Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis Linneo)
Sacha Inchi, which in Quechua means mountain peanut, is a tree that grows in the Amazon of Peru. The seed of the plant is eaten raw like a nut or in the form of extra virgin oil. It is known for its incredibly high levels of Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids even more than fish oil. It also contains vitamins A and E and amino acids. The health benefits of Sachi Inchi are numerous, including blood pressure regulation, prevention of certain types of cancer, hormonal balance, alleviation of cardiovascular problems and the reduction of bad cholesterol.
Lowers LDL and raises HDL cholesterol, helps us deal with stress and feel calm and happy due to presence of tryptophan., thanks to the tryptophan, also regulate appetite so we don’t get cravings, overeat, presence of high amount of Omega 3 helps control glucose levels., anti-inflammatory nature of sacha inchi may make it a good supplement to ease joint pain and rheumatoid arthritis.
Sacha Inchi COMMERCIAL NAME Plukenetia volubilis linneo, sacha inchi, Iinca peanut, man del inca, sacha man Partida Descripcin 1508100000 ACEITE DE MANI EN BRUTO 1507900000 ACEITE DE SOJA Y SUS FRACCIONES, INCL. REFINADO, PERO SIN MODIF. QUIMICAMENTE 0802120000 ALMENDRAS SIN CASCARA, FRESCAS O SECAS 1515900000 DEMAS ACEITES Y GRASAS VEGETALES FIJOS, Y SUS FRACCIONES, INCL. REFINADOS PERO SIN MO 2008199000 DEMAS FRUTOS DE CASCARA, INCLUIDAS LAS MEZCLAS PREPARADOS O CONSERVADOS DE OTRO MODO 1518009000 DEMAS GRASAS Y ACEITES ANIMALES O VEGETALES Y SUS FRACCIONES, COCIDOS, OXIDADOS, DESH 1102900000 DEMAS HARINA DE CEREALES, EXCEPTO DE TRIGO, O DE MORCAJO (TRANQUILLON) 1208900000 DEMAS HARINA DE SEMILLAS O DE FRUTOS OLEAGINOSOS, EXC. LA HARINA DE MOSTAZA 1905900000 DEMAS PRODUCTOS DE PANADERIA, PASTELERIA O GALLETERIA, INCL. C/ADICION DE CACAO 1207999000 DEMAS SEMILLAS Y FRUTOS OLEAGINOSOS, INCLUSO QUEBRANTADO, EXCEPTO PARA SIEMBRA 1106309090 HARINA, SEMOLA Y POLVO DE LOS DEMAS PRODUCTOS DEL CAPITULO 8, EXCEPTO BANANAS O PLATANOS Y LUCUMA 2106901000 POLVOS PARA LA PREPARACION DE BUDINES, CREMAS, HELADOS, POSTRES, GELATINAS Y SIMILARE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRESENTATION Oil, roast, extract, flour and capsules. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRODUCTION ZONES Cusco, HuÃ?¡nuco, JunÃ?Ân, Loreto, Madre de Dios, Pasco, San MartÂn, Ucayali. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOURCE Amazona peruana. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN MARKETS Mercado %Var 13-12 %Part. 13 FOB-13 Estados Unidos 74% 24% 378.32 PanamÃ?¡ 73% 17% 261.83 Italia 71% 11% 170.66 JapÃ?³n 83% 10% 161.60 EspaÃ?±a 1446% 10% 160.24 Bolivia 64% 10% 154.97 Canad -65% 7% 112.66 Chile 25% 6% 100.39 Costa Rica 3260% 3% 39.59 Otros Paises(18) --- 3% 41.98
Bio Montanas Food is a Peruvian Superfood Processing-Export company with wide experience in the international trade market. Bio Montanas food offer the following product: Sacha Inchi Toasted, Plukenetia Volubilis. Orginal Pucallpa, Peru. Product real-time-stock/pricing at the best market prices. Get in touch, Bio Montanas Food is committed to exceeding your needs. questions, or special requests? we'd love to hear from you, so do not hesitate to reach out today. Our employees speak English, German, Dutch and Spanish.
Supplier: Sacha inchi
Services: Shipment
Supplier: Sacha inchi
Supplier: Sacha inchi
Services: Exports
Supplier: Sacha inchi
Supplier: Sacha inchi
Supplier: Sacha inchi, sacha inchi oil, sacha inchi protein, sacha inchi shell, white sacha inchi nut