Ornamental Fishes are kept in home aquariums, or for aesthetic purposes are considered ornamental fish. These fishes encompass a wide variety of species, of many shapes, sizes, and colors. Ornamental fish are usually kept in tanks or other aquarium systems.
The main ornamental fish species dominating the Sri Lankan export market are Guppy, Neon tetra, Platy, Swordtails, Molly, Angels, Goldfish. Ornamental fish are usually kept in tanks or other aquarium systems. Water quality is extremely important in aquaculture, because the fish are dependent on the caretaker for their health.
The aquarium fish industry in Sri Lanka has become a valuable foreign exchange earner during the past few years. Sri Lankan ornamental fish exports for the international market include locally wild caught marine, brackish-water and freshwater species as well as captive bred freshwater fish. Sri Lanka contributes approximately 1% of the world's demand for ornamental fish. Of the freshwater fish species exported from Sri Lanka, the guppy ranks the highest (67% by number), followed by swordtails, angels, platies and various species of tetras.
The benefits of ornamental fish is attached to nature, stress reliever, mood switcher are just some of the benefits of getting into ornamental fishkeeping, according to a new hobbyist.
Features and Qualities
Diverse Species: Includes a wide range of species, such as bettas, guppies, tetras, angelfish, goldfish, and cichlids.
Vibrant Colors: Renowned for their bright hues and striking patterns that enhance the visual appeal of any aquarium.
Adaptability: Suitable for both beginners and experienced aquarists, with varieties that thrive in different water conditions.
Natural Behavior: Display fascinating behaviors, from schooling and feeding habits to bubble-nest building and unique mating rituals.
Customizable Environments: Can thrive in planted aquariums, nano tanks, or larger decorative aquascapes.
Freshwater Ornamental Fish
Betta Fish (Betta splendens): Known for their long, flowing fins and vibrant colors, bettas are easy to maintain and popular among beginners.
Guppy Fish (Poecilia reticulata): Small and hardy, guppies are loved for their bright tails and ease of care.
Neon Tetras (Paracheirodon innesi): With iridescent blue and red stripes, neon tetras are perfect for community tanks.
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Vera, a leading exporter of high-quality live ornamental fish. I noticed your interest in the aquarium trade and thought we could explore potential collaboration.