Dietary Fiber Biscuit that balances health and nutrients with nuts and grains such as oatmeal, blueberry and walnut
(members of 10 superfoods) contains 10g (17.1%) of dietary fiber recommended per a biscuit.
Cactus Sweet Pumpkin Bread contains Vitamin A,B1,B2,C,23.4% of Dietary fiber recommended and carotenoid (Phyto-chemical),and is processed as sugar-free filling recommended per a biscuit.
Cactus Dietary Fiber Biscuit
Oatmeal,one of 10 super foods,has rich protein and dietary fiber and contains many minerals such as calcium,potassium,iron,magnesium,zinc,manganese,phosphorous etc .
oatmeal Bread with clean nuts taste has more than 50% of dietary fiber recommended
Cactus Red Bean Bread made with 100% korean red bean that is full of nutrients such as Vitamin A, B1, B2, calcium,Iron. Saponin ,Protein,etc., and contains 22g/ea(29.1%) of dietary fiber recommended per a biscuit.
Apples are alkaline food that contains various minerals such as vitamin A,Vitamin C,Potassium,Calcium and sodium.Apple peels and flesh ,which contains rich dietary fiber,are processed as sugar-free filling and also used to make bread recommended per a biscuit.