Product Description : Ruscus is a Traditional Greenery, is well known to be the perfect filler flower for any arrangement due to its long stem, its height and shape but most of all to its deep green. Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : Prices can change according to process and availability. Product origin : Ruscus are grown in Colombia mainly on the Foothills of la Sabana de Bogota and in Rionegro as well. Key Specifications/Special Features : Dark Green Foliage with 3 to 4cm twisted leaf and Very long lasting.Each stem features several laterals, covered in Green Leaves, these leaves are an ideal highlight for any arrangement. Ruscus can also be used as a one Fresh cut Flower Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : Packing by 10 stems per Bunch .Minimum 1qb x 14 bunches
Stem size 60cm
* 50-70 cm
Product Description : A Bouquet is a group of different flowers put together in which Roses are used, foliage, fillers , the Composition of a bouquet changes with the season, holiday or customer request. Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : Bouquets vary in prices according to amoun of stems, type of flowers, length, wrapping and holiday or season Product origin : When arranging bouquets flowers must be from the same exact zone, therefore we have to work with availability upon customers request as well as holidays. Colombia and Ecuador both provide beautiful bouquets and all year round Key Specifications/Special Features : Bouquets Cut Stage is also very important as well as Colors and length it depends mainly upon Customer and Market request. Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : Bouquets packing can be in color sleeves or paper, it is send in Qb or Hb, but quantity of units changes according to the number of stems in bunch as well as length.
Product Description : All chrysanthemums (mums, disbuds, spray poms) can last up to 10 to 12 days, if hydrated them properly with proper temperature Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : Prices depends if new varieties of Fuji Mums example :Anastasia Green have smaller blooms than their white, yellow and lavender ones ,often the bloom diameter is 7cm Cremons should have a minimum bloom size of 8 cm, some novelty disbud varieties may have smaller blooms therefore prices can change Product origin : Crysanthemums are grown Year Round in Colombia, mostly in Rionegro, region located at 2,150 meters (7,050 feet) above sea level, has an average temperature of 17ºC (62.6ºF) year round.This valley is 6 degrees north of the Equatorial line which guarantees a minimum of 12.5 hours of day light throughout the year and annual water precipitation is 2,200 mm. Key Specifications/Special Features : Crysanthemums are avalilable in Single stemmed in standard commercial mum, spider mum and cremon types. Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : Packing :7 or 10 stems per Bunch Minimum 1qb x 14 bunches x 7stems per bunch or 1qb x 10 bunches x 10 stems per bunch
Product Description : Calla Lily is a long lasting bulb flowers, its main caractherisitic therefore highly requested and very popular. Calla Lily cut stages are slightly closed or Open Cut upon request and blooms are left to mature on the stem for a little longer, producing a well developed, stronger bloom structure. Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : Prices can change mainly according to colors, availability but most important to grading standards. Product origin : The most gorgeous and unique tones are grown in Ecuador although Colombia is producing beautiful and elegant Calla Lillies Key Specifications/Special Features : White Calla Lillies are available Available in lengths ranging from 70cm to as tall as 90cm but most of Color varieties are only available in shorter lengths from 30 to 50cm Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : Minimum 1Qb and bunches are 10 stems each. Packing amount depends on length specifications requested and can vary. Open Cut Callas must be very carefully packed to ensure the blooms are sufficiently protected during shipping.
