Most of them parasitize (winter) insects and produce fruiting bodies (summer) on the carcass of insects that become hosts. A fruiting body has two parts, a head and a stem, and bulges into a spherical, spindle-shaped, spatula-shaped, etc., and forms a number of ascomyx on the surface or under the epidermis.
Cordycepin, adenosine, mannitol, B1B2, medium polysaccharide, ergosterol, melitonin, serine, glycine, etc.
Product name: Cordycepsmushroom
Storage Type Dry storage
Instruction for use: Clean and cook
Shelf Life: 3 years
Place of Origin: Vietnam
Style: Dried Color: natural orange
Brand Name: Blue Lotus Farm
Model Number: Sky Pham
Application: Food, cosmetics
Product name: Cordyceps militaris (cordyceps flower)
Storage Type Dry storage
Instruction for use: Clean and cook
Shelf Life: 3 years
Place of Origin: Vietnam
Style: Dried
Color: natural orange
Brand Name: Blue Lotus Farm
Model Number: Sky Pham
Application: Food, cosmetics
Eryngii mushrooms are medium to large in size and are easily identified by their thick cylindrical stem and their small, flattened cap. The ivory to white stems can grow up to twenty centimeters in length, five centimeters in diameter, and are firm, dense, and chewy. The small, smooth caps are grey to brown and have rounded, curved edges. Underneath the cap, the stem and cap are joined by off-white, thin, short, gills, though dense and spongy in texture, lack aroma and flavor, but when cooked, the mushrooms have a savory umami flavor, a soft, crunchy texture, and a mild flavor reminiscent of abalone. Eryngii mushrooms contain riboflavin, vitamins B6, C, and D, niacin, potassium, fiber, and folate. They also contain high amounts of a naturally occurring amino acid, ergothioneine, which is an antioxidant. This particular antioxidant is stored in organs like the liver and kidneys and helps reduce the risk of chronic disease.
Eryngii mushrooms are best suited for cooked applications such as grilling, roasting, baking, sauteing and frying. They can be sliced or torn into thick pieces and simmered or braised to create a crispy texture, or they can be cut into rounds to develop a tender, meat-like consistency. King Trumpet mushrooms are commonly used in stir-fries, soups, stews, tempura, chopped into meatballs or meatloaf, mixed into pasta, or grilled and served on top of barbequed meats. King Trumpet mushrooms pair well with legumes, grains, fish, poultry, scallops, Asian greens, ginger, garlic, chives, chiles, thyme, rosemary, peppercorn, soy, vinegar, dry white wines, blue cheese, grapes, and focaccia. They will keep 1-2 weeks when stored in a paper bag in the refrigerator.
Eryngii mushrooms are available year-round.
Puffball mushrooms range from small to very large in size, averaging 10-70 centimeters in diameter, and are round, oblong, to oval in shape. Some species are small, golf-ball sized, while others can grow as large as soccer balls. The white fruiting body can be smooth or bear some small scales, warts, or spines and is firm, airy, and spongy. There is also a protective coating that helps keep debris and dirt from entering the flesh. When sliced, the flesh should be pure white and never have any color. Puffball mushrooms are white when young and transition to a yellow-brown when mature and are rendered inedible when they reach this state. There are little to non-existent stems, and the spores are produced internally in the fruiting body. When young, Puffball mushrooms have a mild, nutty, and earthy flavor. Puffball mushrooms contain some phosphorus, manganese, selenium, and clavacin.
Puffball mushrooms are best suited for cooked applications such as sauteing, pan-frying, and baking. Referred to as the �¢??breakfast mushroom" Puffball mushrooms pair well with egg dishes and are enhanced when sauteing and browned in simple ingredients such as garlic and butter. They can be sliced thinly and rolled with meat and vegetables, chopped into stir-fries, or grilled with marinades. They can also be cut into slices, battered, and fried, sliced and used as noodles in lasagna or ravioli, used as the dough in pizza, chopped into croquettes, blended into hummus, pureed into gravies, or dried and ground into a powder to use as a flavoring agent. The rotund mushrooms can be substituted for tofu or eggplant in many recipes. The flesh readily absorbs accompanying flavors so oil should be used sparingly. Puffball mushrooms pair well with tomatoes, broccoli, beets, rutabagas, radishes, turnips, parmesan cheese, garlic, poultry, scallops, crab meat, and tuna. They do not store well and should be used immediately after harvest. They can also be frozen between sheets of plastic and stored for extended use.
Puffball mushrooms are available in the late summer through fall.