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Rehabilitation & orthopedics aids, appliances and allied products such as body belts & braces (abdominal supports, lumbo sacral belt, contoured lumbo sacral belt, ergonomic belt), cervical aids (cervical collar soft, cervical collar hard, cervical collar hard adjustable
& cervical pillow), fracture aids (arm sling, clavicle brace, rib belt, elastic shoulder immobiliser, universal shoulder immobiliser, taylor brace dorso lumber belt, cast shoe), ankle supports (anklet support, ankle binder, vericose vein stockings), knee supports (knee cap, knee cap with hinge, knee brace short, knee brace long, hinged knee brace with open patella), wrist & fore arm products (tennis elbow, wrist brace with thumb, wrist brace with double lock, wrist and forearm splint, thumb spica), finger splints, traction kits, compression garments and walking aid etc..