Our finest quality C4 Cinnamon grade is a golden brown color in appearance. It has a smooth texture, exquisite smell, and sweet taste like other fine grades. Maximum diameter size of the C4 grade is 16mm This is a highly sought-after grade in the market and popular in the European market. Our finest quality C4 Cinnamon grade is a golden brown color in appearance. It has a smooth texture, exquisite smell, and sweet taste like other fine grades. Maximum diameter size of the C4 grade is 16mm This is a highly sought-after grade in the market and popular in the European market. Sample Contents >>>>> Nutritional values per 100g Energy 900 kcal Total fat 99.96g Saturated 94.62g Trans 0.00g Protein 0.00g Carbohydrates 0.00g Sugar 0.00g Sodium 2.20mg Dietary Fiber 0.00g