Total Moisure, AR 8.65%
Moisture in Analisis the sampel, ABD 6.86%
Total Sulfur 0.13%
Gross Colarific Value, ABD 7254
Color Blck
size 2 X 2 cm
water content 3.3% - 5%
no musty smell
dregs 1%
dark brown
equal length
water content 5%
dregs 1%
dark brown
equal length
Pure Coconut Oil for health
OWN PRODUCTION guaranteed clean and sterile
Coconut Selection - Solving - filters - and more Using Modern Machines
net content 1000 ml
or 1 liter
Virgin coconut oil contains MCT (Medium chain triglyceride), lauric acid and capric acid.
VCO Laura is pure coconut oil which is obtained from fresh coconut which is processed hygienically so that it is beneficial for health. Vicoma coconut oil contains high lauric acid which is useful in dealing with various health problems such as diabetes mellitus, cholesterol, viruses, coronary heart disease, hepatitis, excess weight, osteoporosis, cancer and influenza.
In the human body, lauric acid will be converted into monolaurin, a compound, monoglyceride that is able to destroy the lipid layer of viruses, such as HIV, herpes, influenza and other harmful bacteria.
Can be drunk - made cooking oil, etc
How to use :
3 x 1-2 tablespoons a day
Minyak Kelapa Murni buat kesehatan
Pemilihan Kelapa - Pemecahan - filter - dan lainya Menggunakan Mesin Modern
isi bersih 1000 ml
atau 1 liter
Minyak kelapa murni mengandung MCT (Medium chain triglyceride), asam laurat dan asam kaprat.
VCO Laura adalah minyak kelapa murni yang diadapatkan dari kelapa segar yang diolah secara higenis sehingga bermanfaat bagi kesehatan. Minyak kelapa Vicoma mengandung asam laurat tinggi yang bermanfaat mengatasi beragam masalah kesehatan seperti: diabetes mellitus,kolesterol, virus, jantung koroner, hepatitis, berat badan berlebih, osteoporosisi, kanker maupun influenza.
Dalam tubuh manusia, asam laurat akan diubah menjadi monolaurin, sebuah senyawa, monogliserida yang mampu menghancurkan lapisan lipid virus, seperti HIV, herpes,influenza dan bakteri berbahaya yang lain.
Bisa Diminum - dibuat Minyak Goreng dsb
Aturan pakai :
Sehari 3 x 1-2 sendok makan