High protein wheat flour Product description Wheat flour Top Grade Additives do not add Color White or cream Smell inherent to a wheat flour without strangers odours not musty not moldy Taste inherent to a wheat flour without strangers flavors not sour not the bitter Consistency powder Physicalchemical characteristics Ash 04 Moisture max 135 Falling number sek 300 310 Wet gluten content min 26 Protein min 11 Whiteness 058 060 Nutritive value Energy kcalkJ100g 334 Protein g100g 11115 Carbohydrate g100g 706 Fat g100g 10 113 Heavy metal and mycotoxins it is not detectable Type of packaging 50 kg bags PP Storage and transport conditions dry and room temperature storage Keeps for a minimum of at least 24 months
--Wheat food SPECIFICATIONS--: Wheat soft varieties with gluten: 23% to 26%., The price of the CFD Quality GOST R-52554-2006., Contamination - not detected. , Condition - not warming.,Smell - peculiar to the healthy grain., Color-1 degree discolored., Natural weight (not less than) - 780 g/l. Grain admixture (not more) -5,0%.,Impurity (not more) of -2.0%.,Humidity (not more) - 14%. The mass fraction of gluten-23-26%., Mass fraction of protein (not less) 12.5%., Total vitreous-50%., The number of the fall of (not less) - 270 seconds., Shipping Terms CIF, Payment Methods T\T - L\C. --- Note:--- When requesting a quote about products, please send the company full contact information and registration certificate number (all incomplete emails will be excluded).
Wheat food Protein 11.5 % -- SPECIFICATIONS: -- Soft wheat varieties with gluten: 20 - 22%., The price of the CFD., Quality GOST R-52554-2006., Contamination - not detected., Condition - not warming., Smell - peculiar to the healthy grain.,Color-1 degree discolored., Natural weight (not less than) - 760 g/l. , Grain admixture (not more) -5,0%., Impurity (not more) of -2.0%., Humidity (not more) - 14%.Mass fraction of gluten-20-22%., Shipping Terms CIF, Payment Methods T\T - L\C. --- Note:--- When requesting a quote about products, please send the company full contact information and registration certificate number (all incomplete emails will be excluded).
Wheat food - protein 10 % -- SPECIFICATIONS -- Soft wheat varieties with a gluten: 16 - 19%, GOST R-52554-2006, Contamination - not detected, Condition - not warming., Smell - peculiar to the healthy grain., Color-1 degree discolored., Natural weight (not less than) - 710 g/l.,Grain admixture (max) at 5.0%., Trash impurity (not more) - 2,0%. Humidity (not more) - 14%., Mass fraction of gluten (not less) -16%., Mass fraction of protein (not less) - 10 %., Shipping Terms CIF, Payment Methods T\T - L\C. --- Note:--- When requesting a quote about products, please send the company full contact information and registration certificate number (all incomplete emails will be excluded).
Protein content of 12.5%, Minimum test weight of 77 kg/hl Maximum moisture content of 14% Minimum wet gluten content of 25% Minimum W number of 180 Minimum Hagberg Falling Number of 250 seconds Maximum bug damageof 1.8% Maximum foreign matter content of 2% Wheat 12.5% protein is a type of wheat that is classified based on its protein content. Protein content in wheat is important because it affects the quality of the flour produced from the wheat. The protein content determines the gluten content, which is responsible for the elasticity and structure of dough when making bread or other baked goods. Wheat 12.5% protein is considered a high protein wheat, with a protein content of 12.5% of the weight of the wheat kernel. This is a desirable protein content for making bread because it produces a strong and elastic dough that can hold air pockets during the fermentation process, resulting in a light and fluffy texture. The protein content of wheat can vary depending on the variety of wheat, the growing conditions, and the location where it is grown. Other common protein levels for wheat include 11% and 14% protein content. Farmers and buyers often use protein content as a key factor in determining the price of wheat, as higher protein levels are generally more desirable for certain baking applications.
Test Weight 750 kghl min Moisture max 140 Protein min 115 Wet Gluten min 23 ISO 214151 Falling Number 240 sec min Foreign Matter 2 max No GMO
Test weight min 750 kghl Moisture max 140 Protein min 125 Wet gluten min 24 ISO 214151 Falling number min 250 sec Foreign Matter max 2 No GMO
MILLING WHEAT, HIGH QUALITY FROM RUSSIA or FROM KAZAKHSTAN CROP 2023 Protein: 12,5 % Gluten:: min 26 moisture max. 13% Testweight: 780 g/L Purity: 99% Verpackung LOSE , in Bulk
Category/Model 3rd (very high) Gluten: 25-28% Protein: 14% Falling number: 250-300 sec Impurity: 2% (Numbers based on 2017 harvest). Our wheat is grown and shipped out from Kazakhstan. Lower grade wheat is also available, please contact to discuss. CIF: Russia (Novorossiysk, St. Petersburg, Astrakhan) Delivery by train also available to many other locations such as Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and many more.
We Offer Best Quality Milling Wheat From Russia TEST WEIGHT: Kg / HL: 76,0 WET GLUTEN QUANTITY: 25 % WET GLUTEN QUALITY, IDK GROUP : 75-1 FALL NUMBER, sec: 300 MOISTURE: 11,5 % PROTEIN ON DRY BASIS: 12,5 % PURITY: 98,5 % TOTAL AMOUNT 1,000,000 tons minimum order amount: 12500 tons, 25000 / 30000 mt or more also posssible lomg term contracts welcome WE DELIVER IN THE MEDITERRANEAN, as well as to Africa and Arab countries such as UAE, OMAN, throughout the Middle East and even to Bangladesh