Product Description :
Roses are a popular and Gorgeous Cut Flower. Roses are harvested and cut when in bud, hydrate and held in the cooler until ready for distribution. In Colombia and Ecuador roses are grown under cover or greenhouses to protect the flowers from wind, bad weather, disease and pest
Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) :
Prices upon request, depend on Availability, Variety, stem Length x cm as .40cm-.50cm-60cm-.70cm-80cm-90cm-1mt and Market. Prices can also vary according if a Standing Order or Weekly Order
Product origin :
Roses grown in Ecuador all Year Long. Ecuador is located on the equator. Therefore,Roses grown in Ecuador all Year Long. Ecuador is located on the equator. Therefore ...
Roses grown in Ecuador have a larger growing cycle. Another benefit to roses grown in Ecuador is the elevation which result on Bigger head Roses..
Key Specifications/Special Features :
Roses are harvested, selected with a strict quality control, cut according by stem length, verifying head sizes which must be even by variety in each bunch, placed on farm sleeve and insert protective cardboard insert then proceed to hours of hydration before packing in boxes to be placed in the cooler to maintain the cool chain
Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details :
Minimum Order Size 1 qb x 4 bunches or 5 depending on length
1hb x 14Bunches /16 Bunches/ 18 Bunches /20 Bunches
Product Description : Garden Roses are also known as English Garden Roses or Traditional Garden Rose Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : Prices are higher than most Conventional Fresh Cut Flowers. Although availability is all year round, varieties and tone var according to season Product origin : Beautiful Deluxe Garden Roses and David Austin Wedding Roses are grown in Colombia Key Specifications/Special Features : Garden Roses have many highlights such as delicious aromas, beautiful forms, unique colors and exquisite scents but they have a very short vase life comparing to the hybrid varieties. Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : Garden Roses should be prebooked 4 weeks in advance of shipping date. Garden Roses are packed in hb and quantity according to the head size. Length is between 30cm to 60cm. Vase life 3 to 7 days maximum
Product Description : Roses are harvested at 4 different cut stages (Head openning) and this depends on the Market: American 2.5 to 3 ,European 3 to 3.5, Russian 3.5 to 4, Asian : different openning according to Customer Product origin : Environmentally, Colombia has ideal growing conditions for any variety of Fresh Cut Flowers, especially the Sabana zone all year round. Contributing factors of the altitude, rain, daily sunshine includes fertile soil, access to water, and a mild climate. The Sabana of Bogota outside the Andean foothills host many floriculture farms, as many years ago very important Indian Cultures who adore the Sabana weather and land fertility. Key Specifications/Special Features : Springalways Roses and all Fresh Cut Flowers are selected from only the most healthy plants, harvested with the best narrowest quality control and post-harvest techniques, packaged with the highest quality packing resources Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : Roses bunches can be arrange of 25 stems or 20 stems depending on Customer or Market Request
Product Description : Tinted roses are a special order item. After the order receieved, Vendela Roses are harvested, they undergo a unique tinting process to create the color or colors requested. A minimum of 10–12 days to process your TINTED ROSE ORDER Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : Tinted roses are a special order item. After the order receieved, Vendela Roses are harvested, they undergo a unique tinting process to create the color or colors requested. A minimum of 10–12 days to process your TINTED ROSE ORDER Product origin : Tinted Roses can be send from Colombia as well as From Ecuador Key Specifications/Special Features : Springalways Tnted Roses are selected from the most healthy Vendela Plants, harvested with the best care quality control and post-harvest techniques, tinted with the best tints in market and hydrated intensely for Natural Results Minimum Order Size and Packgaing details : Tinted Roses can be arrange as a Single stem, 20 Stems bunch or 25 stems Bunch depending on Customer or Market Request. Are packed in Minimum 1 Qb or hb and bunches according to stem length