Moong beans (Vigna radiata), also known as mung dal or green gram, are a type of legume that is grown in many parts of the world, including India. They are a good source of protein, fibre, iron and other essential nutrients. Moong beans are also a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of dishes, including soups, stews, curries and salads. Whole moong beans are small, oval-shaped beans with a green colour. They have a firm, chewy texture when cooked and have a mild, earthy flavour. One cup of cooked moong beans contains approximately:
15 grams of protein
15 grams of fiber
7 milligrams of iron
422 milligrams of potassium
100 milligrams of magnesium
Borlotti beans, also known as cranberry beans, are a type of legume that is native to Italy and widely cultivated around the world. They are large, kidney-shaped seeds that are known for their rich, earthy flavor and firm, creamy texture when cooked. Borlotti beans are a rich source of protein, fiber, and several essential nutrients, including iron, folate, and B vitamins. They are also low in fat and calories and are a good source of complex carbohydrates. Borlotti beans are popular in Italian cuisine and are often used in dishes such as soups, stews, and salads. They can also be mashed and used as a spread or topping for sandwiches and other dishes. Borlotti beans are a popular choice for people following plant-based diets because of their high protein content and versatility in cooking
Pinto beans are a type of legume that is native to Central and South America and widely cultivated around the world. They are medium-sized, oval-shaped seeds that are known for their rich, earthy flavor and soft, creamy texture when cooked. Pinto beans are a rich source of protein, fiber, and several essential nutrients, including iron, folate, and B vitamins. They are also low in fat and calories and are a good source of complex carbohydrates. Pinto beans are popular in many different types of cuisine, including Mexican, Southwestern, and Latin American. They are often used in dishes such as chili, refried beans, and burritos, and can also be mashed and used as a spread or topping for sandwiches and other dishes. Pinto beans are a popular choice for people following plant-based diets because of their high protein content and versatility in cooking
Broad beans, also known as fava beans, are a type of legume that is native to the Mediterranean region and widely cultivated around the world. They are large, flat, oval-shaped seeds that are known for their nutty, earthy flavor and firm, creamy texture when cooked. Broad beans are a rich source of protein, fiber, and several essential nutrients, including iron, folate, and B vitamins. They are also low in fat and calories and are a good source of complex carbohydrates. Broad beans are popular in many different types of cuisine, including Italian, Middle Eastern, and Mediterranean. They are often used in dishes such as soups, stews, and salads, and can also be mashed and used as a spread or topping for sandwiches and other dishes. Broad beans are a popular choice for people following plant-based diets because of their high protein content and versatility in cooking
Soybeans, also known as soya beans, are a type of legume that is native to East Asia and widely cultivated around the world. They are small, oval-shaped seeds that are known for their high protein and oil content, as well as their versatility in cooking. Soybeans are a rich source of protein, fiber, and several essential nutrients, including iron, folate, and B vitamins. They are also low in fat and calories and are a good source of complex carbohydrates. Soybeans are used in a variety of food products, including tofu, tempeh, soy milk, and other soy-based products. They can also be cooked and used in dishes such as soups, stews, and salads. Soybeans are a popular choice for people following plant-based diets because of their high protein content and versatility in cooking.
Mung dhal, also known as mung beans or green gram, is a type of legume that is native to India and widely cultivated around the world. It is a small, green, lentil-like seed that is known for its mild, slightly nutty flavor and soft, creamy texture when cooked. Mung dhal is a rich source of protein, fiber, and several essential nutrients, including iron, folate, and B vitamins. It is also low in fat and calories and is a good source of complex carbohydrates. Mung dhal is popular in Indian cuisine and is often used in dishes such as dhal, curries, and soups. It is also a common ingredient in many traditional Indian dishes such as mung dal khichdi and mung dal chilla. Mung dhal is a popular choice for people following plant-based diets because of its high protein content and versatility in cooking
The green gram also known as Mung Bean is basically a plant species in the legume family The green gram exporter in India exports tonnes of green gram abroad every year The popularity of green gram has been growing in the world This may be a reason why green gram export from India has also been growing rapidly This is a good time for the Indian Green Gram exporter to enter the international marketplace The green gram export includes the export of various varieties of green gram
Calories 347 calories
Total Carbohydrate 63 g
Dietary fiber 16 g
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin B6
The Green Gram import from India includes various varieties of green grams including CO 1 ADT 1 JGG 1 so on and so forth The mung bean exporter in India exports premium quality products keeping health and safety regulations in mind Here are the major varieties of Green Gram included in the export of green gram
1 CO 1
