Steam turbines.
Gas turbines.
Dear sir We have some stock containers (2 ) about ps55 (a55) clear bulb with various kind of watts (aluminium base e27, 220-240 v, 50/60 h, 300 gr box packing) in Istanbul –Turkey port and They are ready to delivery, with 100 pcs. Export ctns. Total 4700 ctns as fob/istanbul. The photos are attached .If you are interested in with them please inform us as soon as possible. 100 pcs export cartoons
Caracteristicas Técnicas : Ancho / Width X Largo / Length X Alto / Height : 180 X 280 X 380 Peso / Weight : 10Kg Voltage / Weight : 230V/110V/220V Frecuencia / Frequency : 50Hz / 60Hz Fases / Phases : 1(monofásico / Single phase) - Rpm: 1300 / 1600 Intensidad / Current : 2, 8 A / 6,2 A - Condensador / Condenser : 10nf / 40nf Potencia / Power : 0,50Hp / 570W Grado de protección / Degree of protection : IP21 Motor provisto de protector térmico / Motor equipped with thermal protector Tiempo máximo de funcionamiento continuo / Maximum continuous operation time : 30 min. Paro / marcha versión estándar : arranque automático /ON/OFF, standard version.
Caracteristicas Técnicas : Ancho / Width X Largo / Length X Alto / Height : 170 X 340 X 410 Peso / Weight : 6Kg Voltage / Weight : 230V/110V/220V Frecuencia / Frequency : 50Hz / 60Hz Fases / Phases : 1(monofásico / Single phase) - Rpm: 1300 / 1600 Intensidad / Current : 1,15A / 2,47A - Condensador / Condenser : 10nf / 40nf Potencia / Power : 0,10Hp / 270W Grado de protección / Degree of protection : IP21 Motor provisto de protector térmico / Motor equipped with thermal protector Tiempo máximo de funcionamiento continuo / Maximum continuous operation time : 30 min. Muelas de acero templado (62Rb) de 60 mm de diámetro / 60 mm diameter tempered steel grinding wheels Duración de las muelas : 500Kg de café / Duration of grinding wheels : 500Kg coffee Capacidad de la tolva : 1/2kg de café en grano / Hopper capacity: 1/2kg of coffee grains Paro / marcha versión estándar : molido y dosificación instantáneos / ON/OFF, standart version : Instant grinding and dispensing 0 - 500g = 6’. - C. O. C : 1Kg. - Ruido aéreo : 77 dB Diseñado bajo directiva 89/392 CE / Designed according to EC directive 89/392.
Caracteristicas Técnicas : Ancho / Width X Largo / Length X Alto / Height : 180 X 280 X 380 Peso / Weight : 6Kg Voltage / Weight : 230V/110V/220V Frecuencia / Frequency : 50Hz / 60Hz Fases / Phases : 1(monofásico / Single phase) - Rpm: 1300 / 1600 Intensidad / Current : 1, 3 A / 2,7 A - Condensador / Condenser : 8nf / 40nf Potencia / Power : 0,10Hp / 270W Grado de protección / Degree of protection : IP21 Motor provisto de protector térmico / Motor equipped with thermal protector Tiempo máximo de funcionamiento continuo / Maximum continuous operation time : 30 min. Paro / marcha versión estándar : arranque manual /ON/OFF, standard version: Manual start-up Diseñado bajo directiva 89/392 CE / Designed according to EC directive 89/392.
