Bio Montanas Food is a Peruvian Superfood Processing-Export company with wide experience in the international trade market. Bio Montanas food offer the following product: Sacha Inchi Toasted, Plukenetia Volubilis. Orginal Pucallpa, Peru. Product real-time-stock/pricing at the best market prices. Get in touch, Bio Montanas Food is committed to exceeding your needs. questions, or special requests? we'd love to hear from you, so do not hesitate to reach out today. Our employees speak English, German, Dutch and Spanish.
Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis Linneo) Sacha Inchi, which in Quechua means mountain peanut, is a tree that grows in the Amazon of Peru. The seed of the plant is eaten raw like a nut or in the form of extra virgin oil. It is known for its incredibly high levels of Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids even more than fish oil. It also contains vitamins A and E and amino acids. The health benefits of Sachi Inchi are numerous, including blood pressure regulation, prevention of certain types of cancer, hormonal balance, alleviation of cardiovascular problems and the reduction of bad cholesterol. Lowers LDL and raises HDL cholesterol, helps us deal with stress and feel calm and happy due to presence of tryptophan., thanks to the tryptophan, also regulate appetite so we don’t get cravings, overeat, presence of high amount of Omega 3 helps control glucose levels., anti-inflammatory nature of sacha inchi may make it a good supplement to ease joint pain and rheumatoid arthritis.
Supplier: Caca nibs, sacha inchi (toasted snack, oil, powder and oil capsules), chia (seed, oil, powder and oil capsules)
Sacha Inchi COMMERCIAL NAME Plukenetia volubilis linneo, sacha inchi, Iinca peanut, man del inca, sacha man Partida Descripcin 1508100000 ACEITE DE MANI EN BRUTO 1507900000 ACEITE DE SOJA Y SUS FRACCIONES, INCL. REFINADO, PERO SIN MODIF. QUIMICAMENTE 0802120000 ALMENDRAS SIN CASCARA, FRESCAS O SECAS 1515900000 DEMAS ACEITES Y GRASAS VEGETALES FIJOS, Y SUS FRACCIONES, INCL. REFINADOS PERO SIN MO 2008199000 DEMAS FRUTOS DE CASCARA, INCLUIDAS LAS MEZCLAS PREPARADOS O CONSERVADOS DE OTRO MODO 1518009000 DEMAS GRASAS Y ACEITES ANIMALES O VEGETALES Y SUS FRACCIONES, COCIDOS, OXIDADOS, DESH 1102900000 DEMAS HARINA DE CEREALES, EXCEPTO DE TRIGO, O DE MORCAJO (TRANQUILLON) 1208900000 DEMAS HARINA DE SEMILLAS O DE FRUTOS OLEAGINOSOS, EXC. LA HARINA DE MOSTAZA 1905900000 DEMAS PRODUCTOS DE PANADERIA, PASTELERIA O GALLETERIA, INCL. C/ADICION DE CACAO 1207999000 DEMAS SEMILLAS Y FRUTOS OLEAGINOSOS, INCLUSO QUEBRANTADO, EXCEPTO PARA SIEMBRA 1106309090 HARINA, SEMOLA Y POLVO DE LOS DEMAS PRODUCTOS DEL CAPITULO 8, EXCEPTO BANANAS O PLATANOS Y LUCUMA 2106901000 POLVOS PARA LA PREPARACION DE BUDINES, CREMAS, HELADOS, POSTRES, GELATINAS Y SIMILARE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRESENTATION Oil, roast, extract, flour and capsules. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRODUCTION ZONES Cusco, HuÃ?¡nuco, JunÃ?Ân, Loreto, Madre de Dios, Pasco, San MartÂn, Ucayali. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOURCE Amazona peruana. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN MARKETS Mercado %Var 13-12 %Part. 13 FOB-13 Estados Unidos 74% 24% 378.32 PanamÃ?¡ 73% 17% 261.83 Italia 71% 11% 170.66 JapÃ?³n 83% 10% 161.60 EspaÃ?±a 1446% 10% 160.24 Bolivia 64% 10% 154.97 Canad -65% 7% 112.66 Chile 25% 6% 100.39 Costa Rica 3260% 3% 39.59 Otros Paises(18) --- 3% 41.98
Anamu is a perennial herb plant of family Phytolaccaceae Genus Petiveria and Species alliacea. It grows up to one meter in height. It is native to the Amazon rainforest and tropical areas of Central and South America ,Africa and the Caribbean. It yields dark green color, leathery leaves that lie close to the soil. It also has tall spikes lined with small white flowers. It is sometimes called garlic weed, because the plant, and especially the roots, have a strong garlic smell. It is called by some scientific names like P. foetida, P. graveolens, P. hexandria, P. corrientina, P. paraguayensis, Mapa graveolens. In Brazilian herbal medicine, it is considered as diuretic, antispasmodic, menstrual promoter, sweat promoter, and stimulant.Health practitioners use it for arthritis, malaria, edema, edema, poor memory, rheumatism. They also use it as a topical analgesic and anti-inflammatory for skin conditions. The research published on this plant reveals that it has a broad range of therapeutic properties, including anti-leukemic, anti-tumorous, and anti-cancer activities against various types of cancer cells.It was found out that water extracts and ethanol extracts of Anamu plant retard the growth of the leukemia cells and several other strains of cancerous tumor cells in an in vitro study by Italian researchers in 1990. Anamu extracts were resistant to a number of bacterial and fungal strains. Two of the phytochemical compounds in the anamu plant dibenzyl trisulphate and astilbin are believed to destroy cancer cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed. Taditional use of anamu as a treatment for cold and flu symptoms Its extracts can even relieve pain and inflammation when applied to the skin. Natural choice for people suffering from arthritis and rheumatism One study showed that blood sugar dropped by as much as 60%.