Product Description : Fillers are the perfect complement for adding color and interest to a bouquet, the can be green or colored. They are normally to be used in arrangements with Fresh Cut flowers Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : Prices vary according to the type of filler requested Product origin : Springalways wide varieties of Fillers are grown in Colombia and Ecuador Key Specifications/Special Features : Most common fillers are: Limonium, Solidago, Bells of Ireland, Delpinium, Molucella, Tree Fern, Leather fern Dusty Miller, Daisies, Baby Breath, Plumosa,eucalyptus, Lemon Leaf , Ruscus, Myrtle, among many others. Fillers should be ordered with blooms showing good colour but with no more than 20 % open blooms. Foliage must be dark green and free of blackening. Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : Packing Commonly by 10 stems per Bunch but always depending on the filler.Minimum 1qb
Product Description : Solidago very popular yellow Aster, communly known as one of the September 's Filler perfect Fall Tone Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : Prices may vary according to Availability Product origin : Solidago is grown all Year in Colombia and Ecuador Key Specifications/Special Features : Solidago has new varieties of with unique new colours, shapes and bloom sizes. Sometimes Solidago can be graded only by weight. Make sure you know the stem count of the asters ordered. TIght cut solidago develop and open well in warm water mix with floral preservative.Grading Information : Select .70 cm minimum And Fancy Grade 55 cm minimum Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : Packing :1 qb x 20 bunches x 10 stems and 1hb x 40 bunches x 10 stems Minimum order : 1EB x 10 bunches x 10 stems /bunch
Product Description : Sunflowers Medium are beautiful yellow petals surrounding a dark center flowers. Sometimes are grown as a medium or mini type as well as large and extra large sizes. Ships well very long distances if well hydrate. Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : Prices may vary according to Sizes and availability Product origin : Colombia and Ecuador.Most common Sunflower varieties on today's floral market are Sunbright (Black center) ,Sunrich (Yellow center) and Sunbeam( Green center).Good quality sunflowers must have clean or no foliage. Graded by diameter of center or disc with ranging between 3 and 5 cm Mini and Small grades , 6 to 7 cm Large grades to 9 and 12 cm Extra Large grades. Key Specifications/Special Features : Sunflowers are strong but at the same time have to be very careful with them, when shipping have to ve send tight to avaoid any damage during transport. Sunflowers open very well in 2 to 3 days. Sunflowers are Graded by diameter of center with ranging between 3 and 5 cm Mini and Small grades , 6 to 7 cm Large grades to 9 and 12 cm Extra Large grades. when open completely blooms will be approx twice the size as the center disc. Sunflower foliage tent to damage therefore it has to be shipped completely dry and healthy. Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : Minimum QB Bunched by 5 or 10 stems. Minimum stem length 60cm. Maximum 80+cm
Product Description : All disbuds, can last up to 10 to 12 days, if hydrated them properly with proper temperature Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : Prices vary according to colors, availability and market Product origin : Disbuds are grown Year Round in Colombia, mostly in Rionegro, region located at 2,150 meters (7,050 feet) above sea level, has an average temperature of 17ºC (62.6ºF) year round.This valley is 6 degrees north of the Equatorial line which guarantees a minimum of 12.5 hours of day light throughout the year and annual water precipitation is 2,200 mm. Key Specifications/Special Features : Single stemmed disbudded mums available in standard commercial mum, spider mum and cremon types.Disbuds should meet minimum grading standards at all time to be a good quality Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : Packing :7 or 10 stems per Bunch Minimum 1qb x 14 bunches x 7stems per bunch or 1qb x 10 bunches x 10 stems per bunch
Product Description : Eucalyptus is a specialty Green come in a variety of shades and structures as well as interesting leaf shapes and Heavily scented grey and or green foliage, depending the Variety. Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : Prices vary according to the type of Eucaliptus requested but often range pricing is affordable Product origin : Eucaliptus is grown Year in Colombia and at with a short space in Ecuador Key Specifications/Special Features : Eucalyptus depending the variety has round to heart shaped leaves plus a very strong pleasant aroma. It can also be dried or preserved for longer life. Length is .50cm to 100 cm and graded as follows: Bouquet: 60cm, 20 stems x bunch Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : Packing Commonly by 10 stems per Bunch but always depending on the length. Minimum 1qb
