GANZ measuring instruments are made according to the EN 60051;EN 61010-1, and DIN 43780 standards. The accuracy of the instruments is idnicated on the detailed data sheets. (0,5;1;1,5;2,5;3%). The dimensions of the cases and the cut-outs comply with the standard DIN 43700. The instrument cases are made of inflammable plastic according UL 94 V-1 or steel plate. See at the detailed technical data sheet at our
Digital Panel Meters are for the measurement of electrical parameters like voltage, current,freqency, power, power factor,energy(KWh), for indications meters are there & for analog dc signal outputs in 4-20 mAdc or 0-10 v dc.
Din standard instruments eith corrugated packaging or on demand at extra amount can be forwarded.
1. Bargraph and/or digital displays
2. Single or dual channel
3. Transmitter power supply for 2-wire loop powered input
4. Variety of input types
5. Non-linear tank volume calculation, retransmission output and relay outputs available
6. Horizontal or vertical orientation
Accuracy: class 1.5 (over 60a class 2.5)
Specifications: 0.1a, 0.5a, 1a, 1.5a, 3a, 5a, 7.5a, 10a, 15a, 20a, 25a, 30a, 50a, 75a, 100a and if over 100a, meters can be contacted current transformer with secondary current 5a or 1a.
Adantage: the scare can be easily changed without opening the front frame so that the class will not be influenced.