Guarana (Paullinia cupana) is a plant that hails from the Amazon. Its many benefits include stimulant, anti-cancer, antibacterial, and weight loss effects. Because of the complexity of its constituents, it works in many ways. Guarana (Paullinia cupana) is a species of climbing plant native to the Amazon regions known for its stimulant and medicinal properties. It has been used for centuries by indigenous peoples of the Amazon for its diuretic properties, therapeutic effects against headaches, fever, and cramps, and aphrodisiac effects . With a taste that is described as slightly bitter, astringent, and acidic, guarana powder dissolved in water is considered by indigenous peoples as an elixir that promotes long life . The seeds of a guarana berry contain approximately 4 times the amount of caffeine as a coffee bean. Other guarana components, such as saponins and tannins, provide extra stimulant effects . Guarana is still primarily produced in the Brazilian states of Amazonas and Bahia. Approximately 70% of the production is used by soft and energy drink industries, while the other 30% becomes guarana powder for consumption directly or dilution in water, or as raw material for pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries . It is used widely for. Mental Health Stress Reduction. Source of Energy, vigor and vitality Weight Loss. Healthy Cardiovascular System Blood-Thinning Healthy Skin
Catuaba(Ceratonia Siliqua) The Amazon forest is home to countless medicinal herbs and plants and is the home of the relatively small but fast growing Catuaba tree known mainly for its aphrodisiac abilities. The tree itself produces yellow flowers and an inedible fruit but it is the bark which is harvested for its medicinal properties and made into supplements. Catuaba or Anemopaegma mirandum comes from a tree known scientifically as Erythroxylum vacciniifolium which belongs to a larger family of trees. There is quite a bit of confusion regarding the actual tree species harvested for use and products from both the small catuaba and big catuaba trees are used for the same purpose and marketed interchangeably. The bark from the catuaba tree is sometimes referred to as trichilia catuaga. According to research, catuaba contains tannins, alkaloids like catuabine, fatty resins and aromatic oils. It also possesses certain flavonoids, sesquiterpenes and phytosterols. Research published in 2007 discovered that catuaba bark contained epicatechins which are powerful antioxidants said to have both antibacterial and anticancer properties It is still used primarily as an aphrodisiac in Brazil. Recently it has started to appear as an ingredient in aphrodisiac supplements in the United States. Can protect skin cells against cytotoxic activity Has anti-inflammatory health benefit Has promising activity against Parkinson’s disease. Has Antimicrobial and HIV protective activity Has mood ,vigor and vitality enhancer properties
Sangre de Grado (Croton lechleri) Sangre de Grado, known as Dragon?s Blood for its dark red sap, is a plant that grows between 1200 and 3000 meters in the Amazon of Peru. The sap contains a chemical called SP-303, which has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and digestive properties and also aids the body?s natural healing and scarring process. Sangre de Grado is frequently used as an antidiarrheal for cholera, traveler?s diarrhea and AIDS. It has also been used to treat insect bites, open wounds, broken bones, infections, fever and ulcers, though its medicinal properties are still being studied. The sap can be applied directly to the skin or the extract of SP-303 can be ingested as a pill. Sangre is used for douching for general purposes, and before and after childbirth. It makes the vaginal lining impervious to bacteria and yeast. Sangre is effective for dealing with inflamed or infected gums, and for removing tartar Sangre de drago is used for intestinal and stomach ulcers and as an antidiarrheal It is also being studied for action against HIV. It is reported to be helpful for upper respiratory infections as well. It helps heal wounds by forming a protective barrier, and it also reduces stinging, itching and pain.
Muna is a plant that grows in the regions of Ayacucho, Puno and Cusco and has a pleasant flavor often compared to mint. You can easily find Muna growing in the Andes, where it is popularly served as an herbal tea alongside mate de coca. It has high levels of calcium and phosphorous, which makes it good for teeth and bones, preventing osteoporosis. Muna also aids digestion and stomach pains and can treat intestinal infections and inflammation. Appropriate to fight altitude sickness. It has carminative and digestive properties. Relieves flatulence and diarrhea conditions. Benefits hardening of bones due to its high amount of calcium and phosphorus. Prevents osteoporosis . The Muna based cream is used to cure rheumatic pain, fractures, luxations and wounds.