Caracteristicas Técnicas : Ancho / Width X Largo / Length X Alto / Height : 210 X 380 X 600 Peso / Weight : 9 Kg Voltage / Weight : 230V/110V/220V Frecuencia / Frequency : 50Hz / 60Hz Fases / Phases : 1(monofásico / Single phase) - Rpm: 1300 / 1600 Intensidad / Current : 1, 75 A / 3,7 A - Condensador / Condenser : 10nf / 40nf Potencia / Power : 0,20Hp / 356W Grado de protección / Degree of protection : IP21 Motor provisto de protector térmico / Motor equipped with thermal protector Tiempo máximo de funcionamiento continuo / Maximum continuous operation time : 30 min. Muelas de acero templado (62Rb) de 60 mm de diámetro / 60 mm diameter tempered steel grinding wheels Duración de las muelas : 500Kg de café / Duration of grinding wheels : 500Kg coffee Capacidad de la tolva : 2kg de café en grano / Hopper capacity: 2kg of coffee grains Capacidad del dosificador : 600 g de café molido / Dispenser capacity : 600 g of ground coffee Regulación del dosificador : 5 - 12 g de café molido / Dispenser adjustment : 5 - 12 g of ground coffee Paro / marcha versión estándar : Arranque manual / ON/OFF, standart version : Manual start-up En opción: arranque automático cada 2 cafés/ Opcional: Automatic start every 2 coffee La palanca de accionamiento del dosificador puede estar colocada a la izquierda o a la derecha / The dispenser lever can be placed on the left or right side. 0 - 500g = 5’. - C. O. C. : 3 Kg. - Ruido aéreo: 77dB Diseñado bajo directiva 89/392 CE / Designed according to EC directive 89/392.
Caracteristicas Técnicas : Ancho / Width X Largo / Length X Alto / Height : 145 X 310 X 345 Peso / Weight : 4Kg Capacidad dosificador : 600 g de café molido / Dispenser capacity : 600 g of ground coffee.
Caracteristicas Técnicas : “SILENCIOSO” Ancho / Width X Largo / Length X Alto / Height : 185 X 270 X 525 Peso / Weight : 12 Kg Voltage / Weight : 230V/110V/220V Frecuencia / Frequency : 50Hz / 60Hz Fases / Phases : 1(monofásico / Single phase) - Rpm: 1300 / 1600 Intensidad / Current : 1,15 A / 2,47 A - Condensador / Condenser : 10nf / 40nf Potencia / Power : 0,10Hp / 270W Grado de protección / Degree of protection : IP21 Motor provisto de protector térmico / Motor equipped with thermal protector Tiempo máximo de funcionamiento continuo / Maximum continuous operation time : 30 min. Muelas de acero templado (62Rb) de 60 mm de diámetro / 60 mm diameter tempered steel grinding wheels Duración de las muelas : 500Kg de café / Duration of grinding wheels : 500Kg coffee Capacidad de la tolva : 1kg de café en grano / Hopper capacity: 1kg of coffee grains Regulación del dosificador : 5 - 12 g de café molido / Dispenser adjustment : 5 - 12 g of ground coffee Paro / marcha versión estándar : molido y dosificación instantáneos / ON/OFF, standart version : instant grinding and dispensing . 0 - 8g = 6’’. - C. O. C. : 2 Kg. - Ruido aéreo: 63dB Diseñado bajo directiva 89/392 CE / Designed according to EC directive 89/392.
Caracteristicas Técnicas : 'SILENCIOSO' Ancho / Width X Largo / Length X Alto / Height : 400 X 250 X 666 Peso / Weight : 24 Kg Voltage / Weight : 230V/110V/220V Frecuencia / Frequency : 50Hz / 60Hz Fases / Phases : 1(monofásico / Single phase) - Rpm: 1300 / 1600 Intensidad / Current : 4, 4 A / 9,46 A - Condensador / Condenser : 25nf / 100nf Potencia / Power : 0,60Hp / 920W Grado de protección / Degree of protection : IP21 Motor provisto de protector térmico / Motor equipped with thermal protector Tiempo máximo de funcionamiento continuo / Maximum continuous operation time : 30 min. Muelas de acero templado (62Rb) de 65 mm de diámetro / 65 mm diameter tempered steel grinding wheels Duración de las muelas : 500Kg de café / Duration of grinding wheels : 500Kg coffee Capacidad de la tolva : 1kg de café en grano / Hopper capacity: 1kg of coffee grains Regulación del dosificador : 5 - 12 g de café molido / Dispenser adjustment : 5 - 12 g of ground coffee Paro / marcha versión estándar : molido y dosificación instantáneos / ON/OFF, standart version : instant grinding and dispensing . 0 - 8g = 3’’. - C. O. C. : 4 Kg. - Ruido aéreo: 63dB Diseñado bajo directiva 89/392 CE / Designed according to EC directive 89/392.
