Byadgi chilli, also known as Kaddi chili or Byadagi chili, is a popular variety of chili pepper hailing from the Indian state of Karnataka. It is characterized by its shocking red color, similar to its cousin, the Kashmiri chili. Byadgi chili has a significant heat level, ranging from 50,000 to 100,000 Scoville heat units (SHU), placing it among the extra hot peppers such as Thai pepper and chiltepin In terms of appearance, Byadgi chilli is typically used in its dried form, retaining a rich red color. The chili pod grows to approximately 5 inches in length and tapers to a point. Its skin is wrinkled and curved, a result of aging and the drying process. The name Kadd actually means stick-like, which describes both the length and dried quality of the pepper Standard Specifications for the Byadgi red chilli: Product Name : Byadgi Style : Dried Flavour : Less spicy Color : Red Pungency in SHU ; 8000-15000 (Heat) Colour in AST ; 80-130 Max Length : 10-12% max Breath ; 1.0-1.5 % max Skin : hink Capsaicin content in % : 0.8-1.3 max Pods with Stalks : 1% maximum Broken Chilies : 2% maximum Loose Seeds : 2% maximum Damaged & Discolored pods : 2% maximum Foreign Material : 1% maximum Moisture : 14% maximum Quality : A/C Best Origin : Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India Packing Details : 5,10,15,20,25 & 40 kg Cartoon/Jute/pp Appearance : Fully Wrinkled