Senna Dry Leaves
Moringa Dry Seeds
Neem oil contains many ingredients that are extremely beneficial to the skin. Some of those ingredients include: fatty acids (EFA) limonoids. It reduces insect feeding and acts as a repellent. It also interferes with insect hormone systems, making it harder for insects to grow and lay eggs. Azadirachtin can also repel and reduce the feeding of nematodes. Other components of neem oil kill insects by hindering their ability to feed.
Fenugreek has benefits for lowering blood sugar levels, boosting testosterone, and increasing milk production in breastfeeding mothers. Fenugreek may also reduce cholesterol levels, lower inflammation, and help with appetite control, but more research is needed in these areas.
Stevia Leaves
Using cumin as a spice increases antioxidant intake, promotes digestion, provides iron, may improve blood sugar control and may reduce food-borne illnesses. Taking higher doses in supplement form has been linked to weight loss and improved blood cholesterol.
Moringa oil is high in antioxidants and fatty acids, making it a moisturizing, anti-inflammatory option for skin, nails, and hair. It can be used in the morning and night, but I only do it at night. When my face is EXTRA dry, I make sure to put it on in the morning and at night. Even for oily skin moringa oil is a great product to use. It can help regulate the oil production from your face and it won't clog your pores. In short, nature selected out the extreme bitterness over time to ensure greater plant use while improving on the plant's ability to heal. That mildly spicy taste is just confirmation that the moringa is about to do some serious work to nourish and heal you!
Turmeric and especially its most active compound, curcumin have many scientifically proven health benefits, such as the potential to improve heart health and prevent against Alzheimer's and cancer. It's a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It may also help improve symptoms of depression and arthritis.
Gymnema Dry Leaves