We have around 2000 Canvas bags made with precision and developed with good quality for long lasting and durability. The bags are in different styles like Top Roll on, Round Duffle, Travelers Bag, Flap Bags and No Flap Bags. This material has been used for centuries to make outdoor gear, such as jackets, tents, and backpacks. Get in touch for more details.
Travel in style with our exclusively designed Canvas with Leather Trim Unisex Travel Duffle Bag. Beautifully designed to contain plenty of storage for your travel, this bag will become your ideal travel companion. Perfect for a weekend trip and ideal for gifting. These bags are easily collapsible when not in use. Additional features consist of a small inside zipper pocket, 2 inner pockets, an adjustable/detachable shoulder strap, and padded handles made of leather.
This Messenger bag acts as the perfect accessory to complete your look and make you stand out. Featuring an elegant design, hand stitched canvas messenger bag is long-lasting, light weight and canvas with leather trim product. It shows your personality and style every time you use it. With this bag you can organize your everyday essentials. This stylist Messenger Bag features a main compartment , one padded laptop compartment and a zip pocket. It has also an adjustable shoulder strap that can be slung comfortably across the body.
Carry your everyday essentials in style with this Canvas & Leather trim messenger bag. Made of supper quality fine canvas this bag is high on quality as well as light in weight. The twin handles facilitate effortless and hassle-free portability. This messenger bag also showcases two outer pockets and a metal zipper that allows you to quickly open & close the roomy interior compartment.
Carry your everyday essentials in style with this leather Trim & canvas unisex Laptop Bag. Made of canvas & leather, this laptop bag will retain its quality for years to come. Light in weight, this laptop bag features a very neat and refined finish. this handbag is high on quality as well as light in weight. This handbag also showcases inner pocket and a metal zipper that allows you to quickly open & close the roomy interior compartment.
Travel in style with our exclusively designed Canvas with Leather Trim Unisex Travel Duffle Bag. Beautifully designed to contain plenty of storage for your travel, this bag will become your ideal travel companion. Perfect for a weekend trip and ideal for gifting. These bags are easily collapsible when not in use. Additional features consist of a small inside zipper pocket, an adjustable/detachable shoulder strap, and padded handles made of leather.
Material used 100% cotton and Polyester with available GSM 130 to 310. Can do customized weight as per the customer requirements with different colour combinations. The Canvas bag compliances with organic GOTS certification also available in 100% cotton. The application of this Canvas bags are: Shopping, Fruits packing and other consumable packing or carrying purpose,