N-15 and its labelled compounds 1.USAGE: N-15 labelled compounds as tracer nitrogen atoms are used extensively in various fields, such as agriculture, medicine, pharmacology, biology and chemistry.Various 15N-labelled compounds with different abundance can be produced, and its typical products are list below. Its solid products are in the form of white powder, with a chemical purity of 98--99%. 2.SPECIFICATION: Compound Atom Enrichment Ammonium Bicarbonate(15NH4HCO3) 5%-99% Ammonium Chloride(15NH4CL) 5%-99% Ammonium Dibasic((15NH4)2HPO4) 5%-99% Ammonium Dihydrgen(15NH4H2PO4) 5%-99% Ammonium Hydroxide(15NH4OH) 5%-99% Ammonium Nitrate(NH415NO3,15NH4NO3,15NH415NO3) 5%-99% Ammonium Sulphate((15NH4)2SO4) 5%-99% Calcium Nitrate(Ca(15NO3)2 )5%-99% Potassium Nitrate(K15NO3) 5%-99% Sodium Nitrate(Na15NO3) 5%-99% Sodium Nitrite(Na15NO2) 5%-99% Urea((15NH2)2CO) 5%-99% 3.PACKING: 10g/plastic bottle, 50g/plastic bottle, 500g/plastic bottle
High-purity PFA, one-piece molding without welding. 1.5/15/30ml available, tube diameter and tube length can be customized. Resistant to strong acids and alkalis, with a rotatable stand for easy placement.
Using imported high-purity PFA material, with extremely low background, smooth surface and no adsorption. The cavity is transparent and visible for easy observation. Pagoda condensation design, no water cooling, efficient acid production. Characteristics: 1)High purity acid preparation system anti-corrosion low background 2)Specification: 1L/2L/4L/5L/6L 3)Applicable experiments: semiconductor analysis,isotope analysis,trace element detection experiment 4)Applicable to HCL,HF,HNO3 in laboratory 5)Operating temperature: room temperature 250 6)Translucent and visible, low background, Low blank value of metal elements (Pb or U 0.01 ppd) No dissolution and precipitation.
selenium 74 99.98% purity 5000gm
Lithium hydroxide can be used as developing agent and lubricating oil for spectral analysis The additive of alkaline battery electrolyte can increase the electric capacity by 12 to 15 and increase the service life by 2 to 3 times It can be used as an absorbent for carbon dioxide and can purify the air in submarines The chemical equation is 2LiOHsCO2gLi2CO3sH2Ol It is used to make lithium salt and lithiumbased grease electrolyte of alkaline battery absorption liquid of lithium bromide refrigerator etc used in petroleum chemical industry light industry nuclear industry etc When used in alkaline batteries the aluminum content is not more than 006 and the lead content is not more than 001 It is used as an analytical reagent a photographic developer and also in the manufacture of lithium it is used as a raw material for the preparation of lithium compounds It can also be used in metallurgy petroleum glass ceramics and other industries Lithium hydroxide is mainly consumed for the production of lithium greases A popular lithium grease is lithium stearate which is a generalpurpose lubricating grease due to its high resistance to water and usefulness at both high and low temperatures Carbon dioxide scrubbing Lithium hydroxide is used in breathing gas purification systems for spacecraft submarines and rebreathers to remove carbon dioxide from exhaled gas by producing lithium carbonate and water It is used as a heat transfer medium and as a storagebattery electrolyte It is also used in ceramics and some Portland cement formulations Lithium hydroxide isotopically enriched in lithium7 is used to alkalize the reactor coolant in pressurized water reactors for corrosion control
Supplier: Isotope 74
Buyer: Isotope 74
Supplier: Selenium-74-isotope
Ethyl 3-(furan-2-yl)propanoate is a reactive compound that can be used as a photooxidation sensitizer in organic synthesis. The compound is highly reactive, and has been shown to undergo oxacycles with acetonitrile.