Caracteristicas Técnicas : Ancho / Width X Largo / Length X Alto / Height : 210 X 250 X 605 Peso / Weight : 25 Kg Voltage / Weight : 230V/110V/220V Frecuencia / Frequency : 50Hz / 60Hz Fases / Phases : 1(monofásico / Single phase) - Rpm: 1300 / 1600 Intensidad / Current : 5, 75 A / 12,3 A - Condensador / Condenser : 108nf / 324nf Potencia / Power : 0,75Hp / 980W Grado de protección / Degree of protection : IP21 Motor provisto de protector térmico / Motor equipped with thermal protector Tiempo máximo de funcionamiento continuo / Maximum continuous operation time : 30 min. Muelas de acero templado (62Rb) de 65 mm de diámetro / 65 mm diameter tempered steel grinding wheels Duración de las muelas : 500Kg de café / Duration of grinding wheels : 500Kg coffee Capacidad de la tolva : 1/2kg de café en grano / Hopper capacity: 1/2kg of coffee grains Paro / marcha versión estándar : molido y dosificación instantáneos mediante pulsador ON/OFF, standard version:Instant pushbutton-activated grinding and dispensing. 0 - 500g = 1,44” - C. O. C. : 20 Kg. - Ruido aéreo: 63dB Diseñado bajo directiva 89/392 CE / Designed according to EC directive 89/392.
Caracteristicas Técnicas : Ancho / Width X Largo / Length X Alto / Height : 270 X 460 X 630 Peso / Weight : 13 Kg Voltage / Weight : 230V/110V/220V Frecuencia / Frequency : 50Hz / 60Hz Fases / Phases : 1(monofásico / Single phase) - Rpm: 1300 / 1600 Intensidad / Current : 2,1 A / 4,7 A - Condensador / Condenser : 14nf / 55nf Potencia / Power : 0,37Hp / 497W Grado de protección / Degree of protection : IP21 Motor provisto de protector térmico / Motor equipped with thermal protector Tiempo máximo de funcionamiento continuo / Maximum continuous operation time : 30 min. Muelas de acero templado (62Rb) de 65 mm de diámetro / 65 mm diameter tempered steel grinding wheels Duración de las muelas : 500Kg de café / Duration of grinding wheels : 500Kg coffee Capacidad de la tolva : 1,5kg de café en grano / Hopper capacity: 1,5kg of coffee grains Capacidad del dosificador : 600 g de café molido / Dispenser capacity : 600 g of ground coffee Regulación del dosificador : 5 - 12 g de café molido / Dispenser adjustment : 5 - 12 g of ground coffee Paro / marcha: arranque automático cada 2 cafés/ ON/OFF: Automatic start every 2 coffee La palanca de accionamiento del dosificador puede estar colocada a la izquierda o a la derecha / The dispenser lever can be placed on the left or right side. 0 - 500g = 3’ . - C. O. C. : 4 Kg. - Ruido aéreo: 63dB Diseñado bajo directiva 89/392 CE / Designed according to EC directive 89/392.
