We have around 2000 Canvas bags made with precision and developed with good quality for long lasting and durability. The bags are in different styles like Top Roll on, Round Duffle, Travelers Bag, Flap Bags and No Flap Bags. This material has been used for centuries to make outdoor gear, such as jackets, tents, and backpacks. Get in touch for more details.
Croco Printed Cow Leather Laptop Briefcase Messenger Bag is sturdy despite being sleek and light. Ideal for 15.6-inch laptops, it comes with 1 storage compartment and 1 dedicated laptop space. Additional features 1 Front Pocket & 1 Back Pocket, Business Card Holders, Cell phone Holder and an adjustable shoulder strap. It has been built with considerably spacious interiors so that you can manage all your belongings easily.
100% genuine Cow VT leather Duffel Gym / Sports / Travel / Cabin Bag with a durable inner cotton lining and antique metal fittings, Size 39.5" (L) x 24 (H) x 22 (W) (CM) with sturdy carry handles. Comes with 1 Main Chamber, 2 inner pockets, 1 inner zipper pockets, Full-Length Metal Zipper. Detachable, adjustable shoulder strap with shoulder pad. The multi-utility bag can be used as a travel, picnic, gym, and sports bag, etc. Big enough to carry weekend clothing and accessories.
Featuring a Trendy and Stylish Cow Nappa Leather Tote Bag for Ladies. This ladies leather Tote bag is preferred by women who enjoy showing of their fashionable personas with sophistication. Excellent stitching technic makes this bag more strong and sturdy. This fashionable shopping leather tote bag comes with casual yet elegant design, soft leather and enough space to store your everyday essentials. This bag features a main compartment with 1 inside zip pocket for your phone, wallet and other stuff. It comes with a flat leather handle for easy carrying. The bag gives a wonderfully unique and antique look that enhances with time.
A 100% Goat waxy Leather leather Duffel Gym / Sports / Travel / Cabin Bag with durable horse printed inner cotton lining and antique metal fittings, Size 19" Length x 11" height x 9" Width with sturdy carry handles. Full Length Metal Zipper. Multi utility bag can be used as a travel, picnic, gym and sports bag. Big enough to carry weekend clothing and accessories. This Handmade bag made from finest grade leather hides. The bag gives a wonderfully unique and antique look that enhances with time.
100% genuine Buff VT leather Duffel Gym / Sports / Travel / Cabin Bag with a durable royal elephant printed inner cotton lining and antique metal fittings, Size 19.5" Length x 14.5 " Height x 11.5" Width (INCHES) with sturdy carry handles. Comes with 1 Main Chamber, 2 inner pockets, 1 inner zipper pockets, 1 Outer Zipper pocket. Full-Length Metal Zipper. Detachable, adjustable shoulder strap with shoulder pad. Multi-utility bag can be used as a travel, picnic, gym and sports bag etc. Big enough to carry weekend clothing and accessories.
Cow Leather Laptop Briefcase Messenger Bag is sturdy despite being sleek and light. Ideal for 12-inch laptops, it comes with 1 storage compartment and 1 dedicated laptop space. This bag acts as the perfect accessory to complete your look and make you stand out. Featuring an elegant design, hand stitched, dyed and aged messenger bag is long-lasting, light weight and a fine quality genuine leather product. It has been built with considerably spacious interiors so that you can manage all your belongings easily.
Endurance Trendy Gym Duffle Bag Get ready to experience the ultimate fusion of style and functionality with our Endurance gym/travel duffel bag! This trendy, lightweight duffel bag boasts a spacious interior for all your workout or travel necessities, fortified by a sturdy construction. Quick access zipper pockets on the side and front make for an effortless retrieval of essentials, while a separate shoe compartment keeps your footwear isolated and in pristine condition. The bag also features a detachable, padded shoulder strap that can be adjusted to your comfort. Whether you're headed to the gym, work, or a weekend getaway, the Endurance Duffle Bag has everything you need. DESIGN INSIDE * Trendy & Stylish Gym/Travel Duffel Bag * Premium Twill Fabric Material * Lightweight with Sturdy Construction 1 Center main compartment with Two-way Zipper 1 Front Large Zipper Compartment 1 Front Quick-Access Zipper Pocket 1 Inside Large Netted Mesh Zipper Section with Key Holder * 1 Side Zipper Shoe Compartment * 1 Side Zipper Pocket & 1 Small Side Pocket with Velcro Strap Closure * THE HOLISTIK Branded Detachable & Adjustable Shoulder Strap, with Shoulder * Padding for comfort * Convenient Handles with Wrap Cover for Easy Carrying & Grip Zip Pullers with Bartack High-Quality Polyester Bag lining * Colors: Black * Product Type: Duffel Bag (Gym/Travel/Short Trips). * Capacity: 31 Ltr Size L49 x H24 x W27 * Weight :955gms Designed in the UK
Comet - Wheeler Duffle Bag Unveiling "Comet" the 32-inch Oversized Wheeler Duffel - your ultimate sports, gym, and travel companion. Ideal for both travel and storage, this spacious duffel boasts 2 in-line wheels for seamless maneuverability. With top and bottom grab handles, lifting and carrying become a ease. The rectangle bottom and collapsible construction add versatility to your packing experience. Navigate through any journey with style and convenience, for your adventures with this durable, sized wheeler duffel. * 32 Inch Wheeled Holdall W:82 x H:32.5 x D:33.5 cms(When Folded W:32 x H:33.5 x D:13 cm) * Made with high quality hard wearing and super lightweight polyester material * Large main double zipped compartment, 1 front zip pocket, 1 zip net pocket on side * Adjustable & detachable shoulder strap, sturdy wheeled with protective skids * folds flat when not in use * Volume - 84 litres * Approx, weight 1.2kg