Peppermint oil is obtained from mentha arvensis :
The major component is menthol and have local anesthetic and counter irritant qualities.
it is the component of the products meant to relieve sore throat and minor mouth or throat irritation, muscle aches, sprains, and similar conditions.
It has been proved as anti fungal and antibacterial agent.
it is widely used in confectionery, perfumery, mouth fresheners, cough drops, goods, medicated oils tooth pastes analgesic balms, lotions, shampoos, chewing gums, candies.
Technical details :
Botanical namementha arvensis
Part usedleaves and aerial parts
Mode of extractionsteam distillation
Main constituentsalpha-pinene, limonene, beta-pinene, citral, geraniol, neral and other sesqueterpenes
Descriptionclear transparent liquid
Appearencecolorless to pale yellow liquid
Organoleptic propertiesstrong penetrating peppermint odour and pungent taste
Refractive index at 20 c1.460-1.471
Specific gravity at 20 c0.896-0.908
Solubilityinsoluble in water and soluble in other organic solvents
Uses:as a fragrance and flavor ingredient, as a herbal ingredient in cosmetic and medicinal products
Storage: well closed in air tight containers away from sunlight and heat preferably in amber color glass containers.
Jaipphal Oil
Cassia Oil
Acacia Oil
Sandalwood Oil
Mentha Piperita Oil
Garcinia cambogia extract mainly used for weight loss purpose.
It contain hca (hydro choloric acid) 50 % and 60%.We are offering good quality and price.
We are manufacturing curcumin extract 95% pure and natural.
Please contact for further all details.
Abies Webbiana Leaf :
Common Name-Talispatra
Chemical Marker(s)- Alkaloids>0.5
Use / Activity- Carminative
Agrimory :
Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb
Artichoke Extract Powder :
Cynara scolymus L.
Used Part :
Leaf & Flower
Specification :
Polypholic Acids2.5%-5%
Analysis Method: UV
Adenophora :
Adenophora tetraphylla (Thunb.) Fisch
Specification : 10 :1
5-HTP Griffonia Seed :
Griffonia simplicifolia
Specification :
50% 5-Hydroxyiryninphan
90% 5-Hydroxyiryninphan
95% 5-Hydroxyiryninphan
99% 5-Hydroxyiryninphan
Analysis Method :
Abutilon Indicum Seed :
Common Name- Kankati
Chemical Marker(s)- Mucilage 10%
Use / Activity- Aphrodisiac
Aiye Leaf :
Artemisia argyi Vant.
Abroma Augusta Root :
Common Name- Ulatkambal
Chemical Marker(s)- Alkaloids 0.15% Tannins 2.4%-4%
Use / Activity- Uterine tonic
Acacia Arabica Bark :
Common Name- Babul
Chemical Marker(s)- Tannins 40%
Use / Activity- Astringent
Abrus Precatorius Seed :
Common Name- Gunja
Chemical Marker(s)- Glycosides 15% Alkaloids 1%
Use / Activity- Abortifacient