimum order: 2000 units by air. Supply ability: 30000 units (mixture). Delivery time: 3-5 days after payment confirmation (air freight). 18 days after payment confirmation (sea freight). Cow & Gate Milk Powder Cow and Gate first infant milk from newborn stage 1= 900g Cow and Gate hungrier babies from newborn stage 2= 900g Cow & Gate follow-on milk stage 3= 900g Cow & Gate growing up milk for toddlers 1yr+= 900g Cow & Gate growing up milk 2yr+= 800g Minimum order: 2000 units by air. Supply ability: 30000 units (mixture). Delivery time: 3-5 days after payment confirmation (air freight). 18 days after payment confirmation (sea freight). Hipp Milk Powder Hipp organic first infant milk powder stage 1= 800g Hipp organic hungry infant milk powder stage 2= 800g Hipp organic follow on milk powder stage 3= 800g Hipp organic growing up milk powder stage 4= 600g Hipp organic first infant milk powder starter= 800g Minimum order: 2000 units by air. Supply ability: 30000 units (mixture). Delivery time: 3-5 days after payment confirmation (air freight). 18 days after payment confirmation (sea freight). Nutrilon Milk Powder Nutrilon standard 1(geschikt vanaf de geboorte)= 850g Nutrilon standaard 2 met pronutra(opvolgmelk)= 850g Nutrilon standaard 3 met pronutra(opvolgmelk)= 850g Nutrilon standaard 4(dreumesmelk met pronutra)= 800g Nutrilon standaard 5(peutermelk)= 800g Nutrilon pepti h.a. 1= 800g Nutrilon pepti h.a. 2= 800g minimum order: 2000 units by air. supply ability: 30000 units (mixture). delivery time: 3-5 days after payment confirmation (air freight). 18 days after payment confirmation (sea freight). Friso milk powder Friso 1 (800 gram) Friso 2 (800 gram) Friso 3 (700 gram) Friso 4 (700 gram) Friso 5 (700 gram) Minimum order: 2000 units by air. Supply ability: 30000 units (mixture). Delivery time: 3-5 days after payment confirmation (air freight). 6 Packs per Carton
Product: Nestle milk powder Origin: Netherlands Weight: 400g, 900g, 1800g, 2000g, 2500g Text: English/Arabic and stickers also available at extra cost. *Nido Milk Powder available in the below sizes * 24 tins x 400gms (Load ability in 20' FCL - 910 cartons / 40'FCL - 1800 cartons),EUR 1.8 /tin * 12 tins x 900gms (Load ability in 20' FCL - 900 cartons/ 40'FCL - 1750 cartons),EUR 4.00/tin * 6 tins x 1800gms (Load ability in 20'FCL - 700 cartons / 40' FCL 1300 cartons),EUR 6.08/tin * 6 tins x 2000gms (Load ability in 20'FCL - 600 cartons / 40'FCL - 1440 cartons),EUR 7.00/tin * 6 tins x 2500gms (Load ability in 20'FCL - 600 cartons / 40'FCL - 1440 cartons),EUR 8.5/tin Minimum order quantity: 20 FCL We also have available in stock: Aptamil, Nutrilon, Bebilon, Cow & Gate, Nutrilon, Nestle Nan, Bebiko, Anchor milk, Friso * 24 tins x 400gms (Load ability in 20' FCL - 910 cartons / 40'FCL - 1800 cartons),EUR 1.8 /tin * 12 tins x 900gms (Load ability in 20' FCL - 900 cartons/ 40'FCL - 1750 cartons),EUR 4.00/tin * 6 tins x 1800gms (Load ability in 20'FCL - 700 cartons / 40' FCL 1300 cartons),EUR 6.08/tin * 6 tins x 2000gms (Load ability in 20'FCL - 600 cartons / 40'FCL - 1440 cartons),EUR 7.00/tin * 6 tins x 2500gms (Load ability in 20'FCL - 600 cartons / 40'FCL - 1440 cartons),EUR 8.5/tin
German Aptamil mit Pronutra+ - Aptamil Pre mit Pronutra : From Birth - Aptamil 1 mit Pronutra : From Birth and longer period - Aptamil 2 mit Pronutra+ : After 6 months - Aptamil 3 mit Pronutra+ : From 10 months weight 800 gr packing:Box,Can(tined)
Milupa aptamil kindermilch 1+ = 600g Milupa aptamil kindermilch 2+ = 600g Minimum order:50 units by air. Supply ability: 10000 units (mixture). Delivery time: 3-5 days after payment confirmation (air freight). 18 days after payment confirmation (sea freight). packing:can(tined) box weight:600 gr