Dragon Blood Rice is also called Red rice which is one of the best grains having lots of nutritional value. Red rice is often grown organically, without the use of pesticides, so it is very popular. About appearance, dragon blood kernels have red color both outside and inside with the average length of grain at 6.2mm. Recently, we are mainly growing red rice in the Mekong Delta Area and harvested after 6 months, so its kernels contain many nutrients which are good for our health.
DRAGON BLOOD RICE Dragon Blood Rice is a sort of unpolished rice that has higher dietary benefits contrasted with white rice or even cleaned rice. Cooking time is similarly more than white rice, and it has a nutty taste and a really satisfying flavor. It is a fiber-rich substance, Vitamin B1 and B2, iron, and calcium. In view of the greater nutritive substance and well-being benefits of red rice, it is firmly exhorted for heart patients as well as diabetics. Moreover, it is adored by well-being masters as well as wellness devotees since its high fiber content assists gain with less weighting. In addition, It likewise has some medical advantages containing cell reinforcements to check free extremists, containing vitamin B6, can bring down elevated cholesterol, can assist with forestalling coronary illness, Can Lower Blood Glucose, Dragon Blood Rice brings down the gamble of corpulence, helps in battling asthma, strengthened with strong cell reinforcements, great for your bone well-being, wealthy in fiber. Colors: Red, light-red, dull red, light-pink-red Shapes Length: 3.07 - 4.01mm , Breadth: 1.05 - 2.01 mm Taste: Delicious hearty taste Calories: 405 Kcal./cup Significant supplements: Iron (68.75%) Carb (66.69%) Zinc (30%) Protein (14%) Fat (14%) Fiber (7.11%) Potassium (5.45%)
Parboiled Rice, Boiled rice, usuna rice, rice, Parboiled rice is also a source of iron and calcium. Compared to white rice, parboiled rice has fewer calories, fewer carbohydrates, more fiber, and more protein. This makes it a healthier alternative to traditional white rice s calories come from its carbohydrate content. Manganese and Selenium: Boiled rice has manganese and selenium which activate enzymes for good health. Manganese enzymes keep connective tissues strong and help the cells to produce energy. Selenium enzymes promote blood vessel and thyroid gland function
25% Broken
Vietnamese jasmine rice.
Vietnamese KDM rice
Vietnamese glutinous rice.
Vietnamese long grain white rice 5%, 10%, 15%, 25%, 100% broken
Vietnamese Jasmine Rice 100% Broken