Caracteristicas Técnicas : Ancho / Width X Largo / Length X Alto / Height : 210 X 355 X 555 Peso / Weight : 11 Kg Voltage / Weight : 230V/110V/220V Frecuencia / Frequency : 50Hz / 60Hz Fases / Phases : 1(monofásico / Single phase) - Rpm: 1300 / 1600 Intensidad / Current : 1, 55 A / 3,33 A - Condensador / Condenser : 9nf / 40nf Potencia / Power : 0,16Hp / 325W Grado de protección / Degree of protection : IP21 Motor provisto de protector térmico / Motor equipped with thermal protector Tiempo máximo de funcionamiento continuo / Maximum continuous operation time : 30 min. Muelas de acero templado (62Rb) de 60 mm de diámetro / 60 mm diameter tempered steel grinding wheels Duración de las muelas : 500Kg de café / Duration of grinding wheels : 500Kg coffee Capacidad de la tolva : 1kg de café en grano / Hopper capacity: 1kg of coffee grains Capacidad del dosificador : 600 g de café molido / Dispenser capacity : 600 g of ground coffee Regulación del dosificador : 5 - 12 g de café molido / Dispenser adjustment : 5 - 12 g of ground coffee Paro /marcha: arranque automático cada 2 cafés/ ON/OFF: Automatic start every 2 coffee La palanca de accionamiento del dosificador puede estar colocada a la izquierda o a la derecha / The dispenser lever can be placed on the left or right side. 0 - 500g = 6’. - C. O. C. : 3 Kg. - Ruido aéreo: 63dB Diseñado bajo directiva 89/392 CE / Designed according to EC directive 89/392.
Powerful and safe - manufactured in Germany. Optionally with following light sources: 1) fluorescent lamp 15W - 900 lumen. Lifetime 8000 h, white light. The brightness is similar to 75w halogen light. 2) or fluorescent lamp 18W - 1200 lumen, Lifetime 12000 h, white light. The brightness is similar to 90w halogen light. 3) or with power LED lamp 15W - 1200 Lumen, Lifetime 40000 h, white light. The brightness is similar to 90w halogen light. 4) or sodium low pressure lamp LPS 18W - 1770 lumen. Lifetime 18000 h, yellow light. The brightness is similar to 120w halogen light. Solar Panel: 75W / 100W / 120W mono crystalline silicon (protecting glass, hail-proof) aprx. 25 years life duration. This modern module technology has a high degree of efficieny and allows charging also at cloudy weather. Solar battery: 12V maintenance-free power gel accumulator 12 volt. Life time: 5-8 years. Functions well under low temperature. Control: Microprocessor for automatic lamp start by light sensor, turn-off by dawn or by the adjustable timer, e.g. after. 8 hours. Over-charge and low-discharge protection for the battery. Pole: Steel hot-dip galvanized, height 500cm + 80cm for concreting. Rigid plastic case for inground-mount for the batteries, (walk-over). Size 360 x 260 x 320mm. Daily operation at dark-cloudy weather: a) Standard version: 1 day (16 hours) b) with extension kit autumn: 2 days (24 h) c) with extension kit winter: 4 days (40 h) Distance from pole to pole = Lighted area Ø aprx. 25 meter Ambient temperature: -35°C ~ +60°C Maintenance-free (only sometimes is the cleaning of the solar panel required). Included in the shipment: High-power battery, pole and lamp.
Included electronic ballast. Adjustable lamp holder BY22d for low-pressure sodium lamp SOX 35W. The lamp has an extreme high efficiency and gives a yellow light, as bright as aprx. 200 watts halogen. The efficiency much better than fluorescent, metal halide, HPS or LED technology. Power consumtion 40.2 watt. Operating voltage: 200 - 240V ac. On request available in 12V DC or 24V DC For a wide ambient temperature range: - 30°C ... + 50°C For lamp SOX 35W BY22d. ( Life-time 18.000 h ), The lamp has to be ordered extra. The housing is made of aluminium die-cast for maximum heat exchange and long life. The service door is made of uv-resistant polymer and can be opened completely and is fixed straight up. The lamp cover lens is out of Borosilicate glass (for maximum light transparency even after many years) with double prismatic light distribution. Mounting: Horizontal or vertical pole Ø 42 - 60 mm. Housing grey powder-surfaced. IP rating: IP54 (optical system), IP 23 (supply unit). CE approved. Dimensions: 735 mm x 355 mm x 190 mm 596 Lux /m. MOQ 12 pcs. 6 kg / pc.
