The 2-channel digital storage oscilloscope at an outstanding price! When connected to PC with USB2.0 interface, you get a fully-featured storage oscilloscope with the extra advantage of being able to easily store data for later processing.
Small size(mm):190(L)x100(W)x40(H) , light weight: 380g , easy to carry.
Two input channels. External Trigger input. Probe calibrator: 1kHz, 2Vpp. Resolution 8 or 9 bit. Vertical deflection: 10mV/div-5V/div in 9 steps or 10mV/div-10V/div in 10 steps. Horizontal deflection 4ns/div-1h/div in 38 steps. Input Coupling AC/DC/GND. X-Y mode, Storage depth 32kB~512kB/channel. Comprehensive range of trigger functions. Auto-set Measurement. Max. Input Voltage 35V
DSO-2090 USB: Bandwidth 40MHz (-3dB), Max. Sampling Rate 100MS/s
DSO-2150 USB: Bandwidth 60MHz (-3dB), Max. Sampling Rate 150MS/s
DSO-2250 USB: Bandwidth 100MHz (-3dB), Max. Sampling Rate 250MS/s
DSO-2500 USB: Bandwidth 200MHz (-3db), Max. Sampling Rate 500MS/s
DSO-5200 USB: Bandwidth 200MHz (-3dB), Max. Sampling Rate 200MS/s, Equivalent Sampling Rate 50GS/s
DSO-5200A USB: Bandwidth 200MHz (-3dB), Max. Sampling Rate 250MS/s, Equivalent Sampling Rate 50GS/s
Small size(mm):190(L)x100(W)x40(H) , light weight: 380g , easy to carry.
500MHz Timing-Mode (Internal Clock)
200MHz State-Mode (External Clock)
Advanced Multi-Level Triggering
Real-Time Sample Compression
+6V to -6V Adjustable Logic Threshold
I2C, SPI and RS232 Interpreters
Built-in 300MHz Frequency Counter
Sampled Channels 34
Timing Mode Sample Rate 1KHz to 500MHz
Sample Buffer 34x2048 samples
Maximum Time in compression mode: 10 hours(100MHz sample rates)
Trigger sequencer: 120MHz max, 6ns minimum pulse width
Trigger event counters: 20 bits, range 1 to 1,048,576 for each trigger level
Input impedance: 180K Ohms, paralleled by <5pF
Frequency counter range : 120MHz with 10Hz resolution, 4 channels
Threshold range : adjustable +6 to -6 volts with 50mv resolution
Threshold accuracy: +/-(100mV + 5% of setting)
Channel to channel skew: 0.6ns typical, 1.0ns max
State mode Setup/Hold times: 2.0/0ns, window adjustable +/-2.5ns
Input sensitivity: 0.25Vpp @50MHz, 0.5Vpp @120MHz
Input dynamic range: 10 volts peak-peak
Maximum input: +/-40 volts DC, 15 volts peak-peak pulse amplitude
Timebase accuracy: +/-0.005% over full temperature range
Input Probe: Teflon insulated leads terminated with female contacts
compatible with 0.025"-0.030" round or square pins.
Power supply current: 200 milliamps max (supplied by USB)
Temperature range: operating +5 to +50C, storage -10 to +65C
Port: USB1.1 or 2.0
Operating systems: Win98/ME/2000/XP/Vista
Small size(mm):190(L)x100(W)x40(H) , light weight: 380g , easy to carry.
The 2-channel digital storage oscilloscope at an outstanding price! When connected to PC with USB2.0 interface, you get a fully-featured storage oscilloscope with the extra advantage of being able to easily store data for later processing.
Small size(mm):190(L)x100(W)x40(H) , light weight: 380g , easy to carry.
1.Signal Frequency Range: 0-5MHz ; Frequency Counter range: 0~2.7GHz
2.Outputs: One channel of Arbitrary Waveform ; 8 Bits signal; Synchronized signal
3.Inputs: Two channels of Frequency counter; 8 Bits signal; External Trigger
4.Arbitrary Waveform edited by mouse
5.General waveforms: Sine, Square, Triangle, Saw-tooth, TTL, White Noise, Gauss noise, Exponent, AM, FM
6.Settable Parameters: Amplitude, Frequency, Offset
7.The data fileí»s format is completely compatible with Tektronixí»s products and software. It can read directly the data files from and be edited by Tektronixí»s software.
8.DDS technology, High accuracy and resolution, wide software supporting,
Small size(mm):190(L)x100(W)x40(H) , light weight: 380g , easy to carry.