The morel mushrooms are all hand picked in the forests of Bulgaria. These mushrooms are all premium grade morels that are served on the menu of high end restaurants. Min order 500g.
The best quality mushrooms from Ukraine.
Carpathian's mountains are the key source of mushrooms in Ukraine.
Ukrainian Carpathian forests are rich in ecologically clean mushrooms and berries. There are many mushrooms in the mountains in autumn, especially after warm rains. In the Carpathians, there are many porcini mushrooms, not to mention aspen-mushrooms, chanterelles, etc. In general, more than 200 kinds of mushrooms grow in the Carpathians. You can find more than 300 mushrooms a day in the Carpathian forest.
Contact us for more invormation regarding the quality of mushrooms and price.
Wild growing truffles hunted by our professional hunters with dogs in Bulgaria. Selected in three categories according to the weight: Extra quality > 60 gr.; I-st quality 15 - 60 gr; II-nd quality <15 gr. Stored according to all established standards - sterile environment and temperature 2 - 8 .
Packaged in thermal boxes certified by IATA with the required dry ice to maintain a constant temperature. Possible regular delivery of 200 kg/week.
Shipping time up to 48 hours.
We offer test delivery of min.10kg. Regular (week) delivery of 50 - 200kg.
If you are looking to buy fresh black truffles tuber melanosporum, Black Truffle Collection is your best option. Guaranteed freshness.
Fresh black truffles are seasonal products, and depending on ripeness, the season??s productivity, etc., the price can vary on a weekly basis. Therefore we cannot offer the same price throughout the whole season. For this reason it is essential to contact us if you intend to make a purchase of over XX kg, or if it is a trade purchase.