Totally two identical 145 kW wind turbine units, made in 1988 by Danish A/S Nortank, total operating hours approx 75000. The equipment have been dismatled since 2008 and inspected and serviced for operation condition and they are ready for immediate delivery We have totally 2 units of uninstalled complete wind turbines manufactured by Danish A/S Nordtank in year 1988, manufactures type NTK 130 with rated power of 2 x 145 kW. The mills are in good operational condition and ready for immediate shipment. The hubs are heat treated MEEHANITE hubs made by company SABROE and are equipped with cast iron construction which allows adjustment for blade pitch angle. The blades are made by Danish company LM- Glasfiber, material is glass fiber reinforced polyester and they have self-supporting structure with bushing roots. The blades have also hydraulically activated tip brakes which automatically rotate the tips to a 90 degree break angle when wind is lost or it can be used for maintenance stoppage. The gear box in made by German Lohman & Stolterfoht and it is two step planetary gear type with high AGMA rating of 302 kW. The break system is 100% fail safe Nortank’s own hydraulically / mechanically activated brakes. Both units have they own Motorola 6809 multi-microprocessor operated control units which are housed in dust proof steel cabinets. More information on requests, for spam protection please introduce yourself properly. Main data of one mill: Manufacture’s type: NTK 130F/LM Year of manufacture 1988 Total operating hours: approx. 75000 Rated capacity, max: 145 kW Number of blades: 3 pcs Rotor diameter: 22 m Rotor speed: 44.5 rpm Cut-in wind speed: 4.0 m/sec Cut-out wind speed: 53 m/sec (120 mph) Hub height: 26 m Generator: ASEA 145 kW / 1500 rpm / 50 Hz Blade type: LM 9.7 m H/H/T diam. 21 m Gear box type: Lohman & Stolterfort GPC 145 Clutch type: Lohr & Brokamp Universal Joint No 105 Total weight: 15200 kg.
Free standing oven. 244 pcs in one container, gross weight: 42 Net weight: 40 kgs.
Roomba 780 removes dirt, debris and hair from all types of floors, on its own, with one single touch or can be scheduled to clean automatically up to 7 times a week. roomba 780 uses both acoustic and optical sensors to help detect areas of smaller and softer dirt. This is combined with a new and exclusive feature that enables roomba 780 to adopt a brush-like, back-and-forth motion in areas where it has sensed excessive dirt and debris, for a focused cleaning effort. The robot also sports an Aerovac Series 2 Bin, a powerful vacuum that maximizes air flow through Roomba’s cleaning head to pull hairs and debris off the brushes and into the bin. A soft-touch bumper with polymer coating protects walls and furniture from possible scratches. extra brushes and a cleaning tool have been provided to help you maintain roomba. clever add-ons such as full bin indicator, touch controls (as opposed to buttons) and a remote control make using your Roomba even easier than before. The 780 additionally comes with 2 Virtual Wall Lighthouse to enhance room-to-room cleaning coverage.
Efficiently vacuums dirt, debris, pet hair, crumbs, hair, dust and allergens from carpets and floor coverings of any Spinning side brush and turbo brush work together as a broom and dustpan Strong side brush burrows deep into the carpet fibers to grab dirt, dust, animal dander Mode "Spot Clean" (Cleaning a point) allows you to quickly clean up contaminated land Powerful vacuum sucks large and small debris in a large basket does not require a bag Fine filter keeps dust, pollen and tiny particles in the basket Cleans the whole floor, under and around furniture, in corners and along baseboards Detects areas of high contamination and removes them longer Automatically senses and prevents falls from ladders Simple operation: simply push a button and Roomba does the rest Additional features: Automatic return to its charging station automatically under parking and recharging between cleaning Remote control New Virtual Wall Roomba Lighthouse does not admit to the next room, until the previous has been completely removed Program up to seven of cleaning per week for Roomba at a convenient time for you Additional cleaning mode: Maximum Mode (Max Mode) allows the Roomba to clean the room better than large such as large areas of open floor. In this mode, Roomba will clean almost until the battery yourself and then return to the floor base charge. More high-capacity basket Suitcase storage accessories. Standard packing.
1MW String Inverters/