CAS No.:61788-97-4 Other Names:3:1 Epoxy Resin glue Place of Origin:Guangdong, China Classification:Double Components Adhesives Main Raw Material:Epoxy Usage:Construction, Fiber & Garment, Footwear & Leather, Transportation Brand Name:N&S Model Number:HX-EP31-009 Type:Liquid Feature::Eco-friendly Appearance::Clear Colorless Liquid Color:Transparent Liquid
We offer to our clients a high quality of Epoxy hardener that are used for making epoxy floor coatings, adhesives, sealants, composites etc.
We offer to our clients a high quality of Epoxy Resin that are used for making epoxy floor coatings, adhesives, sealants, composites, and etc.
Bojie ultrapure water polished resin Fine chemical industry is an important new field of the modern chemical industry, involving the field is very wide, along with economic development, the development of fine chemical industry design field also constantly explore, ultrapure water equipment is fine chemical industry one of the indispensable equipment. This equipment can be applied to chemical materials used in the production and processing process of solvent and the cleaning process, and other solid state electronics, thick film and thin film circuit, etc. Suzhou Bojie Resin Technology Co., Ltd., production preparation of ion exchange resin, to remove the water electrolyte almost entirely, and simple regeneration, regeneration rate is high, further improve the filtering effect, ensure the purity of ultrapure water.
Bojie Zinc in ion exchange resin adsorption wastewater Zinc is widely used, zinc is the normal development of the human body is a necessary element. But at the same time zinc in wastewater is a heavy metal, into the human body or the environment beyond a certain limit will cause poisoning or environmental pollution. Ion exchange resin can effectively remove all kinds of metal ions in wastewater, with convenient separation, reusability and other advantages, can greatly reduce the cost of use. Suzhou Bojie Resin Technology Co., Ltd. provides ion exchange resin adsorption zinc, ion exchange resin with adsorption selective, rich effect, simple regeneration, long use cycle and so on, so that wastewater discharge indicators easy to meet the standard.
Bojie Condensate Polishing Processing Resin Water generally refers to after the boiler to produce steam turbine to do work, the circulating cooling water cooling condensation of water. The condensate for some reason will be affected by a certain degree of pollution.
Lithium is known as the energy of metal and metal push the world forward. Lithium brine system, often with trace components and sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and so on coexist, and different water quality conditions, the existence of the lithium is different also, ion exchange adsorption method with its simple process, high recovery rate, as well as good selectivity to stand out. Resin technology co., LTD. Suzhou bo jie of extracting lithium resin for lithium adsorption rate is high, fast adsorption and desorption easy, can be selectively extracting lithium, operation process is relatively simple, good mechanical strength, renewable and recycled, regeneration utilization high, soluble loss rate is low, the efficiency of extracting lithium project, and reduce the corresponding cost, increase the enterprise economic benefit of extracting lithium.
Applications: Plastic coating. High gloss non-yellowing top-coats for OEM / industrial segment. (With aliphatic isocyanates) Chemical-resistance top-coats. High-quality vehicle finishes. Advantage: Excellent color and gloss retention. Good exterior durability. Fast-drying. ï?· Excellent soap and detergent resistance. ï?· Excellent chemical & stain resistance. ï?· Excellent adhesion and high gloss properties. ï?· Excellent leveling properties.
The main sources of cadmium-containing wastewater are electroplating plant, battery factory, cadmium stearate production plant, cadmium sulfide production plant, and sponge cadmium production plant. Cadmium is poisonous. If people drink cadmium-contaminated water and food for a long time, cause chronic cadmium poisoning. At present, there are many methods for treating cadmium-containing wastewater, but the ion exchange resin method is more economical, more convenient, and better in treatment than other methods. Suzhou Bojie Resin Technology Co., Ltd. provides different cadmium removal resins for different water quality conditions. It has the advantages of large adsorption capacity, low environmental requirements and simple operation. It can effectively remove a small amount of cadmium in wastewater and meet emission standards. The domestic and international markets have been widely used.
CNMI Industrial Epoxy Resin is the most advanced level of shine, gloss, reflectivity, clarity and depth, and it locks in those optical qualities forever. The most sophisticated system of synthetic polymeric-based protection available. Our Commercial-grade epoxy is engineered specifically for Bar Tops, Tabletops & Countertops. 100% VOC free. Virtually odorless. Use in odor-sensitive areas such as wineries, restaurants, kitchens, or confined spaces. CNMI Industry epoxy will out perform, out protect, outshine and outlast anything on the market
Used in synthetic resins, pesticides and as solvents. Mainly for the production of indene - coumarone resin. The material of Indene - coumarone resin is the heavy benzol and light oil fractions in the distillation cut 160-215 C, it contains 6% styrene, 4% coumarone, 40% indene, 5% 4 - methylstyrene and a small amount of xylene, toluene and other compounds, resin take 60-70% of the total amount of raw materials. Under the effect of catalyst such as Aluminum chloride, boron trifluoride etc. to polymerize fraction of the indene and coumarone with or without pressure, that is to generate indene - coumarone resin. Also can be pesticides intermediates or mixed with other liquid hydrocarbon to make paint solvents.
Common Name : Indian Olibanum Tree Other Name : Salai, Shallaki, Sallaki, Kundur Botanical Name : Boswellia Serrata Roxb. Ex Colebr Plant Family : Burseraceae Synonyms : Boswellia Glabra Roxb. Part Used : Resin Used. Overview : The Whole Tree Abounds In The Fragrant Gum-resin, Which Exudes As A Milky Juice From The Leaves And Flowers As Well As The Stem When Wounded. The Main Quantity Is, However, Found In The Cortical Layers Of The Stem. The Resin Is Used For Incense. A medium to large sized, deciduous tree, upto 18 m in height. Leaves imparipinnate, leaflets ovate or ovate-lanceolate, variable. Flowers small, white, in axillary racemes or panicles. Drupes 12 mm long, trigonous, splitting along 3 valves, scarlet red when young, turns white at maturity.
