India is one of the major producers and exporters of fenugreek. Fenugreek is the dried ripe fruit of an annual herb, now cultivated in India, Argentina, Egypt, Southern France, Morocco and Lebanon. The fruit is known as seed in language of commerce due to its size and shape. The seed is hard, small and yellowish brown in color and angular. A deep furrow all but splits them in two It has a pleasantly bitter taste and a peculiar odor and flavor of its own. Seeds are rich in essential amino acids. The fixed oil content of the seed is about 7 %. The fatty acids consist largely of oleic, linoletic and linolenic. The major use of fenugreek is in curry powders, Fenugreek is a digestive aid. Reducing the sugar level of the blood, it is used in diabetes in conjunction with insulin. It also lowers blood pressure. Fenugreek seeds made in gruel, given to nursing mothers increase the flow of milk.
Fenugreek is available in BOLD size of Hyderabad origin with 99% purity and also in FAQ grade with 99% purity of MP origin. Packing is in 50 kg HDPE Polybags.
Harvest season is DEC-JAN