Product Description : Roses are a popular and Gorgeous Cut Flower. Roses are harvested and cut when in bud, hydrate and held in the cooler until ready for distribution. In Colombia and Ecuador roses are grown under cover or greenhouses to protect the flowers from wind, bad weather, disease and pest Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : Prices upon request, depend on Availability, Variety, stem Length x cm as .40cm-.50cm-60cm-.70cm-80cm-90cm-1mt and Market. Prices can also vary according if a Standing Order or Weekly Order Product origin : Roses grown in Ecuador all Year Long. Ecuador is located on the equator. Therefore,Roses grown in Ecuador all Year Long. Ecuador is located on the equator. Therefore ... Roses grown in Ecuador have a larger growing cycle. Another benefit to roses grown in Ecuador is the elevation which result on Bigger head Roses.. Key Specifications/Special Features : Roses are harvested, selected with a strict quality control, cut according by stem length, verifying head sizes which must be even by variety in each bunch, placed on farm sleeve and insert protective cardboard insert then proceed to hours of hydration before packing in boxes to be placed in the cooler to maintain the cool chain Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : Minimum Order Size 1 qb x 4 bunches or 5 depending on length 1hb x 14Bunches /16 Bunches/ 18 Bunches /20 Bunches
Product Description : Hydrangeas are well known Flowers, grown in a wide variety of tones and sizes. The color of individual varieties can change considerably depending on season,weather, growing region, acidity and soil. Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : Pricing depends on Grade : Mini 9-12 cm bloom with a 60cm stem. Regular: 12-15cm bloom with a 60cm bloom stem. Select: 16-18cm bloom with a 60cm stem. Premium : 18-20cm bloom with a 60cm stem. Extra : 22-24cm bloom with 60cm stem. Jumbo : 25+cm bloom with a 60cm stem. Product origin : Pricing depends on Grade : Mini 9-12 cm bloom with a 60cm stem. Regular: 12-15cm bloom with a 60cm bloom stem. Select: 16-18cm bloom with a 60cm stem. Premium : 18-20cm bloom with a 60cm stem. Extra : 22-24cm bloom with 60cm stem. Jumbo : 25+cm bloom with a 60cm stem. Key Specifications/Special Features : White Hydrangeas are often tinted to provide colors which are not produce naturally. There are two different process of coloring : Spray Painting process and Absorption. Hydrangeas drink lots of water therefore have to be hydrated at all times and do not like metal containers, therefore only Glass containers should be used for Hydrangeas. Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : Packing Specifications according to Grade : Mini Packed by 40 or 60 stems - Regular Packed by 50 stems - Select Packed by 40 stems - Premium Packed by 30 stems - Extra Packed by 30 stems - Jumbo Packed by 16 stem. Minimum Order for Hydrangeas is a QB, are also packed in HB
Product Description : Gypsophila known as Baby Breath is a Fresh Cut flower which has different uses depending on the variety. It can be used a Cut Flower but most frequently used in flower arrangements such as bouquets. Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : Prices Change depending on Variety and Grade normally from .50cm to .70cm Product origin : Ecuador is a very Important producer of Gypsophila with the latest varieties in Market. Colombia also produces but less varieties Key Specifications/Special Features : Gypsophila or Baby Breath varieties are:Mirabella, Fun Time, Xlence, New Love (Substitution of Million Stars), Perfecta, Overtime and Double Time. Gypsophila must be post harvest treated with Silver Thiosulphate supplies (STS) to prolong its vase life. All Gypsophilia must be sleeved with perforated plastic sleeves for proper beathing of the flower. Must be kept cold and dry, without any exposure to heat or high humidity without this attention brown blooms will appear causing damage during transportation. Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : Minimum 1Qb . Bunches Grades are Premium 5 to 9 stems -70cm minimum. Extra 10 stems - 65cm minimum. Select 15 stems - 60cm minimum. Bouquet18 to 20 stems - 50cm minimum . Also Grms are important and can be 280-500-750-1000 grams depending on market or request. Packing depends on length specifications requested and can vary. Bunches must be free of brown blooms.
