The fruit is a good source of vitamin C, pectin, calcium, and phosphorous. In India, White Guava is primarily cultivated in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra & Uttar Pradesh.
A. Puree
1. Total Soluble Solids % TSS at 20C : 9 Brix min
2. Acidity (as citric acid) : 0.40- 0.55
3. pH : 3.6 - 4.2
4. Color : Ivory White to Creamish White
5. Packaging :
215 Kgs Aseptic Bag in Drum with polyliner
3.1 kgs A-10 Cans
B. Concentrate
1. Total Soluble Solids % TSS at 20 C : 20 Brix min
2. Acidity (as citric acid) : 0.60- 1.0
3. pH : 3.6- 4.2
4. Color : Ivory White to Creamish White
5. Packaging :
220 Kgs Aseptic Bag in Drum with polyliner
Raspuri Mango
It is one of the best juicing mangoes with a unique flavor (mildly spicy aroma). Its texture is fibreless, and its taste is delightful because of the right balance of sugar and acid.
1. Total Soluble Solids % TSS at 20 C : 15 Brix min
2. Acidity (as citric acid) : 0.60- 1.10
3. pH : 3.6 -4.2
4. Color : Orange Yellow
5. Packaging :
215 Kgs Aseptic Bag in Drum with polyliner
Known as King of Mangoes. Alphonso Mango is known for its unique taste, aroma, flavor & color. Its firm yet fibreless pulp ensures smooth, creamy mango while still maintaining its integrity when cut.
1. Total Soluble Solids % TSS at 20 C : 16 Brix min
2. Acidity (as citric acid) : 0.40 - 0.80
3. pH : 3.6- 4.2
4. Color : Golden Yellow
5. Packaging :
215 Kgs Aseptic Bag in Drum with poly liner
3.1 Kgs A-10 Cans
850 gms A 2 1/2 Cans
Neelam Mango is known for its beautiful shape, taste, and divine floral aroma. This mango is medium in size and oblong shaped with a pointed base and golden yellow color.
A. Puree
1. Total Soluble Solids % TSS at 20 C : 17 Brix min
2. Acidity (as citric acid) : 0.40 -0.80
3. ph : 3.6 - 4.2
4. Color : Golden Yellow
5. Packaging :
215 Kgs Aseptic Bag in Drum with polyliner
B. Concentrate
1. Total Soluble Solids % TSS at 20 C : 28 Brix min
2. Acidity (as citric acid) : 0.60- 1.20
3. pH : 3.6 -4.2
4, Color : Golden Yellow
5. Packaging :
228 Kgs Aseptic Bag in Drum with polyliner with polyliner