Gallium is a rare blue-white trivalent metal element that is soft and hard and brittle at low temperatures. Usually obtained as a by-product from the extraction of aluminum from bauxite or the extraction of zinc from zinc ore - the element symbol Ga. Can be alloyed. It is used to manufacture semiconductor GaAs, GaAs, ytterbium semiconductor doping elements; pure gallium and low-melting alloys can be used as heat exchange medium for nuclear reaction; thermometer filling material; and catalyst for diesterification in organic reaction. The special resin for gallium extraction provided by Suzhou Bojie Resin Technology Co., Ltd. can effectively extract gallium, has strong selectivity, has superior physical and chemical stability, good resistance to mechanical and osmotic shock, long service life and wear resistance. , acid and alkali resistant, simple equipment, easy to operate, suitable for industrial large-scale production.
Rhenium is a silvery white rare high melting point metal. Rhenium and its alloys are widely used in aerospace, electronics, petrochemical and other fields. Due to the particularity of the distribution of rare metals, it is difficult to separate and extract the rhenium. The ion exchange method for extracting rhenium is simple, easy to operate, and does not pollute the environment, and is an ideal choice for extracting rhenium. The rhenium extraction resin provided by Suzhou Bojie Resin Technology Co., Ltd. has large exchange capacity, fast exchange speed, good selectivity, stable physical and chemical properties, high mechanical strength, convenient regeneration, economical and practical. It has good market feedback. More products: Tungsten-molybdenum extraction resin (tungsten-molybdenum adsorption, purification) Uranium extraction and separation resin (uranium adsorption, purification) Radioactive metal adsorption separation resin (element treatment of uranium, radium, thorium, thorium, etc.) Gallium extraction resin (gallium adsorption, purification) Vanadium extraction resin (vanadium adsorption, purification) Scandium extraction smelting resin (scandium adsorption, purification) Rare earth element extraction resin (rare earth element adsorption, purification) Special resin for gold extraction (primary gold mine, associated gold mine) Mercury removal special resin (mercury mine wastewater, mercury-containing waste) Precious metal recovery resin (gold, silver, platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, etc.) Heavy metal removal resin (copper, zinc, nickel, chromium, lead, iron, manganese, etc.)
Vanadium is one of the important strategic resources. It has a wide range of products, including vanadium iron, vanadium aluminum alloy, vanadium pentoxide, vanadium pentoxide, vanadium pentoxide, vanadium HCl, etc., which are widely used in the alloy industry and the steel industry. Catalysts, ceramics, pigments, glass and other industries. The resin vanadium extraction method has high efficiency, cost saving, simple operation and wide application. The vanadium-added resin provided by Suzhou Bojie Resin Technology Co., Ltd. is specially used for acidification, enrichment of vanadium in alkaline liquid; separation of molybdenum and vanadium products from production of vanadium-containing nickel-molybdenum ore; separation of production process containing tungsten, molybdenum and vanadium materials Etc., strong selectivity, stable physical and chemical properties, reusable after regenerative, simple equipment, high recovery of vanadium. Related Products: Gold extraction resin Silver extraction resin Uranium extraction resin Nickel extration resin Calcium and magnesium removal resin from brine Mercury removal resin Copper removal resin Cobalt removal resin from wastewater Special resin for chromium removal
EVA Resin
Our range of rubber materials has found extensive industrial applications in India, which is credited to its quality and appropriateness for industry specific needs
Araldite Resin CW 229-3 (Epoxy Resin)
Lead is a widely distributed element in nature and one of the elements commonly used in industry. Lead and soluble lead salts are toxic, and lead-containing wastewater is a serious hazard to human health and animal and plant growth. According to reports, lead loss is 4.54-6810mg for every battery produced, followed by the petroleum industry to produce gasoline additives. The lead content in wastewater exceeds the national standard by a hundred times, posing a great threat to groundwater sources. If it is not treated, it will inevitably bring great harm to the environment and society. The use of ion exchange to treat lead-containing wastewater has a good lead removal effect, and industrial lead-containing wastewater can achieve discharge up to standard, with little harm to environmental pollution. The ion exchange resin has a long service life and can be repeatedly used for regeneration. Suzhou Bojie Resin Technology Co., Ltd. provides lead removal resin, which has the advantages of high selectivity, easy adsorption and desorption regeneration, reusable, good controllability and simple operation, especially suitable for the treatment of lead-containing wastewater.
In industrial production, it is sometimes possible to judge the time for resin regeneration by observing the color change of the resin used. Therefore, people continue to use ion exchange resins with indicators, which not only have a distinct function of discoloration, but also have better exchange ability than ordinary resins. Suzhou Bojie Resin Technology Co., Ltd. provides color-changing mixed-bed resin, which has obvious color change and can effectively display the working state of the resin exchange column. The color difference between regenerative and failure is very obvious. Pharmaceutical special resin (can be used as pharmaceutical ingredients and auxiliary materials, water treatment agents, etc.) Special adsorption resin for planting (adsorption, purification of stevioside, saponin, alkaloid, etc.) Fruit juice deodorization special resin Special adsorption resin for stevioside extraction and purification Ginsenoside extraction and purification special adsorption resin Alkaloid extraction and purification special adsorption resin Plant flavonoids extraction and purification special adsorption resin