Product Description : Alstroemeria is one of the most beautiful Fresh Cut Flowers on today's Floral Market. It is colorful, bright and strong. Can be arrange alone or with other Fresh Cut Flowers but will never lose her beauty. Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : Prices may vary according to Availability,Grading and Tone Product origin : Alstroemeria In Colombia is grown at foothills of la Sabana de Bogota where micro climate is different area due to higher rainfall averages, lower sunlight levels and cooler mid days. These caractheristics bloom Alstroemria Flowers deeply colorful and strong. In the other hand Ecuador Alstroemria Greehouses are located Key Specifications/Special Features : Alstroemeria come in orange, pink, rose, purple, red, yellow, white or salmon Tones, some bicolors but never striped petals. Alstroemeria blooms when weather similar to late spring to early summer, if very hot weather will stop producing flowers or blooming. Alstroemeria have a vase life of about two weeks and have no fragrance. Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : Alstroemeria Packing Specifications: Bunches x Hb: Perfection 16 / Premium 18 / Select 22 / Fancy 28 Bunches x Qb: Perfection 14/ Premium 10 / Select 12 / Fancy 16
Springalways Carnation and Spray Carnation
Product Description : Roses are harvested at 4 different cut stages (Head openning) and this depends on the Market: American 2.5 to 3 ,European 3 to 3.5, Russian 3.5 to 4, Asian : different openning according to Customer Product origin : Environmentally, Colombia has ideal growing conditions for any variety of Fresh Cut Flowers, especially the Sabana zone all year round. Contributing factors of the altitude, rain, daily sunshine includes fertile soil, access to water, and a mild climate. The Sabana of Bogota outside the Andean foothills host many floriculture farms, as many years ago very important Indian Cultures who adore the Sabana weather and land fertility. Key Specifications/Special Features : Springalways Roses and all Fresh Cut Flowers are selected from only the most healthy plants, harvested with the best narrowest quality control and post-harvest techniques, packaged with the highest quality packing resources Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : Roses bunches can be arrange of 25 stems or 20 stems depending on Customer or Market Request
Product Description : Tinted roses are a special order item. After the order receieved, Vendela Roses are harvested, they undergo a unique tinting process to create the color or colors requested. A minimum of 10–12 days to process your TINTED ROSE ORDER Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : Tinted roses are a special order item. After the order receieved, Vendela Roses are harvested, they undergo a unique tinting process to create the color or colors requested. A minimum of 10–12 days to process your TINTED ROSE ORDER Product origin : Tinted Roses can be send from Colombia as well as From Ecuador Key Specifications/Special Features : Springalways Tnted Roses are selected from the most healthy Vendela Plants, harvested with the best care quality control and post-harvest techniques, tinted with the best tints in market and hydrated intensely for Natural Results Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : Tinted Roses can be arrange as a Single stem, 20 Stems bunch or 25 stems Bunch depending on Customer or Market Request. Are packed in Minimum 1 Qb or hb and bunches according to stem length
Product Description : The Cattleya is the flower for which Colombian Orchids are known worldwide. Orchids are Colombia's National Flower and has the largest number of orchids in the world. Near 4000 orchids species grow in the Colombian Andes. Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : Pricing Unique Orchids is difficult because depends in many factors but mainly at Habitat and species. In order to help protect the species Buyers should always make sure their orchid seller is certified. Product origin : Orchids Habitat are the three major mountain Andes ranges, there is a diverse variety of orchids. Different types in different altitude, from sea level to three-thousand meters high. Key Specifications/Special Features : Orchids of different colors, shapes, textures and sizes flourish in almost the entire country, blooming three to six months out of the year depending on the type.Orchids can survive up to 100 years, blooming three to six months out of the year depending on the specie, also shape, size and texture of leaves depend on their habitat. Orchids that live in dry climate have thick leaves covered with wax, while species that live in warm and humid areas have thin, extended leaves. Some species do not have leaves at all. Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : Packing is Totally different and depends on specie, it is also for Wrapping and Boxes sizes. Minimum 1bx
Product Description : Dendrobium Orchids are named from Greek Tree Life because Dendros are naturally epiphyte (can grow on top of another plant without soil and on or trees. Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : Prices can change mainly due to Tone, Variety and Size Product origin : Dendro Orchids are mainly Grow in Thailand but starting to grow them in Colombia and Ecuador but with very low availability although starting to pick up Key Specifications/Special Features : Dendro Orchids, must be stored at 15 to 17 degrees celsius foe best vase life results. The fragilest varieties are White and Green if rainy season approches, they can be subject to poor quality and bud yellowing. Dendro Pinks and Dark Purple are stronger plants and occasionally give quality problems. Dendro grading is by Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : Packing is normally shipped sleeved with water picks to have them drink water and are normally bunched by 10 stems unless requested differently. Minimum 1bx