Released in 1952 CO 1 is a variety of Green Gram exported from India It is a pureline selection from Coimbatore local The duration required to mature is 135 days The grain yield is around 750 kgha This variety is suitable for rainfed
2 ADT 1
The ADT is a variety of green gram released in 1966 It is a pure line selection from Aduthurai local The time taken for this variety of green gram to mature is around 80 days The rainfed grain yield of this variety is around 500 kgha This variety is suitable for rice fallow
Released in 1972 this variety of green gram is a selection from Jayankondam local The JGG 1 variety of green gram The time required for this variety to mature is about 65 days The grain yield of JGG 1 is around 625 kgha This variety is said to be tolerant to drought
4 KM 1
The KM 1 is a variety of green gram exported from India to many countries in the world It was released in 1978 It is said to be produced from the cross of S8 and PS 16 The time required for this variety to mature is about 6570 days The grain yield of this variety is around 708kgha
5 KM 2
The KM 2 is a variety of green gram released in the year 1978 The rainfed grain yield of this variety of green gram is about 767kgha This variety of green gram is said to be tolerant to YMV and is a pod borer
Released in 1988 the Paiyur1 variety of green gram is a pure line selection form DPT 703 The time taken for this variety of green gram to mature is about 8590 days The grain yield of this variety is around 700kgha There is a low incidence of YMV for this variety and it is well suited for rainfed tracts of Dharmapuri Madurai Ramnad Tirunelveli and Periyar Districts
The Vamban 1 variety of green gram is a Hybrid derivative of S8 x PIMS 3 This variety was released in 1989 The time required for this variety to mature in around 6570 days The grain yield of Vamban 1 is around 800 kgha It is said to be tolerant of YMV
8 VBN GG 2
This variety is a cross between VGG 4 and MH 309 It was released in 2001 This variety of green gram matures after around 6570 days The rainfed grain yield for this variety is 750kgha The grains are shiny while the leaves are lobed and resistant to YMV
A field bean is a bean grown primarily for its ripe edible seeds The Field Beans exporter in India exports tonnes of beans to various countries in the world The Field Beans export from India has been increasing over the years probably due to the increasing global demand of the product The Indian Field Beans exporter has a good opportunity to export his products abroad and earn good revenues Therefore Field Beans export can be said to be a growing business
Calories 88 kcal
Dietary Fiber 8 g
Total Carbohydrate 18 g
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin B6
The Field Beans import from India includes Rongai Koala Pusa Early Prolific and several other varieties of Field Beans This is a good opportunity for the Field Beans exporter in India to export products abroad and make a mark in the international marketplace The export of Field Beans includes the following major varieties
The Rongai variety is a late flowering variety with high dry matter production This variety of Field Beans has white flowers and light brown seeds It is the most common forage cultivar The seed weighs around 5000kg The Rongai variety of Field Beans grown in summer in Australia is a prolific and vigorously twining herbaceous annual or shortlived perennial
The Koala is an early maturing grain type The average yield of Koala is around 11t ha to 28tha The Kola variety is relatively insensitive to day length and usually reaches 50 flowering stage in around 5070 days from a December planting in northern New South Wales
The Pusa Early Prolific is a variety of Field Beans This variety bears early mediumsized thin and stringless pods in clusters This variety is suitable for sowing both in the summer and the rainy season
The pods of the Pusa Sem2 variety are long darkgreen stringless and semiround in shape This variety is high yielding and tolerant of viruses and insect pod borer June to July is a suitable time for its sowing in NorthIndia The flowers of this variety appear on separate spikes above the plant canopy
The IGFRIS2214II is a quick growing and erect variety of Field beans It possesses a medium twining habit The pods of this variety are broad flat green glabrous and fibrous There are around 46 seeds per pod that greenishbrown and round in shape The leafiness of this variety varied from 4050
The IGFRIS2218I variety is medium in growth rate and of decumbent habit It possesses a good twining habit The vines of this plant are mediumthick pigmented and glabrous There are around 3 5 seeds per pod The yield for this variety under dryland conditions ranges from 240 260 q ha of green fodder from a single cut taken at full bloom stage
The HA3 variety is a photoinsensitive and determinate type with yields between 1215 qsha It can be cultivated throughout the year It matures in around 4 months and has that characteristic fragrance on the pod surface for which it is preferred by the consumers The green pods of this variety are used as vegetables either as tender pods or immature seeds
The CO1 plants are generally short bushy and erect The flowering starts from the 45th day after sowing and continues for around 90100 days The average number of flowers in each inflorescence ranges between 5560 and about 50 of the flowers set pods The green pods are consumed as a vegetable and can be harvested 1012 days after flowering
This is a high yielding genotype with pods It has a greater pod yield 88136 tonnes per hectare as against 50 to 93 tonnes per hectare compared to other popular varieties It is a bush type plant and matures in about 5560 days after sowing