Turmeric (Ered) Spices is aground spice and in curry powder as a food coloring agent as well as a coloring material in the textile industry . it can be grown up to an altitude of 2000m in areas with high rain fall . teppi and bebeka are the ideal places for cultivation .
Sunflower seeds are important sources of edible oil globally next to soya bean among annual field crop grown for edible oils. It is adapted to altitude ranging from 1300 to above 2600 m.a.s.l. it can be a dual purpose crop: the seeds as oil crop and the petals for extracting dyes. The petals can be picked some weeks before the harvesting of the seeds.
Niger Seed Is Considered To Be The Native Of Ethiopia . From The Place Of Origin, it migrates to east Africa and India. Niger seeds are grown in moderate temperature of 18% to 23% in all types of soils from sandy to deep clay loams. It is sown on March / April and harvested on June. it is popular for its light flavor and oil content . Ethiopia uses the Niger seed for the oil extraction for human consumption as cooking oil.
Soybean (Akuri Ater) is multipurpose, most nutritionally rich crop as it’s dry seed contains the highest protein and oil content among grain legumes with a good balance of essential amino acids and oil. Oil content ranges from 14% to 23 % and protein content from 32% to 50%. This plant is classed as an oil seed rather than a pulses by the un food and agricultural organization (FAQ). It is sown on June and harvested between Decembers and January . the major production of soya bean is between 250 and 450 N latitude at an altitude of less than 1000m with a wide range of well drained soil . the major Ethiopian regions with high potential of soya bean grown are benishangule –gumuz snnpr and gojam (JAWI) .
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Ethiopia is one of the largest faba bean producing countries in the world. The country is considered as the secondary center of diversity and also one of the nine major agro-geographical production regions of faba bean. it is grown in the highlands , between the altitude 1800 m.a.s.l and 3000 m.a.s.l with annual rain fail of 700 -1000 mm . this crop usually sown from mid june to first week of july when sufficient moisture is available and harvested from end of october to November sufficient moisture is available and harvested from end of october to November .
Haricot Bean (Bolokal) is one of the most important grain legumes grown in the low lands of Ethiopia . it is produced in almost all regional states with varying intensity . mainly concentrated in two regions , oromia and southern nations nationalities peoples region (SNNPR). Haricot bean is adapted to the low and mid altitude areas between 1400 -2200 m.s.a.l with an average rainfall of 200-600mm per annum. It is usually sown from end of june to mid july and harvested after three months , in october .
Black cumin (Tikur Azmud) Spices is cultivated and widely used inethiopia . it grows in a wide range of soils . it accumulates up to 50% thymol, a mono cyclic phenolic compound that makes black cumin valuable source for health care industry .
Ginger is an important crop among root / rhizome spices . Ginger require humid area with higher moisture , it grows in areas where there is 1200mm annual rainfall and where the mean temperature is not greater than 32Oc.
Groundnut is one of the five widely cultivated crops in Ethiopia. the approximate limits of present commercial production are between latitude 400 N and 400 S , to an altitude of 1065 m.a.s.l with a rain fall of minimum 500mm and a max of 1250 mm. eastern part of the country particularly eastern haraghe , metekel zone and eastern wollega is blessed with tremendous potential for growing groundnut commercially . it is sown usually on march and harvested on June .
Castor seeds grown in different localities in Ethiopia . the suitable condition for castor seed growing zone is between 1600 and 2600 m.a.s.l. the rain fall distribution between 600 and 700mm with a warm and dry climatic condition .
Lin seeds have been a traditional crop in Ethiopia. It is a cool season crop; the wide range of agro climatic condition of the country contributed the diversity of this crop. The principal growing areas are located at altitudes between 1800 and 2800 m.a.s.l with a rain fall of 500-800 mm.
Green mung bean is the fast growing crop with a total crop life of 75-90 days . it can be produced more than two times a year . it is sown usually from march to first week of april and harvested between july and august . mostly it growns in the lowland area of the debre sina .
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